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- #8430
- @001 Enter the name of the property owner:
- @002 Enter the name of the vending machine operator:
- @843 Enter the items which may be vended:
- @844 Enter the starting date for the license:
- @845 Enter the ending date for the license:
- !200 Enter limits for required insurance coverage in numerals:
- #8431/#8432 The rental will be:
- a percentage of sales
- a fixed amount
- #if#8431
- @846 Enter percentage as a numeral of sales given to owner:
- @847 Enter percentage as a numeral of sales given to vendor:
- @100/@100/@100 Rental will be paid:
- weekly
- monthly
- #endif
- #if#8432
- !848 Enter the rental per machine in numerals:
- @840/@840/@840 Rental will be paid:
- weekly
- monthly
- #endif
- #8433
- @101/@101 Installation of utilities will be paid for by:
- @102/@102 Utility charges will be paid for by:
- #end control section
- #8430
- /* Para. 8430: Vending machine agreement */
- @001, referred to as OWNER, and @002, referred to as VENDOR,
- agree:
- VENDOR may place vending machines for the sale of the following
- items within the premises of OWNER:
- @843
- with locations to be mutually agreed upon within the premises of
- OWNER. OWNER may require on reasonable notice that VENDOR move
- machines within the premises of OWNER. This license shall begin
- on @844 and conclude on @845.
- VENDOR shall pay any license fees or taxes imposed on the
- operation of the machines.
- VENDOR shall maintain the machines in good working order and
- regularly maintain and clean the same so that they do not detract
- from the appearance of the business premises of OWNER. OWNER may
- terminate this license and require that VENDOR remove the
- machines in the event that the machines are unsightly or
- malfunction and reasonably detract from the OWNER's reputation.
- VENDOR shall obtain insurance coverage in a minimum amount of $
- @200 (!200 dollars) through an insuror licensed to offer such
- insurance for bodily injury and property damage. VENDOR shall
- indemnify OWNER from all liabilities related to or arising out of
- the use of the machine.
- #8431
- /* Para. 8431: Split of proceeds */
- In consideration of the license to place the machines on the
- premises of the OWNER, the gross sums collected from the
- machine's operation shall be split as follows:
- @846% to OWNER
- @847% to VENDOR
- Accountings and payments shall be made @100.
- OWNER, or its representative shall be entitled to audit the books
- and records of VENDOR to determine the accuracy of the
- accountings.
- #8432
- /* Para. #8432: Fixed rental */
- In consideration of the license to operate the machines, a rental
- of $ @848 (!848 dollars) per machine shall be paid @840 to VENDOR.
- #8433
- /* Para. 8433 Hookups and end */
- Any water or other utility service required for the machines
- shall be installed at the expense of @101. The charges for any
- water or other utility service required for the machines shall be
- paid for by @102.
- Dated: _________________________________________
- _____________________________________________
- @001
- _____________________________________________
- @002