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- Thank you for your interest in JEPRS. Before doing
- anything else, please read the following document.
- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ How to get started with JEPRS 2.5 ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝
- I. What is JEPRS?
- JEPRS is a specialized database system used to store,
- retrieve, format, and search for references to the (scientific)
- literature. JEPRS can be used by anyone needing easy access
- to references to books, journals, abstracts, magazines, and
- other literature.
- II. What's on these disks.
- You should find a total of 19* files. Below is a list of
- those files and a short description of their use:
- (*--If you are a registered user of JEPRS, then you will have 20
- files and 2 FREE packages: the extra file is JConvert.Exe which
- allows you to convert your version 1.xx Format files to a Config File.
- The two extra packages are Med2Go and Peruse. Med2Go is a FREE
- MedLine file interconversion utility, while Peruse is an excellent
- mouse-compatible file viewing utility. See below for more descrip-
- tions of each of these packages.
- ReadMe.Doc : The file you are reading now; it contains the
- most basic information for starting JEPRS, as
- well as a complete list of the files.
- Vendor.Doc : A file that must be read by anyone who wishes
- to distribute JEPRS, such as vendors.
- Sysop.Doc : Same as Vendor.Doc, except for BBS Sysops.
- File_Id.Diz : Special file for BBS Sysops.
- WhatsNew.Doc: A short description of the newest features for
- version 2.5 of JEPRS.
- WhyJEPRS.Doc: A text file that explains why you should consider
- using JEPRS instead of any other program.
- JEPRS.Exe : This is the JEPRS program itself; entering
- "JEPRS" at the DOS prompt ("C:>") starts the
- program.
- JEPRS.Doc : The User's Guide to JEPRS. This is the main
- documentation file for the program.
- JEPRS.Hlp : Contains the text for JEPRS's context-
- sensitive help screens. If JEPRS can't find
- this file when it is running, you will not be
- able to get help by pressing the F1 key.
- Ref1.JPR : A sample database file for JEPRS. It contains
- the actual text of the database.
- Ref1.JPK : The "key" file that goes along with the
- Ref1.JPR database file. YOU CANNOT USE A
- JEPRS.Cfg : A sample Config file that contains the
- formatting instructions for 30 format styles,
- printer control codes for 5 printers,
- directory and file name information, and
- user-specified Global and local Defaults.
- JEPRS.Txt : Sample text file. Since you cannot directly
- access the database using the DOS Type
- command, JEPRS allows you to enter selected
- references into an ASCII/DOS text file. You
- can use DOS's Type and Print commands on these
- text files.
- JEPRS.Num : This is a sample "number" file. It is really
- a normal ASCII/DOS text file, but consists of
- nothing but numbers of references. JEPRS can
- create this file (for example, in a Search)
- and then use its contents during formatting
- (on the Format screen).
- ProComm.Log : A sample MedLine-formatted file. This can be
- used in the Utilities/Import File Menu to add a
- MedLine-formatted file to the database. (This
- is probably only of interest to biomedical
- researchers & clinicians who use MedLine-
- formatted files.)
- Order.Doc : This is an order form for registering your use
- of JEPRS. You should print this file on your
- printer and then fill out the information
- requested. Remember, JEPRS is shareware, it is
- not free software! Thanks for your support.
- Site_Lic.Doc: This file contains information on bulk pricing
- and site licenses for JEPRS. If you plan on
- ordering more than one copy of JEPRS, look at
- this file to save money.
- JEPRS.Ico : A Microsoft Windows 3.0 Program Manager icon
- file for JEPRS. This allows you to double click
- on JEPRS' icon in the Program Manager, and auto-
- matically start up JEPRS. See the User's Guide
- (JEPRS.Doc): Chapter Two: Setting Up JEPRS,
- Starting JEPRS, Running Under Microsoft Windows,
- for information on installing this icon in the
- Program Manager.
- ASP.Ico : This is an alternative icon that you can use for
- the Program Manager (see JEPRS.Ico, above). This
- is an icon for programs by ASP (Association of
- Shareware Professionals) authors.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- The following items are provided to Registered Users Only!
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- JConvert.Exe: A conversion utility for making JEPRS version 1.xx
- Format Files into JEPRS version 2.xx Config Files.
- You only need this program if you previously used
- version 1.00, 1.10, or 1.11 of JEPRS.
- M2G.Exe : The latest versions of Med2Go, a MedLine file
- translation utility. This program is of most use
- for biomedical scientists, students, and
- clinicians. This is a self-extracting file that
- will decompress into the entire Med2Go package,
- including full documentation and a Microsoft
- Windows 3.0 icon. It includes both DOS and
- Windows version of Med2Go.
- Peruse1.Exe &
- Peruse2.Exe : A free file viewing utility. If you want to look
- at any text file, just type "Peruse <filename>"
- at the DOS prompt (C:>). This program is provided
- free of charge, courtesy of Bob Falk, a fellow
- ASP member. (He produces EasyFormat, an easy-to-use
- floppy disk formatting program.) These are self-
- extracting files that decompress into the entire
- Peruse package. You might want to use the "ASP.Ico"
- file provided with JEPRS to provide a Windows 3.0
- icon for this program in the Program Manager.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- III. Starting JEPRS.
- If you're ready to try out JEPRS right away, just copy the
- following files to a fresh floppy disk or to a single directory
- on your hard disk:
- Ref1.JPR
- Ref1.JPK
- Then enter "JEPRS" at the DOS prompt and follow the
- instructions on the screen. Note that you can press the [F1]
- function key to get help whenever you see "[F1]=Help" on the
- bottom of the screen (almost all the time). If you are starting
- up JEPRS for the first time on a laptop or desktop computer with
- a single color screen (such as amber, green, or paper white)
- you'll want to start JEPRS with the "/a" switch, which tells the
- program to use black and white mode. In this case, you would start
- JEPRS like this: JEPRS /a
- IV. What do I do Next?
- After you get over your initial excitement of the wonderful
- features of JEPRS, you should go through the User's Guide
- provided. This is a file called JEPRS.Doc. (For registered users,
- this is the printed documentation that you received.) You should
- especially read Chapter 2: Setting Up JEPRS, Chapter 3: The Main
- Menu, Chapter 4: Help, and Chapter 5: Quick-Start Tutorial. The
- rest can be read at your leisure. You can print out this file
- on your printer by either of two methods:
- 1. Enter "Copy JEPRS.Doc Prn" at the DOS prompt
- . . . or . . .
- 2. Enter "Print JEPRS.Doc" at the DOS prompt
- and then press [Enter] if asked "Name of print
- device?".
- V. Technical Assistance.
- Don't understand a particular feature of the program? Can't
- get JEPRS to work with your computer? You can get assistance by
- contacting the author by CompuServe Mail (73567,471) or by US Mail:
- Louis M. Miranda
- 400 Selby Avenue #301
- St. Paul, MN 55102
- If you cannot contact me at the above address, please contact me
- through the Association of Shareware Professionals:
- Executive Director
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- VI. Compatibility.
- JEPRS is 100% compatible with the following operating systems:
- MS-DOS version 2.0 and above
- PC-DOS version 2.0 and above
- DR-DOS version 5.0 and above
- OS/2 version 2.0 and above
- JEPRS is 100% compatible with the following operating shells:
- Microsoft Windows version 3.0 and above
- JP Software's 4DOS
- Symantec's Norton Utilities NDOS
- Please note:
- On JEPRS' Main Menu, it reports the "DOS Version" in the right
- column. The correct version is reported with all versions of MS-DOS
- and PC-DOS. When running under DR-DOS version 5.0 or 6.0, JEPRS will
- report "3.31" as the version number--do not be alarmed, this is
- correct! DR-DOS reports "3.31" to all programs that request the infor-
- mation for compatibility reasons.
- Likewise, OS/2 reports the DOS version as "20.0" and this is
- what JEPRS displays when running in a DOS window in OS/2. This is the
- correct behavior.
- Thank you,
- Lou Miranda
- JEPRS shareware author
- Member, Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
- Jeepers for Windows is NOW AVAILABLE! If your favorite shareware
- vendor doesn't have Jeepers for Windows, you can order the
- shareware version from us. Send $5 for an evaluation disk
- (specify 3.5" or 5.25") to:
- Lou Miranda
- 400 Selby Avenue #301
- St. Paul, MN 55102