Byte OS/2 Programmer's Cookbook
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Advanced OS/2 Programming
Errata and Supplementary Information
March 21, 1989
This document lists the known errors in the 1st Printing of Advanced
OS/2 Programming as of March 21, 1989, as well as certain
supplementary information related to OS/2 version 1.1 that was not
known by me at the time the book went to press.
You can tell which printing you own by looking at the reverse of the
second title page (the first line on the page is "PUBLISHED BY."
About two-thirds of the way down the page, just after the line
"Printed and bound in the United States of America," there is a
series of numbers. The first number on the line is the number of the
printing. For instance, in the first printing, the line says
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FGFG 3 2 1 0 9 8
In the second printing, the line will say
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FGFG 3 2 1 0 9 8
and so on.
Page 16, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line, "OS2DOS.COM" should be "OS2KRNL"
Page 24, second from last line on the page, delete the words
"(Figure 2-10)"
in that line, they make no sense here since Figure 2-10 is the
memory map for a protected mode-ONLY system.
Page 36, caption for figure 4-7, "SCLIBC.LIB" should be "SLIBC.LIB"
Page 74, 5th paragraph (just below the italic paragraph that begins
with "Note"), REMOVE Ctrl-Break from the list in the second sentence.
Page 81, program listing in figure 5-7, insert the line
kaction dw 0 ; receives DosOpen action
after the 2nd line of the listing (i.e. between the declaration of
the 'khandle' and 'oldmode' variables).
Page 102, under the second full paragraph, art department lost some
stuff here, it should read
<Esc>[s save cursor position
<Esc>[u restore cursor to saved position
(added 2/6/89)
Page 104, third line under "Miscellaneous Functions" in figure 6-6,
VioScrLock should have a double-dagger, not a single-dagger.
Page 107, figures 6-9 and 6-10, art department got the two figures
backwards. The diagram in figure 6-9 belongs to figure 6-10 and vice
Page 162, 1st paragraph, 2nd line, delete the words
"and the DUMP.DEF file (Figure 8-13)"
because the .DEF file is not needed for the C version of the program.
Page 195, last line of the paragraph under the heading "Reserved
Area", "page 196" should be "page 192"
Page 201, the first three words on the page "Fixed Disk Partitions"
are supposed to be the page heading. This was OK on galleys, don't
know what happened to it!
Page 202, figure 10-10, the solid line around the byte at 01BFH
should properly also include the byte at 01BEH, since the first
partition entry is bytes 01BEH through 01CDH.
(added 2/7/89)
Page 215, art for figure 11-6 should be modified as follows:
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | -- shareable with
| | | | DosGiveSeg
| | | |
| | | ----- shareable with
| | | DosGetSeg
| | |
| | -------- discardable
| |
| ----------- if shareable, may
| be reduced in size
| (version 1.1)
----------------------------- reserved
The "may be reduced in size" meaning of bit 3 is the only thing new
here. This description for bit 3 first turned up in the IBM Tech Ref
for OS/2 1.1. We didn't have any information about this prior to
receiving the final printed Tech Ref, unfortunately.
Page 220, 2nd paragraph under the subhead "Discardable Segments", 3rd
sentence: the current versions of OS/2 (1.0 and 1.1) do NOT discard
segments before swapping nondiscardable segments; the two types are
lumped together and discarded or swapped on an LRU basis. This may
change in future versions however.
Page 233, last paragraph, 1st sentence, the situation with
DosKillProcess is actually somewhat more complex than the description
here. A DosKillProcess issued against any SPECIFIC process ID (i.e.
with the "action code" = 1) will work regardless of whether or not
the target process is "orphaned." However, a DosKillProcess with
action code = 0 will ignore descendant processes that are orphaned.
Page 240, 2nd full paragraph (starting with "The pathname must..."),
REPLACE the last two sentences of this paragraph with the following
"In OS/2 version 1.0, the initial process in a session inherits
an empty environment, and its current disk and directory are
the root directory of the boot drive. In OS/2 version 1.1,
the environment, current disk, and current drive of the first
process in a new session are under the control of the parent
Page 240, last paragraph on the page, first sentence, change "The
other parameters..." to "Other parameters..."
Page 244, 4th full paragraph on the page, 4th line, change
"... search for EXE, COM, and BAT files..."
"... search for COM, EXE, and CMD files..."
Page 288, third bulleted item, change
"Each record in a queue is a separately allocated..."
"Each record in a queue can be a separately allocated..."
Page 298, figure 13-14, 5th line of the listing (not counting blank
lines), an important comma got dropped! The line should look like:
"(unsigned, int), unsigned long far *, unsigned far *, int, int);"
Page 303, last line on the page, change
"...because they have a special call gate that..."
"...because they reside in segments with a special
attribute that lets..."
Page 320, figure 15-4, 5th line of the listing,
"cseg" should be "csec"
(this doesn't really affect anything in the listing luckily)
Page 364, figure 17-14, the info for 8" disks (which is for
historical interest only) got all confused here. It should be
0FDH 8", 2-sided, single-density
0FEH 8", 1-sided, single-density
8", 1-sided, double-density
Yes, it is strange that they assigned the same medium ID byte to
both single- and double-density 1-sided 8" disks. But that's the
facts. The disk driver was expected to try and read a new disk
in double-density first, then fall back to single-density if the
read failed.
Page 392, last paragraph, if you use the sequence VerifyAccess then
Lock as described here, you must be sure to use the non-blocking form
of the Lock call. This is because when you use the blocking Lock,
you are explicitly allowing the possibility of a context switch, so
the result of the previous VerifyAccess call could become invalid
before the Lock operation completes. Alternative strategies would be
either (1) blocking-Lock then VerifyAccess, or (2) VerifyAccess,
blocking-Lock, then reconfirm the VerifyAccess.
Page 490, last little grey box on the left, "functions" is misspelled
(added 2/6/89)
Page 502, entry for DosAllocHuge, in description of the 5th parameter,
replace the line
"3-15 Reserved (0)"
"3 If segment is shared, it may be reduced in size
with DosReallocHuge (version 1.1 and later)
4-15 Reserved (0)"
(added 2/6/89)
Page 503, entry for DosAllocSeg, in description of the 3rd parameter,
replace the line
"3-15 Reserved (0)"
"3 If segment is shared, it may be reduced in size
with DosReallocSeg (version 1.1 and later)
4-15 Reserved (0)"