Blackhawk for Windows 95 1997 June
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Blackhawk Shareware for Windows 95 CDROM, JUNE 1997. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Miscellaneous Utilities
path: \disc1\utility\misc
32ml2.zip MegaLoad 2.0: Tests the system stability
95bootr5.zip Boot into multiple configs & prev DOS versions
95logo2.zip WinLogo: Organize and manage your logo files
addapp.zip Auto Add Applications to your desktop
alt35b.zip Almanac PIM
amem10.zip EZ Macros v1.0: Macro recorder for Win95 & NT
bench32.zip System level benchmarking program
bob_j30x.zip BOBBY: File managing shell
bput95s.zip Barry Press utilities for Windows 95
btimer11.zip Keeps track of program usage
cardorga.zip Card Organizer v1.0:Windows 95 CardFile
cfgback.zip BackUp CFG file for WIN-95 Multi-Config
chgext30.zip Change Extension for Win95
clckr12a.zip 32 bit mouse button programmer
cline95.zip Command Line95 v1.1
clipbk.zip Clipbook Viewer Utility for Windows 95
clipfl11.zip Copy paths of objects in Explorer to clipboard
clkdwn40.zip Shut down Win95 fast from a task bar icon
cmd68b.zip WinOne super command shell v6.8b for Win95/NT
con97.zip Con97 v2.0: Boot up Menu for Windows
cons101.zip Unix-like console utilities for Win32
cpu_mon.zip Displays graphical display of CPU Usage
crowd.zip Crowd Control: Manage multiple users - EVAL
dlms10b.zip Document List Mgt System add-on for start
dm131.zip Enhance Multi-Config Startup
doclimit.zip Limit 'Recent Documents' on the Start Btn
docman16.zip Extensions to Win95 Start/Document Folder
dosexp11.zip DOS Prompt addition to Explorer
drvext.zip Adds win95 drive tools to drive icon. (German)
dshlx100.zip DShellEx v1.0 Explorer/shell extension
eh131.zip Free reminder utility with many options
ezxit14b.zip Win95 Shutdown and Restart utility
findfldr.zip Opens explorer window with part of folder name
fmv95.zip FmView: Extend Windows 95 explorer
fonrev2.zip FontReview 2.01: View/Print/Install - Win95/NT
fontchr1.zip FontChart 1.0: Big charmap 32bit
glm100.zip GEdi Logo Manager: Win95 action screen manager
gmouse20.zip Record Windows 95 mouse events for playback
greenpc.zip GreenPC v1.0: Power management for Windows 95
greprg10.zip Recursively search for a string on registry
hysnp278.zip Screen Capture for Win95/NT
icnb32en.zip Application Launcher for Win 95, English
icnb32fr.zip Application Launcher for Win 95, French
iconcorl.zip The Icon Corral: Hide pesky minimized windows
ifa400b2.zip Instant File Access for Windows 95
impvw222.zip Imp Virtual Windows Manager ver 2.22
ispy242.zip InfoSpy: finger, whois, ph, etc
joycc.zip The Joystick Control Centre
killrcnt.zip Kill Recent 1.0 for Windows 95
kyx95120.zip Windows 95 keyboard macro utiltity
lfnsnow.zip Use long file names with Windows 3.x programs
lifesavr.zip Save/Restore Win95 Configurations
lookout2.zip v1.10 Task manager & scheduler w/notification
makman95.zip Automatically run appropriate programming
masq10.zip Masquerade: Applet for changing & randomizing
mdf150.zip Produce and apply patches to your system
mem_101.zip Memory Monitor: Monitor Load/Phys/Virtual Mem
mem_mon.zip Displays graphical display of Memory Usage
memstat.zip Graphical Memory stats
moo4.zip Program list to supplement the START button
msgblast.zip Allows trapping of any message to any window
mspy3210.zip MemorySpy32 v1.0: Memory gauge for Windows 95
mvg1121z.zip Desktop Power Tools V2.14 <ASP>
ntz31n.zip Post-It note Personal Organiser
perkey12.zip Type less & faster using shortcuts and macros
pexit2.zip ProExit v2.0.1: Windows exit tool + options
pgf100.zip Maintains program groups and items
pman500.zip Program launcher for Win95
prost1_1.zip Win95 application startup utility
prt95_25.zip Win95 Print Screen Utility, 256 Color Limit
prtscr95.zip Hidden print screen program for Win95
ps15lp.zip Perfect Screens 1.5 for Win95/NT
ptxsm202.zip Pointix Engine v2.02: Mouse utility
qbt130.zip Unconditional rebooter/exiter for Win95
qbutton.zip Reboot, tasklist, time, stats, run, etc
qc32v10.zip Qwik Convert: Unit conversion
qres0300.zip Automated QuickRes screen mode change for W95
qu2dos11.zip Quit2DOS: Return to C:\ when exiting Win95
quikdc13.zip QuikDict spellcheck as you type in any program
rdel.zip Recycle file from command line
rebtmon.zip Reboot monitoring utility
regsrch2.zip Registry search & replace v2.00
remndr10.zip Reminder v1.0: Note Poster
rescue98.zip Rescue 95 v2.02: Restorer of Windows 95
restrt95.zip Restart your computer from the desktop
rm_104.zip Resource Monitor v1.04 for Windows 95
runman96.zip Run Manager 1.1, Clear or edit run list
sclnk97.zip Create links to Windows 95's special folders
scsetup.zip Utility to maintain Win 95 accumulative list
sd-sys.zip Shutdown utility for Windows 95
sdown2.zip Shutdown utility 2.0: With tray capabilities
sh40.zip Shorthand: Keyboard abbreviations for Win95
shotdm10.zip Screen ShotGun 1.0: Screen Shot Utility
shoveit2.zip Fixes taskbar overlap problem
shrtctr2.zip Win95/NT util to handle broken links
shutmn12.zip Windows 95/NT Shutdown Utility
sinfo200.zip View/edit properties of processes, windows etc
smalreg3.zip Compress Win95 Registry files of any size v3.0
smi95v13.zip SmilerShell/95 1.3, Win95/NT Control Center
snfltpl4.zip Excel flight planner for VFR pilots
spad.zip Superpad, an enhanced notepad
spawn.zip Spawn new instance of programs
spbar20.zip SuperBar v2.0
sr10.zip StringReplace for Win95
sscan16c.zip Error prevention software for Windows 95
st95v102.zip Professional screen grab program
stagat10.zip Star Gate: File transfer utility
sutils20.zip Small Utilities: Essential Win95 enhancements
synops11.zip Seven programs to check all kinds of files
sysclk.zip Enable/disaple animated/full drag windows,
sysinfo.zip SysInfo 1.0: System utility for Win95
tellme.zip Public/personal fact retrieval s/w & data
tippy133.zip ListTips for text not fitting into a column
tools95.zip Toolkit for Windows 95
tp95.zip ToolPAL 3.0: Windows 95 Toolbar utility
tpad32.zip Enhanced Notepad for Win95
tpug.zip ToolPAL 3.0: User Guide in Adobe 2.x PDF frmt
trayqt.zip Quick Quit/Logout from system tray
trayutl2.zip Close open Explorer wind from sys tray & more
tskpro20.zip Task Pro 2.0: Taskman replacment
ttools21.zip Training Tools 2.1 Demonstration Utilities
ttv1b.zip Read and capture TIFF file tag info. Win95/3
ukrlogo1.zip Win95 boot-shutdown logos collection, Pack 1.0
verslist.zip VersList 1.01: Executable and DLL version mgr
w397s.zip Monitor computer usage
w95lt15.zip Win95 Logo Themes 1.5beta: Manage logos
w95se11b.zip Change the startup config of Win95
w95tool1.zip Shutdown, restart and reboot from command line
wb96j32i.zip WinBatch 96j: 32 bit Windows Batch Language
win911.zip Application manager for Windows 95
winbye3a.zip WINbye32 v3.0a: Quick exit utility
winlog2.zip Logs windows login/logout/username activity
winsd3.zip Recovery from corrupted vital files, Win95
winshade.zip WinShade for Windows 95 Version 1.5.0, Roll
wintl1_0.zip WinTimelock: Time-lock any Win32 programs
wl200.zip WinLaunch for Win95: Program launcher
wmlpb_60.zip Windows 95 'My Little Phone Book' upgrade 6.0
wqb265.zip Automatic exiter/rebooter for Windows 95
wr95v409.zip Stratoware Windows Restart 95 Version 4.09
wsi95-20.zip The security solution for Windows 95
wsizer.zip Windows Sizer: Improved Window Management
wtn95v10.zip WinTune 95: Windows Magazine test & tuneup kit
wwebdat.zip WordWeb thesaurus/dictionary database
xpr_demo.zip Spell checker & corrector DEMO
zcx95110.zip U.S. zip code look up utility Win95
zpx9511b.zip U.S. zip code express look up utility Win95