Blackhawk for Windows 95 1997 June
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Text File
396 lines
LANGUAGE = "Russian", "Russian"
"Press the ENTER key to return to File Index Menu.\n"
"ε┴╓═╔╘┼ ENTER ─╠╤ ╫╧┌╫╥┴╘┴ ╫ ═┼╬└ ╔╬─┼╦╙╬╧╟╧ ╒╦┴┌┴╘┼╠╤"
"Press ENTER to continue, or ESC to abort...."
"Σ╠╤ ╨╥╧─╧╠╓┼╬╔╤ ╬┴╓═╔╘┼ ENTER, ESC - ─╠╤ ╧╘╦┴┌┴"
"Press any key to return to file index..."
"ε┴╓═╔╘┼ ╠└┬╒└ ╦╠┴╫╔█╒ ─╠╤ ╫╧┌╫╥┴╘┴ ╦ ╔╬─┼╦╙╬╧═╒ ╒╦┴┌┴╘┼╠└..."
"Press any key to continue..."
"Σ╠╤ ╨╥╧─╧╠╓┼╬╔╤ ╬┴╓═╔╘┼ ╠└┬╒└ ╦╠┴╫╔█╒..."
"Please insert %s disc #%d.\n\n"
"≈╙╘┴╫╪╘┼ %s ─╔╙╦ #%d.\n\n"
"Please wait while files are being uncompressed...\n"
"≥┴╙╨┴╦╧╫╦┴ ╞┴╩╠╧╫. ÷─╔╘┼...\n"
"Please run this program through File Manager in Windows.\n"
"ⁿ╘┴ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┴ ┌┴╨╒╙╦┴┼╘╙╤ ╫ ╙╥┼─┼ Windows.\n"
"Loading config file...\n"
"·┴╟╥╒┌╦┴ ╞┴╩╠┴ ╦╧╬╞╔╟╒╥┴├╔╔...\n"
"Locating %s....\n"
"≥┴┌═┼▌┼╬╔┼ %s....\n"
"Select Language...\n\n"
"≈┘┬╧╥ ╤┌┘╦┴...\n\n"
"Checking cursor position..."
"≡╥╧╫┼╥╦┴ ╨╧┌╔├╔╔ ╦╒╥╙╧╥┴..."
"File %s is a windows program.\n"
"µ┴╩╠ %s - ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┴ ─╠╤ Windows.\n"
"Language is not changed.\n"
"±┌┘╦ ╬┼ ╔┌═┼╬┼╬.\n"
"Language changed.\n"
"±┌┘╦ ╔┌═┼╬┼╬.\n"
"Copying file....\n"
"δ╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╬╔┼ ╞┴╩╠┴....\n"
"Exiting program....."
"·┴╫┼╥█┼╬╔┼ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┘....."
"choice: "
"≈┴█ ╫┘┬╧╥: "
"%s Bytes"
"%s ┬┴╩╘"
"Θ═╤ ╞┴╩╠┴"
"File Size"
"≥┴┌═┼╥ ╞┴╩╠┴"
"Percent: "
"■┴╙╘╪: "
"Word #: "
"≤╠╧╫╧ #: "
"Line #: "
"≤╘╥╧╦┴ #: "
"Current Directory:"
"⌠┼╦╒▌┴╤ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╤:"
"Avail Diskspace"
"ε┴ ─╔╙╦┼ ╙╫╧┬╧─╬╧"
"Processing... %d%"
"≈┘╨╧╠╬┼╬╔┼... %d%"
"Jump to [P]ercent, [W]ord, [L]ine? "
"⌡╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╬┴ ▐┴╙╘╪ [P], ╙╠╧╫╧ [W], ╙╘╥╧╦╒ [L]? "
"Cursor at %d%%, %ld/%ld char, %ld/%ld word, %ld/%ld line"
"δ╒╥╙╧╥ ╬┴ %d%%, %ld/%ld ╙╔═╫╧╠, %ld/%ld ╙╠╧╫╧, %ld/%ld ╙╘╥╧╦╒"
"Executable program."
"Θ╙╨╧╠╬╤┼═┴╤ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┴"
"Executable batch file."
"Θ╙╨╧╠╬╤┼═┘╩ BAT-╞┴╩╠"
"Probable text file. (Doc?)"
"⌠┼╦╙╘╧╫┘╩ ╞┴╩╠ (╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧)"
"Probable documentation file."
"µ┴╩╠-─╧╦╒═┼╬╘ (╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧)."
"Description file."
"You're about to delete the directory:\n"
"≈┘ ╥┼█╔╠╔ ╙╘┼╥┼╘╪ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└:\n"
"All files and sub directories will be erased.\n"
"≈╙┼ ╞┴╩╠┘ ╔ ╨╧──╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔ ┬╒─╒╘ ╒─┴╠┼╬┘.\n"
"Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)? "
"≈┘ ╒╫┼╥┼╬┘ ╫ ╬┼╧┬╚╧─╔═╧╙╘╔ ▄╘╧╟╧ (Y/N)? "
"Removing dir %s\n"
"⌡─┴╠┼╬╔┼ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔ %s\n"
"Removing file %s\n"
"⌡─┴╠┼╬╔┼ ╞┴╩╠┴ %s\n"
"Removing directory %s\\%s\n"
"⌡─┴╠┼╬╔┼ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔ %s\\%s\n"
"Removing directory %s%s\n"
"⌡─┴╠┼╬╔┼ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔ %s%s\n"
"Directory %s has been removed.\n"
"Σ╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╤ %s ╒─┴╠┼╬┴.\n"
"Can't find file %s\n"
"ε┼ ╬┴╩─┼╬ ╞┴╩╠ %s\n"
"Can't find %s disc #%d.\n"
"ε┼ ╬┴╩─┼╬ %s ─╔╙╦ #%d.\n"
"Can't create file %s.\n"
"ε┼╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧ ╙╧┌─┴╘╪ ╞┴╩╠ %s.\n"
"Cannot chdir to the directory %s.\n"
"ε┼╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧ ╔┌═┼╬╔╘╪ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└ ╬┴ %s.\n"
"Cannot create the directory %s.\n"
"ε┼╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧ ╙╧┌─┴╘╪ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└ %s.\n"
"Cannot execute program %s.\n"
"ε┼╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧ ╫┘╨╧╠╬╔╘╪ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══╒ %s.\n"
"Invalid pathname %s\n\n"
"ε┼╦╧╥╥┼╦╘╬╧ ┌┴─┴╬ ╨╒╘╪ %s\n\n"
"%s is not a valid pathname.\n"
"%s ╬┼╦╧╥╥┼╦╘╬╧┼ ╧╨╔╙┴╬╔┼.\n"
"'%c' is not a valid drive.\n"
"'%c' ╬┼╦╧╥╥┼╦╘╬╧┼ ╧╨╔╙┴╬╔┼.\n"
"Drive %c: doesnt exist.\n"
"Σ╔╙╦ %c: ╧╘╙╒╘╙╘╫╒┼╘.\n"
"View File:\n\n"
"≡╥╧╙═╧╘╥ ╞┴╩╠┴:\n\n"
"File Index Menu:\n\n"
"φ┼╬└ ╔╬─┼╦╙╧╫ ╞┴╩╠╧╫:\n\n"
"Unzip: Destination Query"
"Unzip: ╦╒─┴ ╬┴╨╥┴╫╔╘╪"
"Unzip: Uncompressing File"
"Unzip: ╥┴╙╨┴╦╧╫╦┴ ╞┴╩╠┴"
"Unzip Menu: Directory Browswer.\n\n"
"φ┼╬└ Unzip: ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥ ─┼╥┼╫┴.\n\n"
"Unzip Menu: Directory name edit.\n\n"
"φ┼╬└ Unzip: ╔┌═┼╬╔╘╪ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└.\n\n"
"Copy: Destination Query"
"Copy: ╦╒─┴ ╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╘╪"
"Copy: Copying File"
"Copy: ╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╬╔┼ ╞┴╩╠"
"Copy Menu: Directory name edit.\n\n"
"φ┼╬└ Copy: ╔┌═┼╬╔╘╪ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└.\n\n"
"Contents of zipped file %s:\n"
"≤╧─┼╥╓╔═╧┼ ZIP-╞┴╩╠┴ %s:\n"
"View, Version %3.2f\n"
"≡╥╧╙═╧╘╥, ╫┼╥╙╔╤ %3.2f\n"
Note. I guess it would be better leave this line as is, i.e. in English.
"Up Arrow - Prev line.\n"
"Up Arrow - ╬┴ ╙╘╥╧╦╒ ╫╫┼╥╚.\n"
"Down Arrow - Next line.\n"
"Down Arrow - ╬┴ ╙╘╥╧╦╒ ╫╬╔┌.\n"
"PgUp - Prev Page.\n"
"PgUp - ╬┴ ╨╥┼─┘─╒▌╒└ ╙╘╥┴╬╔├╒.\n"
"PgDn - Next Page.\n"
"PgDn - ╬┴ ╙╠┼─╒└▌╒└ ╙╘╥┴╬╔├╒.\n"
"Home - Jump to beginning of list.\n"
"Home - ╬┴ ╬┴▐┴╠╧ ╙╨╔╙╦┴.\n"
"End - Jump to end of list.\n"
"End - ╫ ╦╧╬┼├ ╙╨╔╙╦┴.\n"
"Home - Jump to beginning of file.\n"
"Home - ╬┴ ╬┴▐┴╠╧ ╞┴╩╠┴.\n"
"End - Jump to end of file.\n"
"End - ╫ ╦╧╬┼├ ╞┴╩╠┴.\n"
"Left Arrow - Move cursor left one character.\n"
"Left Arrow - ╦╒╥╙╧╥ ╬┴ ╙╔═╫╧╠ ╫╠┼╫╧.\n"
"Right Arrow - Move cursor right one character.\n"
"Right Arrow - ╦╒╥╙╧╥ ╬┴ ╙╔═╫╧╠ ╫╨╥┴╫╧.\n"
"Up Arrow - Suggest the last directory used for unzip.\n"
"Up Arrow - ╨╥┼─╠╧╓╔╘╪ ╨╧╙╠┼─╬└└ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└ ─╠╤ ╥┴╙╨┴╦╧╫╦╔.\n"
"Down Arrow - Suggest other destination directories.\n"
"Down Arrow - ╨╥┼─╠╧╓╔╘╪ ─╥╒╟╒└ ├┼╠┼╫╒└ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└.\n"
"Home - Jump to beginning of line.\n"
"Home - ╬┴ ╬┴▐┴╠╧ ╙╘╥╧╦╔.\n"
"End - Jump to end of line.\n"
"End - ╬┴ ╦╧╬┼├ ╙╘╥╧╦╔.\n"
"Up Arrow - Prev file.\n"
"Up Arrow - ╨╥┼─. ╞┴╩╠.\n"
"Down Arrow - Next file.\n"
"Down Arrow - ╙╠┼─. ╞┴╩╠.\n"
"PgUp - Prev Page.\n"
"PgUp - ╨╥┼─. ╙╘╥.\n"
"PgDn - Next Page.\n"
"PgDn - ╙╠┼─. ╙╘╥.\n"
"Home - Jump to beginning of file list.\n"
"Home - ╬┴ ╬┴▐┴╠╧ ╙╨╔╙╦┴ ╞┴╩╠╧╫.\n"
"End - Jump to end of file list.\n"
"End - ╫ ╦╧╬┼├ ╙╨╔╙╦┴ ╞┴╩╠╧╫.\n"
"F7 - Look up occurrences of a word on the entire CDROM.\n"
"F7 - ╨╧╔╙╦ ╫╦╠└▐┼╬╔╩ ╙╠╧╫┴ ╨╧ ╫╙┼═╒ CDROM.\n"
"S, F10 - Search for a pattern.\n"
"S, F10 - ╨╧╔╙╦ ╨╧ ╘╥┴╞┴╥┼╘╒.\n"
"R, F9 - Reverse search for a pattern.\n"
"R, F9 - ╧┬╥┴╘╬┘╩ ╨╧╔╙╦ ╨╧ ╘╥┴╞┴╥┼╘╒.\n"
Note. I am not sure this is absolutely adequate, since I did not meet
"reverse search" before in my practice.
"ESC - Abort back to previous menu.\n"
"ESC - ╨╥┼╥╫┴╘╪╙╤ ╔ ╫┼╥╬╒╘╪╙╤ ╦ ╨╥┼─┘─╒▌┼═╒ ═┼╬└.\n"
"ESC - Abort back to the file index menu.\n"
"ESC - ╨╥┼╥╫┴╘╪╙╤ ╔ ╫┼╥╬╒╘╪╙╤ ╦ φ┼╬└ ╔╬─┼╦╙╧╫ ╞┴╩╠╧╫.\n"
"ESC - Abort back to dir edit window.\n"
"ESC - ╨╥┼╥╫┴╘╪╙╤ ╔ ╫┼╥╬╒╘╪╙╤ ╦ ╫┘┬╧╥╒ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╩.\n"
"Alt-X - Exit the view program.\n"
"Alt-X - ╫┘╚╧─ ╔┌ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┘ ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥┴.\n"
"Enter - Begin copy the selected file.\n"
"Enter - ╬┴▐┴╘╪ ╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╬╔┼ ╫┘┬╥┴╬╬┘╚ ╞┴╩╠╧╫.\n"
"Enter - Begin uncompress the selected file.\n"
"Enter - ╬┴▐┴╘╪ ╥┴╙╨┴╦╧╫╦╒ ╫┘┬╥┴╬╬┘╚ ╞┴╩╠╧╫.\n"
"Enter - Enter directory, or change drive.\n"
"Enter - ╫┘┬╧╥ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔ ╔╠╔ ╙═┼╬┴ ─╔╙╦┴.\n"
"Enter - Select file, or enter directory.\n"
"Enter - ╫┘┬╧╥ ╞┴╩╠┴ ╔╠╔ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╔.\n"
"Enter - View a text file, or executes a program.\n"
"Enter - ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥ ╘┼╦╙╘╧╫╧╟╧ ╔╠╔ ╔╙╨╧╠╬┼╬╔┼ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══╬╧╟╧ ╞┴╩╠┴.\n"
"TAB - Switch to directory browser window.\n"
"TAB - ╨┼╥┼╩╘╔ ╫ ╧╦╬╧ ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥┴ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔╩.\n"
"TAB - Yank current directory to edit window.\n"
"TAB - ╨╧═┼╙╘╔╘╪ ╫ ╧╦╬╧ ╘┼╦╒▌╒└ ─╔╥┼╦╘╧╥╔└.\n"
Note. It is not clear for me what does it mean, which action will be
done or can be done by user after this choice? If I knew the
Russian text would be more relevant.
"C - Copy file.\n"
"C - ╦╧╨╔╥╧╫┴╘╪ ╞┴╩╠.\n"
"V - View file headers inside a zipped file.\n"
"V - ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥ ┌┴╟╧╠╧╫╦┴ ╫ ZIP-╞┴╩╠┼.\n"
"F5 - Select a new language.\n"
"F5 - ╫┘┬╧╥ ╤┌┘╦┴ ╙╧╧┬▌┼╬╔╩.\n"
"F6 - Toggle between English and the selected language.\n"
"F6 - ╨┼╥┼╦╠└▐┴╘┼╠╪ ╤┌┘╦┴ ╙╧╧┬▌┼╬╔╩: ┴╬╟╠╔╩╙╦╔╩/╫┘┬╥┴╬╬┘╩.\n"
"Alt-J - Jump to another place in fi