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Lander 3.01
For the Psion Series 3a
By Andrew Baldwin
A Psion Series 3a with either
At least 105k free memory and an SSD. or,
At least 167k free memory
A serial link to transfer the files to the machine.
Firstly, if you have used Lander 2 on your system, delete the
file Lander.hst from the \opd directory. It is not compatible
with Lander 3 and will cause problems.
Secondly, if you upgrading from an earlier version of Lander 3,
DO NOT delete the Lander.hst table.
In the Lander3.zip archive there should be 3 files,
LANDER3.DOC (this document)
To install the game on your Series 3a, copy the files
to the machine using either a MCLINK/SYLINK/RFM or a comms package,
and put them in the \APP\ directory on either drive M:, A:, or B:.
Choose INSTALL from the APPS menu on the SYSTEM screen, and select
LANDER.OPA from whichever drive it is installed on. The Lander icon
should appear, select it to begin the game.
When the game is first run, a small file (64 bytes) called LANDER.HST
is created in your M:\OPD\ directory. This contains the high scores
and game preferences and you are advised not to delete it.
The Game
You have inherited a rusty old bottom-of-the-range Boeing 919 Cargo
ship from your late uncle. Being of the intrepid space-faring type
of person at heart, you set out to earn your fortune flying cargo
around the galaxy..
The aim of the game is to make money, lots of money. You do this
by accepting missions to fly cargo between various planets.
You start off in orbit above Earth, and must land upon the landing
pad below you without damaging your ship. Once in Earth spaceport,
you are offered missions with various levels of pay and danger.
You refuel your spaceship, and takeoff, before heading to a different
planet where you must again land before choosing a new mission.
Many dangers can face you in your travels including pirates,
war zones, and police.
If you master the art of piloting, you may be able to enter the
ranks of the master pilots of the high-score table.
The control keys are initially Q (left), W (right) and P (thrust).
You may redefine these to different keys if you so wish. Your ship
obeys accurate physical principles and you must keep careful
control of it if you don't want to crash on the planet's surface.
Should you hit either a structure or the surface of the planet,
you initiallly have 5 shields that will activate and save your ship.
Your shield level may be increased after use, but only at significant
To the right of the screen is your status panel. At the top is the
current shield level. Below this is the fuel level (don't run out!),
below that is your height above the landing pad, and at the bottom
is your current speed.
Game Options
Optional features are Parallax scrolling backgrounds and Sound.
Both of these are initially enabled (memory permitting) and can
be selected from menu options.
You may also choose between Analogue and Digital status panels.
Demo & Registered
Initially, the game runs in DEMO mode. This gives access to 15
levels (5 each of easy, medium and hard) and the current game stops
after you have landed 3 times. The Demo version is really a taster
of the full game in the hope that you will register it.
The full game features 60 levels (20 each of easy, medium and hard)
and does not stop until you die!
In order to gain access to the full game (i.e. run it in REGISTERED
mode) you need to type in a serialised registration code that I,
the author, provide to you. The game writes a small file to the drive
that enables registered mode, and allows you to play the full game.
How do I get a registration code?
The cost of the full game is either 10 UK POUNDS or 15 US DOLLARS.
I will accept UK POUNDS in any form (Cash, Cheque, direct money
transfer) and US DOLLARS in either Cash, or some form of international
money transfer.
The easiest way to contact me is by internet e-mail. I currently
have 2 addresses, 1 of which should be working at all times. They are:
ar.baldwin@ic.ac.uk (preferable)
If you have access to email, contact me first before sending any money.
If you do not have access to email, then my UK postal address is:
Andrew Baldwin
2 Caernarvon Walk,
This is my non-term time address, but all mail addressed to there should
reach me wherever I happen to be.
I can also be contacted by telephone at
+44 (0)793 694525 -- non-term time
+44 (0)81 749 5148 -- term address until end June 1994
These files should only be distributed in the archive Lander3.zip
(or in some similar archive format - for example Lander3.lha).
They should not be sold - only a nominal distribution cost may be
asked for in return for the archive - and they must not be altered
in ANY WAY whatsoever.
The archive file is FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE but all files remain
Copyright 1994 Andrew Baldwin. I reserve the right to withdraw the
files from distibution at any time.
I EXPRESSELY FORBID the use of revtran or any other reverse translation
software on any of the files contained within the archive.
If you are interested in how some things are achieved, (the whole
program is written in OPL) then ask me and I will be more than willing
to furnish you with (possibly) documented extracts from the source
I disclaim any responsibility for any damage caused to data contained
within your Psion from the demo version of this program. Any such
damage is entirely accidental and unforseen.
Version History
Released summer 1993. Written for Series 3.
Very sloppy in its programming style! (and not a very good game :(
Lander 2
Released late summer 1993. Written for Series 3.
Completely re-written from scratch, a far better game!
Lander 3.0
Released March 1994. Written for Series 3a.
A port of Lander 2 with many enhancements to take advantage of the
new facilities of that machine. Completely new registration system.
Lander 3.01
Released March 1994.
A small bug fix version. There were a few problems with the registered
version of Lander 3. These have been fixed.