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MINESWEEPER for the Psion Series 3
Copyright Chris Hennings - July 1992
Email: chennings@cix.compulink.co.uk
Voice: UK 01-856-8643 (Home)
UK 0322-23488 x2440 (Work)
Home : 45, Kenilworth Gardens,
Shooters Hill,
London, SE18 3JB
United Kingdom
Changes in Minesweeper Version 1.2 (Notes for Upgraders)
Minesweeper v1.2 provides improvements to playability especially
for scrolling window games and is substantially more battery
friendly, there's also a minor bug fix. In detail ...
* Support files & Installation - If you are upgrading from v1.1 you
need only download and replace Mines.opo in the \OPO directory or
where ever. New users or upgraders from v1.0 should place
Mines.opo in the \OPO directory and the 2 support files Mines.pic
and Mines.fon in the \OPD directory ON THE SAME DRIVE as
* Navigation - holding down the PSION key in conjunction with the
cursor keys now enables you to move directly to the first/last
row/column of the grid.
* Scrolling Windows - The Smiley icon now displays pointers
indicating in which direction the window can scroll over the grid
- should help to avoid false tests/marks due to forgetting about
cells offscreen.
* Incorrect display of X (showing wrongly placed flags in endgame)
when using the small font is now fixed.
* Gametime display and keyboard actions are now handled by
asynchronous form of GETEVENT and TIMERS. This means that the
prog no longer burns round a TESTEVENT loop which used to waste
cycles and your battery.
* Manual Poweroff & Gametime - The Setup dialog now allows the
purists among you to capture the manual poweroff key PSION-1 to
ensure that the gametime is always corrctly handled if you switch
off with Minesweeper in the foreground.
With respect to the last 2 items, see also item (b) in the section
titled PSION Series3 Specific Features / Design Issues in the main
documentation below. In particular credit here is due to David
Wood of PSION UK.
Thanks again to everyone on CIX and CIS for their comments. As
always keep them coming and have fun. Unless I get reports of bugs
to fix, I feel Minesweeper now does about everything it can. So
what else would you like to see? Card games? - I guess a .FON
file of a 52 card pack would be useful for anyone attempting to do
this. Is anyone going to do an agenda to/from delimitted text
converter? A time recording/billing app might be interesting for
S3 users who like me do a lot of project/client oriented work - why
not let me know what you think (or if you're already doing it)!
Chris 7th July, 1992
Changes in Minesweeper Version 1.1 (Notes for Upgraders)
Since releasing version 1.0 of Minesweeper, I've actually had a bit
of time to play the game, this and the feedback from CIX/CIS has
led to version 1.1 which is actually a fairly major upgrade. Junk
version 1 and use version 1.1, you won't regret it. Heres why ...
* Support files & Installation - The big and small fonts
previously contained in .PIC files are now contained in
MINES.FON (Thanks to DavidW of PSION on CIX for posting the font
compiler) this seems to give a speed improvement and reduces
code size. The icons are contained in MINES.PIC and these 2
support files should be installed in the \OPD\ directory on the
same drive as MINES.OPO.
* Game Setup - The mine field can be any size up to 32x32 in either
font. If the field is > 20x7 (Big font) or 25x9 (Small font)
the window will scroll over the larger field. Note that for a
given size of field, the small font require less memory. Note
also that for games involving scrolling, the SETUP dialog allows
you to choose whether just the window or the whole field is to
be scanned during autoclear (ie when a cell is found with 0
neighbouring mines). I leave this set to window only as it can
take some time to clear a big grid and nothing seems to happen
while cells are being cleared outside the window. Note that if
you play with a scrolling game ... remember to scroll to make
sure all the relevant area is shown before testing/marking a
cell (obvious I know but I caught myself out a couple of times).
* Game startup has been improved by (a) a massive increase in the
speed with which the field is drawn and (b) the mines are
scattered only after a cell has been tested/marked. This means
you don't die on your first test. I've also fixed a bug which
meant the initial number of mines was not shown for new games
involving a change of font.
* The mine field now has gridlines making it much easier to see
neighbours and increases playability.
* Cells marked with a ? can now be tested and are properly handled
by the autoclear routine.
* The game time is now shown in seconds (a la MS-Windows) which
reduces code and improves responsiveness. I've also fixed a bug
which meant that game time did not handle the event of a manual
(PSION-1) poweroff. Game time is frozen immediately if the game
moves to the background (you can trap this event with GETEVENT)
but if you do a manual poweroff, game time at the next poweron
will be increased by up the game timeout period.
* The End Game - I've fixed the bug which meant that you could win
game by simply marking every cell (ooops). You now have to mark
all the cells containing mines (and ONLY those cells) to win.
Previously, when you lost, cells not containing a mine that you
had incorrectly marked with a flag were shown as exploding mines
along with the cell you trod on to die. This clearly was a bit
confusing (well wrong actually) and these cells are now shown
with a big X to mark your error. Wins are now signalled by 3
rising tones and deaths by 3 falling tones. I'd really like to
provide cheers and explosions to be played throught the
loudspeaker via the LDD supplied in SNDFRC.ZIP (Thanks again
David) or even a bit of the death march / Beethovens 9th but
I've no idea how to digitise and am totally un-musical ... Any
* Lastly, I've left in a feature I used for testing - a cheat key
which sounds a high tone if the current cell contains a mine.
For the cryptic minded, the key sounds a bit like "a personal
computer floating offshore".
Thanks again to everyone on CIX and CIS for their comments. As
always keep them coming and have fun.
Chris 20th June, 1992
Introduction & Conditions of Use
Minesweeper is based on the game supplied with Windows v3.1. It's
a fairly close copy but don't expect mouse support.
Minesweeper is my 2nd S3 app (you may have seen CHARSET.ZIP my full
screen ascii table) and I'd like to recognise the high quality of
the debate in the CIX Psio