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PicPoc 2.01 is owned and (c)Copyright 1993 by Berthold Daum.
All Rights Reserved.
This program is not in the public domain, but may be used and freely
distributed (not for resale) only if accompanied by this documentation.
The use of this program is free of charge but registration
is recommended (see below).
PicPoc Version 2.01 - Release Notes
Program Description:
A typical paint program for the PSION Series 3 computer and
other EPOC machines.
Includes features such as:
Polyline, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, Brush, Eraser, Fill,
Spray, Lupe, Undo, Copy, Cut, Paste, adjustable brush, eraser,
and spray size, different text styles, different and user
definable fill patterns, scrolling in large bitmaps.
New in Version 2 : Custom fonts
Create any type of graphics from icons to large bitmaps.
You may want to use the file PPINSTAL.
First change the drive letters to your requirements,
then call under MCLINK "@PPINSTAL".
Then install the application via PSION-I.
It is a good idea to set the bitmap PATTERN0.PIC to read only.
To do so, press PSION-*, navigate to the ...\APP\PICPOC\ folder,
set the cursor to PATTERN0.PIC, press PSION-T, and set the read
only attribute.
If you do not need the custom fonts remove the copy command from PPINSTAL.
Content of this disc:
Modules: picpoc.opa
Bitmaps: pattern0.pic, picpoc.pic
Fonts: norm.fon, bold.fon, shgraph.fon
Documentation: ppinstal, ppreg.txt, readme.txt, picpoc.wrd
The system requires about 14 of disk space.
The custom fonts need about 5 k of disk space.
The manual needs about 5k of disk space.
When active, the system requires >11k of memory depending on
the size of the bitmaps.
You may use PICPOC.WRD as an online documentation under Word.
For a more comprehensive documentation in traditional printed form you
will have to register.
The printed documentation contains also information how to create user
defined fill patterns.
The use of PicPoc is free of charge. However, if you like the product,
we happily appreciate a donation - say US$15.
Please use the form ppreg.txt
and send cheques made payable to an Australian bank, Eurocheques,
or money orders (no credit cards numbers please) to
Berthold Daum
21 Margate St.
Beaumaris, Vic. 3193
In return we send you a printed PicPoc documentation
(allow a few weeks for delivery).
You also will have the right to use all future PicPoc versions free of charge.
Other products:
HyperPoc is a card oriented hypertext an hypermedia system.
Cards are organised in stacks (files). Cards may be superimposed with
Cards and backgrounds can contain a variety of objects, such as:
application, bitmap (animated), card link, clock, expainer, hotTab,
icon (animated), keyword, music, phone number, polyline, rectangle, text.
Functions include:
Invocation of Series 3 applications, several navigation functions,
phone dialling, alarms, stopwatch.
Comes with 30 icons and 20 tunes.
A complementing product is MusiPoc. MusiPoc is a graphical editor for
musical tunes of up to 255 notes and rests. It comes with an OPL-subprogram
to play tunes from your own application or program and includes more than
20 tunes. Freeware.
SimPoc is a spreadsheet application for the Series 3 computer.
It can print, displays business graphics, and scrolls fast.
It is possible to call OPL-programs from formulas and formulas
from OPL-programs.
Although it includes such nifty things like lazy evaluation and result cache
it comes as freeware.