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HomeRun Version 1.12 10th February, 1994
- A Card Solitaire for the Psion Series 3a -
Copyright 1993, 1994 Right Hand Software Ltd.
45, Kenilworth Gardens, London SE18 3JB, UK
Phone/Fax : 081-319-8576
- Email -
1) Introduction
HomeRun is a traditional card solitaire for the Psion Series 3a. The
game can also be played in by 2 players in competition mode. Game
play, rules and scoring are described below. HomeRun offers a full
graphical display of the pack of cards, animation, digital sounds,
highscore tables and player statistics. Have Fun!
2) Shareware
HomeRun is shareware which means you are granted a limited license
to evaluate the program. If after a fair and reasonable period of
evaluation (no more than 14 days should be considered reasonable),
you wish to continue to use the program you must register it.
Registration is important. It means that you are actively
supporting the development of low cost, high quality software for
the Psion range of computers.
In recognition of this, registered users receive an access code
which will :
a) Enable the facilities for saving game setup and options,
highscores and player statistics to disk.
b) Enable the "Undo Last Move" function.
c) Remove the "reminder" dialogs.
You can register your copy of HomeRun with a payment of a minimum of
10.00 ukp or $15.00 (US) or local equivalent. Payment should be by
cheques drawn on UK Banks or Building Societies made payable to
Right Hand Software Ltd, in cash or via the Compuserve shareware
registration service (Go SWREG). Please contact us if you wish to
discuss other forms of payment.
Please read the full Terms & Conditions of use that are set out in
the following section.
3) Terms & Conditions
a) HomeRun comprises the files HOMERUN.APP, HR1.WVE, HR2.WVE,
HR3.WVE, HR4.WVE, HR5.WVE, HR6.WVE, RHS.WVE and this file
HOMERUN.TXT. HomeRun is copyright material of Right Hand Software
Ltd. and all ownership rights are retained.
b) You may use and distribute HomeRun only in accordance with the
terms and conditions stated here.
c) You may NOT modify HomeRun in any way.
d) You may use HomeRun free of charge ONLY for a fair and reasonable
period of time (14 days) in order to evaluate the program. For
all and any subsequent use of the program, you must register your
copy as described in section (2) above.
You may use HomeRun only in a personal and private capacity. Use
within commercial, corporate or government institutions requires
a commercial users licence.
e) You may distribute HomeRun only provided that :
i) All the original files are included (in particular these
terms and conditions).
ii) NO charge is made other than to cover the fair and
reasonable costs of distribution.
Any distribution of HomeRun that renders any form of commercial
advantage (financial or otherwise) to the distributor, requires a
commercial distributors license.
f) While appropriate care has been taken in the creation of HomeRun,
Right Hand Software Ltd. does not warrant that the software is
error free. Indeed, Right Hand Software Ltd. disclaims all and
any warranties relating to the software.
g) Under no circumstances shall Right Hand Software Ltd. be liable
for consequential, incidental or indirect damages of any kind
arising from the use of the HomeRun software.
4) Installation & Logistics
a) Setup
Copy the file HOMERUN.APP to any directory on any drive and use
PSION-I to install HomeRun to the system screen. Alternatively,
place HomeRun in an \IMG\ directory so that it can be launched
from the RUNIMG filelist.
HomeRun is a type 0 application and so has no filelist on the
system screen.
HomeRun uses various .WVE files to provide digital sound. These
files should be copied to a \HOMERUN\ directory located below
where the main .APP resides. Alternatively the .WVE files can be
copied to a \WVE\ directory on any drive. If you don't
want HomeRun use digital sound, simply rename or delete the .WVE
files. HomeRun will then use simple tones to provide sound
effects. Sound effects can be fully disabled using the Game
Options dialog.
b) Files
HomeRun uses 2 types of file. Firstly, HomeRun is resource based
(English language resources are embedded in the main .app) and
HomeRun will look for foreign language resource files in a
\HOMERUN\ (or whatever you rename HOMERUN.APP to) directory that
must be located under the directory from which the app is
launched. No foreign language resource files currently exist but
if anyone is interested in doing the translation work, we will be
happy to supply them.
Secondly, for registered users, HomeRun will save various setting
to the file HOMERUN.INI. HomeRun will attempt to create the .INI
file in a \HMR\ directory in the root of the default drive. If
the default drive is a RAM drive this will be transparent to the
user. However, if the default drive is not a RAM drive, you will
be prompted to select an appropriate drive. You can select a
FLASH drive to contain the .INI file but this is not recommended
as the .INI file is written to quite frequently. Once a .INI
file has been established on any writable RAM (or FLASH) drive, it
will be auotmatically detected and no further prompting will
c) General Operation.
To launch HomeRun, make sure that the .APP has been installed as
described above and that it is showing on the System screen.
Select HomeRun and press enter.
HomeRun has supports online help. Press the HELP key for details
of how to use the various facilities available.
A summary of the active keys is shown below :
Cursors : The Left, Right, Home and End cursor keys are used to
select a card to play. The Up and Down cursors will
automatically "find" playable cards.
Space : The Space key plays a card.
Enter : The Enter key is equivalent to pressing the Home key
followed by the Space key and has the effect of playing
a new card from the pack.
Menu : Brings up the menu bar.
Help : Brings up the help system.
Psion-N : Starts a new game.
Psion-S : This presents a dialog from which you can Setup the
type of game to play - the number of players and who
they are and for a 2 player game the number of hands
over which the competition is to run.
Psion-O : This presents a dialog from which you can control the
game Options regarding animation and sound effects.
Note: if card animation is turned on, the initial the
pack dealing routine will always go at the maximum
Psion-H : Displays the highscore table.
Psion-C : Deletes the current highscore table (to give others
less skilled than yourself a chance to get their name
in lights).
Psion-P : Displays various statistics relating to the current
Psion-R : Use this to register your copy of HomeRun.
Psion-U : For registered users only, this will undo the last move