The Datafile PD-CD 1B
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SHELL v2.5 ... a Shell for Psion Series 3a .. by Marko Schuster 1994
NEWS: look at the end of this file!
NOTE : Cause my english is not SO good, this doc is not a 100% translation
from my german-doc. If you have problems, may be it helps if you
read the german text, perhaps you can find the answer of your
question ...
(The program is 100% english!)
0. Copyright
This Version of Shell is not public domain, but freely distributable.
This means that I have the copyright, but you can use it without paying
money for it. You can give the prg. to your friends, you can upload it
in your BBS, but you are NOT allowed to make money with it.
If you find bugs or have any suggestions .. let me know.
Well.. the Series3a-"Workbench" (You'll see, I have an Amiga (even 2 :-) ))
is very good, but a few things I've missed and so I programmed the Shell.
(not translated from the german doc)
Simply try it out! :-)
Simply enter the commands :-). This is handled by the OPL-Command "EDIT".
If you press ESC on an empty line, you can get the last line typed.
It is a little Buffer with 9 lines. Instead this you can enter the command
"+" which let you select the line you want to edit with a dialog.
The command "+" will not be add to the buffer!
Redirection: with v2.5 you can redirect the output to a file by typing
>file directly after the command before its arguements! A NIL: or NUL:
can be choosen for no output. Example: dir >dir.txt M:\opl\ writes
all filenames in the directory M:\opl\ to the file dir.txt.
4. Hints
You MUST have the prg. "EXPWIN2.OPA" und your M:\APP\-Directory.
This is a little exploding-windows-hack which is used by shell and may
be used in your own programmes!
If a batch-file 'M:\autoexec.bat' exisits, it will be exucted on every start
of shell. (In it you can have e.g. PROMPT and FONT - commands ..)
In the archive there is also an alias-file of WORD, named ed_bat.als,
a true ascii-editor. It can be used to edit/make *.bat files (in the
\bat\ - directory). To edit autoexec.bat, press TAB and open the file
autoexec.bat from M:\
If a command doesn't exist, it is searched in the directories \OPO, \APP
and \BAT if there exists a file named command+.OPO/OPA/BAT and if this
is true it will be loaded, if it is a OPO or OPA, or executed, if it is
a BAT - file. To start a OPO or OPA - prg. you must then enter the procedure
which you want to start, followed by a ":" as you would do it in OPL.
Warning: When the current directory is on REM:: it will be searched on REM::A,
REM::B: and REM::M: ..
You can get the argument-list of a command by entering the command WITHOUT
any argument, so don't use -? or /? as you would do it in a 'normal' dos/
shell! !! Example: COPY would print COPY <source> <dest>
5. Available Commands
You must at least enter the letters shown here in caps, e.g. RemDir,
you can enter REMDIR or RD (you can also type ReMdIr or rd or rD ..)
Between arguments there must be at least 1 space. But type NO space
in an argument! This makes problems by files, which have spaces. Simply
replace the space with the wildcard "?" (you can also use the wildcard "*"
for 1-xx chars, but for more information consult the programming manual on
page 41)
Output on screen can be paused by pressing CTRL-S (every OPL-prg. allow
you to do this!)
Display buffer-list and let you select the line you want to edit,
ESC to abort.
Shell goes in background
lists all available commands
= DIAL, for more informations, see on DIAL
To insert a comment. Useful for batchfiles.
Example: ;this is a comment-line
<proc>: [<argument>]
Starts the procedure <proc>. ONE argument is allowed optionally.
Beispiel: TEST: equal to OPL TEST:
TEST: ab equal to OPL TEST:("ab")
ALIAS [<alias_in> [<alias_out>]]
Shows and sets ALIASes. The Alias is <alias_in>, the command
<alias_out> is the real command. The alias alias_in may be up
to 10 chars, the alias_out up to 128. Max. 20 aliases may be
used. Look in the batch UNIX.BAT for an example for UNIX-users.
A good place for aliases is the M:\autoexec.bat.
ALIAS without any options lists all aliases, ALIAS with one
option lists the command that will be executed by alias_in.
A @ may be set in the alias_out to get the options from the
line typed in with the alias.
ALIAS c copy @ - will set alias c to "copy @". Now you
can type e.g. "c test1.opl test1.bak" instead of "copy test1.opl
test1.bak". "ALIAS C" would type out "copy @".
[CD] <path>
change the current directory. Be sure to add a "\" on the
end of the directory-name. Example: Instead of CD \OPL you
must type CD \OPL\ !! One exception: CD A: would change to
the current directory on A:
!! You can NOT use a ".." for the parent dir as you would use
it on a PC !! .. perhaps in future versions :-)
If the path is not a command or a existing file, you can also
enter the paths without "CD" .. also the path must end with
an \ or ::
Example: current path = M:\OPL\
cd a:
new path = A:\OPL\
or without CD: \APP\
ChangeTaskPri <process-id> <priority>
Changes the priority of the task with given process-id to
priority. Until know, I don't know how to get the priority
of a task, only set it :) .. BTW: the S3a sets special prio's
for example if moving a running OPO-prg. to background.
CLS the screen will be cleared...
COPY <source> <dest>
Copy the file source to dest. Dest may be a file or a directory.
If you use wildcards, there is NO output, which file is copied!
Example: current path = M:\AGN\
copy agenda.agn agenda.bak (backup)
copy agenda.agn a: (copy to
DATE the date an time in the format WWW TT MMM JJJJ SS:MM:SS aus.
Example: Sat 15 May 1993 22:20:54
it's equal to the command TIME..
Dir [<path>]
shows the directory of the current path or the specified <path>.
you can also add files and/or wildcards to the path, e.g.
DIR a*.* .
The DIR-Command is not yet font-sensitive, so the columns may be
look very funny with some fonts (it is correct with font 1, 4, 5,
10, 11, 13, 8225 (8225 are the small caps used in the spreadsheet)
.. if you want to see subdirectories .. use command SDir
.. if you want to see date/time/attribs .. use command LDir
DELete <file>
deletes the file <file>. Whole directories can be deleted by
DELete *.* .
DIAL <number>
Dials a number. Be sure not to type spaces between the numbers!
It's equal to the command #. The # - char can be also found by
pressing the HELP-Key!
erreichen kann!
Example: DIAL 3942*39AB#
# 2093
ECHO [<text>]
Prints the text text on the screen. If there is no text, make a
new line. Useful for batchfiles.
EVAL <term>
calculates the mathematical expression <term>. The output is decimal.
Example: EVAL 2*&F .. = 30
EXecute <batch>
executes the batchfile 'batch'. If it can be found in