The Datafile PD-CD 1B
Text File
73 lines
Data Files Sorter for Psion 3.
Version 1.00, December 92
by Tal Dayan
By now, I have my new Psion 3 for more than a week and am realy impressed
with it (external) design and its operating system and
applications. To learn its programming environment and to
sort my phone book, I have written Sorter which its sorting core
is based on the example in the Programmer's Manual
Sorter is a Psion 3 application to sort data files (such as phone books).
It sorts the records by the value of their first field (which in
the case of a phone book, contains the Name field). Case differences
are ignored.
To install Sorter,
1. copy the file sorter.app to the applications directory \app
2. Install it using the <Psion>-I key in the System screen.
This will add the Sorter icon to the icon list and below it
you wil see the list of avialable data files (same list as
in the Data icon)
Run sorter in the same way that you run Data (for example,
point on one of its files and press Enter). Sorter will first
check if they file is already sorted (usefull for Flash SSD) and if
not will sort it.
If you want to compile Sorter, copy sorter.opl to \opl and sorter.pic
(an icon)to \opd and compile sorter.opl.
If you want to run it as .opo program
(rather than .opa), comment out the 'app' section in the begining of the
file and compile it. The code in open:() procedure suppose to handle the
case where the command line parameters cmd$() does not exist (in this
case, it opens a dialog box and enables to select a file).
1. Sorter will refuse to sort a file activated with the <psion>-n (New)
function as the file does not exists.
2. If the file to be sorted is opened by another application, Sorter
will show a message and will refuse to sort it. To sort the
file, close the application first.
3. Sorter is Freeware and is supplied AS IS.
I have checked with with several data files and trust it
enough to sort my own phone book. Before using it the first
time, have a backup of any important data).
4. Any comments (including sppellling ;-) ) are welcomed.
5. When sorting, the amount of data written to the disk is of the
same size as the original (and the sorted) file. On ramdisk
that's not a problem as the old area is reclaimed automatically
(no need to Compress after the sorting) when the file is closed.
On a Flash SSD (which I don't have [yet]) the memory is reclaimed
only when the drive is formatted, and thus, if the file size is N
bytes, after the sort you will have less N bytes free. If an
already sorted file is sorted again, Sorter detects it and does
not sort.