TABLE is a routine to display an ASCII table on the Psion S3a, in any font available on the system.
To install TABLE, simply copy TABLE.OPO into any \OPO directory. No other files are needed to run the program.
If you simply want an ASCII table, press Enter at the dialogue box. Otherwise, select a font; the file selection will only be used if you select a "Custom" font.
The initial file selector may appear strange; this is because it is pointing at the Psion's ROM filing system. Do not press TAB to get a full-screen view, as this will reset the directory to the internal RAM disc.
If the table display is larger than one screen, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll it; PgUp and PgDn go to the top and bottom of the table respectively. Press Escape to quit.
To find the ASCII code of a character, just add the numbers at the left and on top of the table. The text at top left is the internal font name.
As is usual, I have to issue a disclaimer of liability; if anything you do with this program wrecks your love life, destroys your S3a, gets you arrested, starts World War III, or indeed does anything else you consider an adverse outcome, you have my sympathies but very little else.
On the other hand, comments and suggestions are always welcome.