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- To Do
- A shareware personal task manager for the Psion Series 3.
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- No warranty is given on this program. No liability for any
- damage or loss to equipment, data or software will be
- assumed. You use this program at your own risk.
- Registration
- ============
- The TODO program is shareware. If you like it and use it
- after 14 days, you should send me †10. This will ease your
- conscience and my bank balance. I will send you a small file to
- disable the "nag" screens and show you as a registered user
- on the About screen. If you do not have an email id, then
- please ensure I have your name and address and state whether you
- have a 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskette drive (PCs only I'm afraid).
- Bug-fix versions will be available from the lexsoft/todo conference
- on CIX and the Palmtop forum on Compuserve.
- Errors
- ======
- I don't know of any outstanding bugs (unless listed at the
- end of this document) but as with any piece of software I'm
- sure there are some.
- The program's error handler attempts to save the current file
- as ERROR.TDO before collapsing in the proverbial heap. Check
- this file out if an error occurs. If it appears ok copy it
- over your original file and continue. Please let me know of
- any errors.
- Distribution
- ============
- This package may be freely copied, distributed as shareware so
- long as the contents remain intact and are not tampered with in
- any way.
- The ZIP file should contain:
- TODO.TXT (this file)
- I found that the To Do list part of the built in Agenda program on the
- Series 3 was not quite up to my requirements. I wanted an application
- that would allow me to prioritise tasks by day, so that I could
- schedule my time, and within day by priority. Additionally I wanted
- to keep track of tasks that I had delegated to my staff and other
- people. Ideally, tasks could be sorted by project so that I could
- quickly see a list of outstanding tasks when I attended a review
- meeting or when compiling a status report. A type field would also be
- handy so that I could organise my todo items so as to tackle all phone
- calls, electronic mail items etc. together.
- Other requirements were to keep notes attached to a particular entry,
- have extensive search capabilties, allocate an estimate to each task
- so as to enable a summary of time estimated per day to be produced.
- You've guessed it, all of these features, and others, are included
- within this program.
- Todo is now becoming quite a smart Personal Information Manager
- although not up to those found on the PC. This is only because the
- program needs to be kept to a managable size.
- Create a directory \TDO to hold data files generated by the
- application. This can reside on any local drive.
- Unzip the file TODOxxx.ZIP and transfer the included files to the
- Series 3 as follows:
- TODO.APP Copy to the \APP directory on any drive.
- TODO1.OPA Copy to the \APP directory on any drive.
- TODO2.OPA Copy to the \APP directory on any drive.
- PROJECTS.TDP Copy to the \TDO directory on any drive.
- TYPES.TDP Copy to the \TDO directory on any drive.
- Copy the two files OUTLINE.FON and OUTNORM.FON to any \OPD
- directory.
- The .APP,.OPA and .FON files should be kept on the same drive. All
- may be kept on Flash SSD as they are only read by the program and not
- changed.
- Install the program on the Series 3 menu by going to the system
- screen, and pressing Psion-I. In the "Install Application" dialog
- box, set "Disk" to the drive to which you have copied TODO.APP, and
- set the File Name to TODO.APP.
- Having installed TODO, it operates just like one of the standard
- applications such as Word or Data, in that a list of data files
- is shown under the TODO icon. These can be opened by pressing
- Enter or Shift-Enter. A new file can be created by pressing
- Psion-N.
- Commands can generally be entered in one of three ways:
- - From the menu
- - by pressing the key indicated on the menu
- - by using the same key without the Psion prefix. One key operation
- is considerably easier if you are using the Series 3 "one handed".
- Up to 70 records can be held in a single file although unregistered
- users will get a "nag" screen when entering each record after
- the first 20.
- Press Psion-E, E, the space bar or Shift-Enter. Enter up to two
- lines of text in the dialog box. Use the up and down cursor keys
- to move between the two lines. This text forms the main text of
- the entry.
- When you have pressed enter, a second dialog box appears. Complete
- these fields.
- Due Date: The entries are sorted by default on the Due Date field
- which is usually used to denote the day on which the task is to be
- carried out.
- Priority: This may be set to 1 (High) down to 9 (Low).
- Type and Project: These fields can be set to one of the codes that
- you can enter yourself (see later in this manual).
- Estimate can be used to enter, in hours, the time you expect the task
- to take to complete. This field is optional (see Options settings).
- Onus can be set to In, which means that next action is down to you, or
- Out, which means that the next action on the item has been
- allocated to somebody else. The onus of a particular item may
- therefore swing between In and Out as events unfold.
- The list can be shown in either of two fonts; normal or small (as
- used in the spreadsheet). Use Psion-B to toggle between the two
- sizes. The display can also be toggled between the full display
- and a summary display using Psion-H.
- Use the up and down cursor keys to move between entries, one at a
- time. PgUp and PgDn move four entries at a time (full display) or
- eight entries at a time (summary display).
- Ctrl-Psion-Up Arrow and Ctrl-Psion-Down Arow move to the top and
- bottom of the file respectively. Psion-J/Psion-K and J/K also perform
- these functions which makes it easier
- Types can be set to anything you like. I use them for different
- categories of work such as Email and Phone calls, which I like to
- get out of the way every morning. I also have special categories
- for the people who work for me, and one for my boss. This enables me
- to sort items by type when I have a meeting with one of these
- people.
- The higher the type in the type lists, the higher they get sorted.
- So, if there is a particular category of tasks that you like to get
- out of the way each morning, you should set this type at the head of
- the list. The default sort order is by day, then onus in before out,
- priority and finally, type.
- Projects can also be used for anything you like.
- Use Psion-Y to update the types and Psion-T to update Projects.
- Up to 24 types and 24 projects can be defined. Processing is similar
- for each, with 6 entries being shown at a time, press Enter after
- each group. Blank entries are allowed but are filtered so that they
- don't appear on selection dialog boxes.
- The Types and Projects are saved with each file. The TYPES.TDP
- and PROJECTS.TDP files are used to set the Types/Projects for new
- files. Each time you amend the types and projects, you are asked if
- you want to save the settings as the default for new files.
- To update the details of an entry, press Psion-U or Enter. When the
- entry has been updated, the list is resorted and redisplayed.
- Psion-C copies the current entry and then puts you into update
- mode on the new record. This is useful for entering recurring tasks.
- To delete an entry, press Psion-D or the Delete key. You are asked
- if you are sure. Press the appropriate key. If you have a note
- assigned to an entry, you are asked if you if wish to delete the note.
- When an entry is deleted, it is optionally appended to a Done file,
- named, by default, DONE.TDO in the /TDO directory on the default
- drive. The name of this file can be changed from the options screen
- but always resides in the TDO directory of the default disk. A
- warning is displayed if the number of records in this file exceeds 65.
- This gives you a chance to set another done file before the limit of
- 70 entries is reached.
- You can choose whether items are always archived to the "Done" file,
- are never archived or whether the program asks at delete time, by using
- the Done option on the Options dialogue.
- The date of the archived record on the "Done" file can be set either to
- the original due date or to the date archived. This option is on
- the second option panel (Psion-B).
- You will get a program error message if you attempt to delete a record
- from a "Done" file to the same "Done" file. To delete from the Done
- file, set the Done File in Options to another file and set Done Type
- to "No".
- To change the Due Date of an entry, press the right arrow to
- change forward one day and the left arrow to move back one day.
- Psion/Left and Psion/Right move the due date by one week.
- Today's date is shown as "TODAY", the next seven days are shown as
- "Mon", "Tue", etc. Thereafter the actual date is displayed.
- Note that when a file is loaded, any dates in the past are updated
- to today. An exception to this rule is any file beginning with "DONE"
- or "ARCH" (Done/Archive files). Their dates are left alone. Dates
- are also updated whenever the date changes (i.e. at midnight).
- If the display was resorted and updated everytime you made a minor
- change to an entry, the response time would be intrusive and you would
- tend to lose track of your thoughts. Most fields can therefore be
- changed directly from the list.
- Psion-/ toggles Onus between In and Out. An Onus of out always
- displays in italics.
- Psion-W allows a change of type, while Psion-Q allows a change of
- project.
- Psion-R allows the Estimate to be changed.
- To change the priority of an item, just press a number key between 1
- and 9.
- To resequence or sort the file after using the features in the
- previous section, use Psion-Z.
- The list may be sorted into one of three orders by pressing Psion-M
- and selecting one of the following orders;
- TITLE SORT ORDER (Major->Minor)
- Due Due Date, Onus, Priority, Type
- Project Project, Due, Onus, Priority
- Type Type, Due, Onus, Priority
- Note that any operation can be carried out on the file in any sort
- order.
- You can search for entries by Project, Type, a string appearing
- in the descriptive text, Priority or Date.
- Press Psion-F to begin the search. A dialog box appears asking for
- the field to search on. By default, the field type offered is the
- current main sort key. Thus if the file is sorted on Project, then
- you are offered Project as the search type. Select the field to
- search on. If a matching item is found, the cursor is positioned
- on the first matching item. If a match is not found, a message is
- displayed.
- Press Psion-G to repeat the search starting at the previous match.
- Press Psion-B to set options for;
- Page 1
- 1. Lines: This changes the setting which governs whether horizontal
- lines are shown on the display to separate items. Turning
- lines off speeds up the display slightly.
- 2. Font: Changes the font between normal and small.
- 3. List Type: Choose between the short and long format displays.
- 4. Estimate: The Estimate field can be turned off for those users
- that do not require it. If off, the field is not shown
- on entry or update, or on the general display. All
- estimates are set to zero behind the scenes.
- Page 2
- 1. Done: Dictates how items are archived to a "Done" file.
- If "Yes", items are always archived. If "No", items are
- never archived. If "Request", you are asked when you delete
- an item if it is to be archived.
- 2. Done File: Name of Done file associated with this file. The file
- will exist on the default drive in the \TDO directory.
- 3. Date on Done: Can be set to "Due"; where the date on the "Done" file
- will be set to the original due date, or "Deletion",
- where the date will be set to the deletion date.
- Notes can be attached to any entry by pressing Psion-+ (Psion key and
- the plus key). If a note has not already been associated with the
- entry, you are asked for an application (which can be the inbuilt Word
- application or Lexsoft's Outline) and whether the file is an existing
- file or one you are about to create.
- You are then asked for the file name before you are positioned in
- Word or Outline (depending on your selection), where you enter the note.
- Return to TODO by exiting Word or Outline in the normal way.
- To delete an associated note press Psion- (psion key and the minus key
- together). When an entry is deleted you are asked if you want to
- delete the associated note. Notes are stored in .WRD or .OUT format
- in the \TDO directory (although you can specify that the note resides
- in any directory that you want).
- Files can be opened or created from the System screen in the normal
- way or from within TODO. Press Psion-O for Open, Psion-N for New.
- File are, of course, saved when you exit from the program. Increased
- security can be obtained by periodically saving the file using
- Psion-S. The Save As option allows you to make a copy of the file to
- a different name.
- To revert to the last saved copy of a file, use the revert option,
- Psion-V. This can be used, in conjunction with Save, as a form
- of "undo". Note that any notes that have been deleted will be lost
- permanently. Also, entries created since last saved that contain
- notes will no longer be present although "orphan" notes will be
- present.
- The task list can be printed in the order currently displayed by
- pressing Psion-P or P. A dialog box appears requesting whether the
- file should be printed via the parallel interface, serial interface
- or to a file. If the serial interface is chosen, a further box appears
- asking for details of the serial interface. Press enter to accept the
- normal default values.
- Printing is carried out at 65 characters to the line and about 55 lines
- to the page.
- Change History
- ==============
- 1.13 Initial Release
- 1.14 (5 December 1992)
- Summary Facility Added
- Open File and New File options.
- Each parameter files can now exist on any drive.
- Revert option issues warning.
- Header display same as OUTLINE (version 1.14)
- Notes are checked for existence before trying to open in case
- these notes were deleted outside of TODO.
- .TDP files now reside in \TDO directory.
- Project and Type names on list are now shown in italics if
- onus is out.
- 1.15 (7 December 1992)
- Now allow six different selectable sort sequences.
- Menu layout changed; slightly more logical given restrictions
- of up to six menus with up to six items.
- List facility removed as sort order gives the same functionality
- plus more.
- Screen display faster.
- Moving up or down one item now scrolls the screen rather than
- redisplay.
- Options for Lines on Display, Font, List Type and Estimate field
- which are saved with file.
- Error fixed whereby impossible to save Types and Projects files
- if changed.
- Keys now work with CAPS LOCK on.
- 1.16 (8 December 1992)
- 70 records now allowed per file rather than 50.
- Done file checked for >65 entries.
- Faster sort BUT less sort orders
- "Text" prompt removed on Insert and Update Entries.
- If Update is pressed to view record in full, escape does not
- now cause redisplay.
- Screen shown while resorting.
- File may be saved without error even if no records.
- Similarly empty file can be opened safely.
- Change Font (Psion-L) now works correctly.
- 1.16a (12 December 1992)
- 24 Types and 24 Projects now allowed. Blank entries are filtered
- out on selections in dialogs.
- Screen not refreshed on search that finds no match.
- Types and Projects now saved with file. TYPES.TDP and PROJECTS.TDP
- are used for initial settings on new files. Whenever Types or
- Projects are changed, you are given the option to Save these as
- the default values.
- Psion-cursor left/right changes date of current entry by one week.
- Name of Done file now specified as an option.
- Option on each file can be set to archive all deleted entries to
- "Done" file, not archive any or to ask when deleting.
- Option to set date on "Done" file to original due date or date of
- deletion.
- Better checking on existence of associated WORD documents:
- If the document is found not to exist on delete note or edit note
- then you are informed, the note flag is removed and the program
- does not abend.
- Summary option from menu now works.
- Program error message if attempting to delete record from "Done"
- file to the same "Done" file. To delete from the Done file, set
- the Done File in Options to another file and set Done Type to "No".
- 1.16b (13 December 1992)
- Copy Record facility (Psion-C).
- Edit Projects (formerly Psion-C) now Psion-T.
- Can escape from Psion-Q (Change Project)
- Error file saves options.
- 1.16c (13 December 1992)
- Psion-Q/Psion-W changed day in Caps Lock mode, whereas they
- should change project and type.
- Mysterious blob now doesn't appear when day changed on an item
- followed by scroll down one line.
- 1.16d (14 December 1992)
- Error when Types or Project previously allocated is deleted.
- Furthermore, if all types or all projects are deleted then an error
- would result on change of type/project.
- 1.16e (18 December 1992)
- When last record from file was deleted, error occurred
- "Nag" screen introduced for unregistered users.
- Screen now updated if escape key used for update entry dialog
- immediately after copy record.
- 1.16f (20 December 1992)
- Fixed problem with opening files from the System screen if
- user option was set to Shift-Enter rather than Enter.
- 1.16g (22 December 1992)
- Just using X to exit TODO did not save file.
- 1.16h (23 December 1992)
- The "Done" file can now exist on any drive, not just the default
- drive.
- Registration details now checked when a new file is created. This
- caused the program to show "unregistered" on the About screen.
- Problem whereby files with an associated Done file with a name of
- 8 characters could not be read is fixed.
- 1.17 (31 December 1992)
- Document name for entry now copied to Done file if document is
- retained.
- Sort by Project now sort by Project in alpha order rather than
- Projects position in list.
- Files beginning with "DONE" or "ARCH" do not now have their dates
- updated when opened.
- Display Date and Entry Dates updated at midnight.
- Program split into two OPAs. This reduces memory consumption by
- about 5-6k.
- Psion-supplied code incorporated to reduce memory overhead on
- calling MENU.
- Fixed problem introduced in 1.16h where error occurs if directory
- for new done file does not exist.
- Display after scroll down one line tidied up.
- 1.17a Not released
- 1.17b FIXES
- Onus setting was not being copied on Copy Record.
- Cursor up/down speeded up slightly.
- 1.18 (19 January 1993)
- Program heavily restructured internally
- Title on Delete Warning shows summary of record
- Entry of records could cause display errors and eventual abends
- depending on screen mode.
- Open from system screen did not save old file where Psion defaults
- had multiple files set to "Shift-Enter"
- 1.19 (16 February 1993)
- Sort time reduced
- Search displays first record found at top of screen rather than
- at the bottom
- Can now call Outline program as well as Word
- The type of search now defaults to the main sort order key.
- On exit, the file is not saved if has not been changed.
- Space Bar and Shift-Enter allow record entry.
- Enter allows record update.
- Bug which produced "Module not found" errors
- Sort by Type now sorts properly (by Alphabetic order) rather than
- by position in Type list.
- Summary option removed (it didn't seem to be used and it took up
- memory!)
- 1.19 (4 March 1993)
- Associated Document Flag not shown if single line only printed
- as a result of next/previous day and other commands.
- Escape from Search boxes could cause errors.
- Psion-Q not working as stated above.
- Better checking for empty file. Previously program could easily
- fall over if no records in file and menu options other than
- Enter Record selected.
- 1.20 (27 June 1993)
- Delete key now functions as an additional Delete Task key.
- Outline program can exist on a different drive to ToDo.
- ERROR.OUT can be saved to any drive.
- 1.20a (29 June 1993)
- Removed debugging line left in inadvertantly which produced error
- when cursor right used.
- Mention of .APP in documentation changed to .OPA.
- 1.20b (1 July 1993)
- Fixed error which occured after changing Types or Projects when
- file is empty.
- 1.21 (17 August 1993)
- 1.21b (21 August 1993)
- Print option added
- Sort option changed to Psion-M from Psion-P
- Program file integrity checked to ward off REVTRAN'd versions
- Better handling of Out of Memory errors.
- 1.21c (24 August 1993)
- Icon now shown on Psion-Menu
- If a button bar button is assigned to Todo, it functions correctly.
- For users with Open Multiple files set to "Shift-Enter", second file
- opened without error.
- John Whiting
- 3 Fitzwilliam Road
- Colchester
- Essex
- CO3 3RZ
- CIX: johnw (johnw@cix.compulink.co.uk)
- Compuserve: 100025,3337
- Internet: 50215@ibmuser.ibmx400.gb