The Datafile PD-CD 1B
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A Windows True Type Font converter to Series-3 and Series-3a FSC font file.
TTF2FSC is Shareware. If you find this program valuable and useful, please
register it by sending †5.00 + †1.00 S&H (or $8.00 + $2.00 S&H) to Marco
Aicardi, Via G. Acerbi 6/3, 16148 - GENOVA (Italy). Overseas orders please
include †2.00 ($5.00) S&H.
Registered users will receive a 3"« disk containg the registered program
with no introductive delay.
You use this program at your own risk: the Author will not be liable of any
damage caused by use or misuse of this program.
I have found none, but if you find any bug, please report me.
E-MAIL (valid only to Feb 1995): gaslini@vaxgea.ge.infn.it
The TTF2FSC program and auxiliary files are copyrighted, but you are hereby
granted permission to make and distribute copies for personal,
non-commercial use. Use them yourself, give copies to friends and
co-workers, or distribute them for a cost-based fee as part of a user's
group or bulletin board service. If you wish to distribute these programs
in connection with any other product, or for use in commercial
applications, please contact me for a license agreement. All of the files
that make up this product must be distribute together, in an UNMODIFIED
The files you should have on the diskette, or in the archive are:
TTF2FSC.EXE The executable program file
TTF2FSC.TXT This documentation
TTF2FSC is very simple to use. First of all copy these files in a clean
directory (e.g. C:\FSC). Then, if you are good enough, start your Windows
and create a Program Manager Icon for TTF2FSC. If you are not, just type
TTF2FSC and press your enter key; Windows will be loaded and FFT2FSC will
automatically start.
In order TTF2FSC to start, remember you need VBRUN300.DLL, the run-time
library you can easily find on InterNet, or on a shareware CD-ROM or in
every PSION software library, because othe Windows PSION software needs it.
To have a Series-3 font file you only need to select a font file from the
font list you will see. Then, choose the right size (it can not exeed 72
points). Now you can look at the left top corner font example to have an
idea of the true size of your font. Finally, choose if you want to convert
all ASCII range between 32 and 255 (containing accented and/or graphic
characters) or just alphabetic characters, punctuation and numbers (in the
32-127 range).
Choose CONVERT, and, after a little brainstorming, TTF2FSC will create a
file in the same directory you put it containing the graphical data of the
font. The CONVERT ALL button lets you convert all the fonts you have
without any more tedious font name selecting (use with care, because it
will need a lot of drive space and a lot of time).
When you have your new .FSC file (the true name depends on the font you
have selected), run WSFCOMP.EXE (the font compiler from PSION - you can
find it on src.doc.ic.ac.uk /packages/psion or on CIX or on every BBs
treating PSION files), giving it the file you have just created (e.g.
ARIAL_18.FSC); if you have enough memory, and my program is not buggy, you
will have a new file .FON (e.g. ARIAL_18.FON). Copy it on your PSION and
use it with your own programs.
Have fun, but do no forget to register!
Windows and True Type Fonts are trademarks of Microsoft. Series-3 and
Series-3a are trademark of PSION.