The Datafile PD-CD 1B
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Convert is shareware. The right of Gareth Morgan to be
identified as the creator of this work has been asserted by him.
Copyright (c) 1992
The program may be used for 28 days, but if used after that a
fee of †3.00 Stg or $5.00 US or the equivalent in other
currencies should be sent to G Morgan, Shop Farm, St Brides
Major, Mid-Glam, CF32 0SF Wales, UK. All registration fees will
be donated to Grangetown Citizens Advice Bureau. The program
may be freely distributed if unaltered and complete.
Convert is a program for calculating currency conversions. It
is intended for use by travellers or for simple conversions
only. It does not cater for differential buy/sell rates,
commissions or exchange charges.
Convert allows for the maintenance of currencies and exchange
rates in a database file and for the selection and use of any 6
of these at one time for conversions.
Convert allows for the selection of any one of the currencies in
the database as the master currency. This is used as the basis
for all conversions and conversion rates should be entered
against this currency. If this currency is changed, the rates
of all other currencies in the database are recalculated
Currencies in the supplied file are:
Sterling, Dollars, Drachmars, Marks, Francs, Lire, Belgian
Francs, Australian Dollars, Austrian Schillings, Canadian
Dollars, Finnish Marks, New Zealand Dollars, Norwegian Kroner,
Escudos, Swedish Kroner, Cypriot Pounds, Swiss Francs, Yen,
Guilders, Danish Kroner, Irish Punt, Hong Kong Dollars and
Convert requires that the data file CURR.DBF is situated in the
"\DAT" directory of the Series 3 and, if you wish to install
Convert as an application, the pic file CONVERT.PIC is situated
in the "\OPD" directory. If you don't wish to install convert
as an application, CONVERT.PIC is not needed and you should
delete or "Rem-Out" the first 3 lines of the CONVERT.OPL
program. Once the files are in place, you should open Convert
under the OPL menu and translate it. If you are using it as an
application you should then choose install application from the
system menu, otherwise you can run CONVERT from the opl
applications menu.
Main Menu
Convert Menu
To <master> Psion-T
This selection, initially using Sterling, then presents a sub
menu of the 6 current default currencies. Upon selection of one
of these, a screen is displayed showing
Amount in <selection> Enter the amount of the currency you wish
to convert here. (Maximum converted value is 999,999,999.99 of
master currency). This choice will cycle continuously with
entry of amount and display of Amount in <master> until "Y" or
"y" is entered in answer to the question Back to main? y/N
From <master> Psion-F
This selection, initially using Sterling, then presents a sub
menu of the 6 current default currencies. Upon selection of one
of these, a screen is displayed showing
Amount in <master> Enter the amount of the master currency you
wish to convert here. (Maximum converted value is
999,999,999.99 of selected currency). This choice will cycle
continuously with entry of amount and display of Amount in
<selected> until "Y" or "y" is entered in answer to the question
Back to main? y/N
Other Psion-O
This selection presents a sub menu, headed From, of the 6
current default currencies. Upon selection of one of these, a
second menu is displayed, headed To, showing the 6 current
default currencies. After selecting the 2 currencies the screen
Amount in <selection 1> Enter the amount of the currency you
wish to convert from here. (Maximum converted value is
999,999,999.99 of the second selected currency). This choice
will cycle continuously with entry of amount and display of
Amount in <selection 2> until "Y" or "y" is entered in answer to
the question Back to main? y/N
Adjust Rates Psion-A
This selection allows the rates of the 6 default currencies to
be adjusted. A menu is displayed allowing the currencies to be
selected. On selection a dialogue is displayed showing the
current exchange rate and an edit box for entry of a new rate.
The current rate can be accepted by pressing enter. The rates
of the default currencies, and all others, can be changed also
in the data application by opening the file "Curr".
Add Currency Psion-C
This choice allows additional currencies to be added to the
currencies file. On selection a dialogue box is displayed and
the currency name and exchange rate to the current master
currency. The maximum exchange rate in this version of the
program is 5000:1.
Set Master Psion-M This displays an alert, informing the user
that all rates will be converted to the new master currency, and
then a dialogue box allowing for selection of a new master
currency from all currencies in file. The maximum list allows
for the currency names to total no more than 255 characters
including a spacing character. The program then starts the
process for selecting 6 default currencies. (See below).
Convert then displays a message while converting all exchange
rates to the new currency.
Set Defaults. Psion-D
This allows for the selection of the 6 default currencies and
their associated hot keys. The hot keys may be any character
other than "q". Convert checks that currencies and hot keys
have not been previously selected.
Show Terms Psion-S Displays a screen showing the terms of use
of Convert.
Print Terms Psion-T Prints details of the terms of use of
Convert to a parallel printer
Quit Psion-Q Asks for confirmation then, if received, exits