XMDM,XMCRC,XM1K,YMDM,YMDMG#YM1K,YG1K Rem -- receive w/Protocol
ALERT message$
Displays alert
BEEP x%,y%
INFO mess$
displays message on bottom right8
MENU title$ (c1$ goto redo
c2$ goto send
c3$ goto quit)+
ask for Pw of current names file
CALL script2$
"stops current script, starts other
stop ruuning script
GOTO label
jumps to a label
set a counter :c1=10"
empties the receive buffer?
End of file
Databse file must be open
-1=true 0=false A
$Positions to the first record in the
current data file.
$Returns a string representation of x
to y% decimal places(Useful for converting a number to stringI
#Converts an integer expression into
a floating point number.
gBORDER flags%,width%,height%)
width%,height% optional
$Draws a one pixel border around the
current drawable.b
gBOX width%,height%)
%Draws a box from the current position$width% to the left and height% down.
gCLOSE win%
$Closes graphic window with id (win%)
Every graphic window has an id.
gCOPY id%,x%,y%,w%,h%,mode%%Copies rectangle of spec'd size w%,h%%from the point x%,y% in drawable id%,'to the current position in the current (drawable. mode% 0,1,2,3 set,clr,inv,replz
%Creates a bitmap with the spec'd size!and makes it the current drawable
Returns id% (2-8)
v%= ON or OFF!creates a window with spec'd size
w%=width h%=height%at position x%,y% /Returns id% (2-8)c
Returns a string rep of x
up to y% char's in length
if y%<0 will be right justifiedR
$Waits for a keypress and returns the
character code for that key.
w$=GETCMD$!Return NEW command-line arguments'to an OPA, after a change files or quit
event has occurred.
First char of w$ is C,O,XZ
GETEVENT var a%()
Waits for an event to occur. 'Returns with a%() specifying the event.
gFILL width%,height%,gMode%
#Fill a rectangle of the spec'd size"from the current pos, according to
gGMODE mode%
0=set 1=cleared 2=inv(Set the effect of all subsequent drawing commands.=
Returns the height of th current drawable.
&Returns the id of the current drawable
gINFO var i%()#Gets general info about the current
drawable and graphics cusor.
$See manual for list of info returned
gINVERT width%,height%
#Inverts the rectangle width% to the'right and height% down from the cursor %pos,except for the four corner pixels
GIPRINT str$,c%$Displays info message for two sec's.
c% sets corner for message.
0 = top left / 1 = bottom left 2 = top right / 3 = bottom rightI
gLINEBY dx%,dy%
Draws a line from current pos
dx% to the right
dy% downd
gLINETO x%,y%
!Draws a line from the current pos
to point x%,y%#single point=gLINETO to current posg
gFONT fontid%
%Sets the font for current drawable to fontid%. 'Use gLoadfont to load user defined font
gLOADBIT(name$,write%,i%)&write% 0=readonly 1=readwrite .Loads a& bitmap from the named bitmap file and( makes it the current drawable. ext=.pic"i%=which bitmap to use if multiplep
#Loads the user defined font (name$)$Returns a font id. Use gfont to make
active font.r
GLOBAL variables
(Declares variables to be used in current(procedure, or any subsequent procedures
called by it.
gMOVE dx%,dy%&Moves the current pos dx% to the right"and dy% downwards, in the current "drawable. Negative dx% moves left.
Negative dy% moves upward.F
gORDER id%,position%
Reorders position of windows
positions are 1-8
'Returns gap between left side of screen#and left side of the current window