ER1:Cannot access/find the (draw) file to be shown
MME:Fatal Memory Management Error; Access to my WimpSlot seems to be denied. Please report this.
ERD:That's a directory, not a file...
ER7:Cannot find my sprite file
ER2:Cannot find my template file.
ER4:Too many text in the display file
ER5:Too many lines in the display file
ER6:Missing { or } at line :
ER8:index_reference not found!
fOO:Searching in process,
f00:Press this button (or return) to continue the search
f01:Press this button (or escape) to abort the search
S00:wildcat '*' and '?'
FOO:Find-window. (shortcut F4).|MSearch for a word/sentence
F00:Type out your search string here|MWildcats are * and ?
F01:Find-window. (shortcut F4).|MSearch for a word/sentence
F08:Find-window. (shortcut F4).|MSearch for a word/sentence
F02:Search options, comming into effect on the next search
S03: Case Sensitive
F03:Case sensitive, ie 'The mouse' and 'The *' match, but 'the' and 'The' not.
S04: Only:
F04:Limited search. Open the search window while the pointer is over a 'quick' icon to search that section. Ensure the section has been loaded first!!
S05: Cycle continue
F05:Start the search were the last one stopped
F07:Cancel, abort all this silly stuff
F06:Start searching, equivalent to pressing return
NSR: Nothing found !
WAR:Please note... :
ER9:You cannot return to a bookmarker by Double Clicking ADJUST on a referenced word, thus to avoid confusion!
ER4:File to be displayed has lenght ZERO !
ERS:Really, I am not gonna display this thingy which is shorter than 32 chars !
ERA:Index Lookup table full
AP1:Displaying 'Xref'ed files
US1:The Index into this file:
US2:This file has no index definitons
US3:reference not found!
H01:This is the usual !Info window from XHelp, a text display utility which allows cross referenced text.
H02:This is the index, Double Click SELECT on any 'grey' rectangle. This will display associated part of the text file.
H03:Double Click or drag on the coloured rectangles behind files and discs to order them. Dragging with adjust on a file will order the whole Disc.
H04:Clicking SELECT will return you to the most recent bookmarker, which will be removed on arrival. ADJUST will also flick to that bookmarker but without removing it.
H05:You cannot leave bookmarkers in the index
H06:Clicking SELECT will leave a bookmarker. ADJUST will bring you to the last marker. Click and hold SELECT on the toolbox to freely drag and reposition it. It will keep its relative position when SELECT is released
H07:Clicking SELECT will bring you to the text.
H08:Clicking SELECT here will bring you to the text-display if the index is displayed.
H09: ADJUST will always toggle between the text/index display.
H10:Clicking SELECT here will bring you to the index if the text is displayed.
H11:Clicking SELECT will bring you to the index.
EI1:Cannot find my configuration file
EI2:Unkown command in config file
EI3:Quick command without valid size (HxW)
EI4:Missing or wierd quick_hight value
EI5:Missing or weird quick_widht value
EI6:SPRITES command without valid file name
EIC:TEMPLATES command without valid file name
EI7:HEADER command without sprite name
EI8:Q number out of range (specify quick size first?)
EI9:I am sorry, but I cannot cope with THAT many Q's
EIA:Q argument missing (needs no, file, sprite, index)
EIB:Cannot find the specified quick_template file
HQ1:This is the quick index window. Click on an icon to go to that secion
HQ2:This icon brings you to the beginning of the text
HQ3:Click here to go to the first page of the section on...:
HQ4:This icon is still empty... Lets wait to see what the future holds...
HQ5:Click here to load and go to the first page of the section on..:
MM1:Free Slot sets the limit
MM2:Pre-set value sets the limit to
MM3:Pre-set limit prohibits loading; increase slotsize in task window.
MM4:Not enough free memory to load
MM5:Text fits easily
MM6:Text fits comfortably
MM7:Partial load due to pre-set limit
MM8:Text partial loaded due to memory shortage
MM9:No memory for the Main body of the text due to pre-set limit
MMA:No memory for the Main body of the text
FO1:Having a look at the file lengths
FOF:Right, lets display things now!
I-1:Some information on this application...
I00:The name of this programme
I01:The purpose, just in case you havenot found out..
I02:That's me, an applied physics student.
I03:Version number, licence ID and other boring stuff...
I04:This litte token tells you that this programme supports the Acorn Interactive Help! (run the !Help application; App1 directory/disc)
I05:Move to the right for the name of this programme
I06:Move to the right for the purpose of this programme
I07:Move to the right for the author this programme
I08:Move to the right for the version number this programme
I09:This programme will also work under RiscOs 3.10..
I10:This programma can use fancy borders if available, either on Wimp+RiscOs 3.00 above or by the InterfaceManager from software interrupt development.
I11:Has ceased to exist
I12:There is a customizable message file for you to alter, translate..
I13:There is a customizable config file for you to alter with !Edit
I14:This programme should works from any storare medium, place, harddisc, archive or wathever
I16:This application has a data and/or useraccessable section within its directory
I17:This programme supports the desktop auto 'boot' options under R.O. 3.10
I15:This programme supports pinboard attachtment and iconzing of its windows under R.O. 3.10
I18:This programme supports interactive memory management. You can simply change the slotsize in the task window. The value set there is considered as the max allowed usage.
I19:This programme responds to some hot-keys, consult the manual.|MHint (f1-6,I ndex,T ext,M arker,B ack and of cource|Mthe ⇦ ,⇨ ,⇩ ,⇧ ,Page-up/doww and their ctrl/shift combinations.)
IFL:I have loaded !Help for you, since I could easily find it in the Rom-based Apps-resources, and it will grossly simplify your examination tour!
IMM:Incoming message...
ERM:Error reported; Xref-text shower...
INT:Internal error
ATQ: About to quit now!
IW1:XRef Main
IW2:XRef Index
IW3:XRef Pager
ES1:Cannot find config specified header sprite
ES2:Header sprite MUST be a mode 12 sprite
XRL:Xrefereced text(s) loading...
I20:This is a customized version for the Datafile only !
ofd:Order Disc
off:Order File
NOS:No OrderSheet application running or seen by the filer! Find the DF-Catalogue Disc !
NOL:No OrderSheet application running, Click 'OK' to load one...
f02:If the search is within a disc/file or orderable item; a short desciption will flash here..
f03:Click here to transfer the disc with the above order to the ordersheet programme
f04:Click here to transfer the file to the ordersheet programme
CHL:Click for LIMITed loading
bri:On your requests only the introduction is loaded; use Quick pager to load the other sections.
OOT:Drag the coloured boxes containing the name of an orderable item into a window of the !Ordering application, or double click on one of those boxes.
OOD:Dragging with ADJUST on a file will order the whole disc. with that file. You will see the !Ordering desk-icon respond.
TMF:Sorry, but you have too many fonts to cope with ! Contact the Datafile to remedy this.
TDF:Sorry, but I cannot cope with such a deep font choice/structure. Use shorter/sensible names !
TMC:Sorry, but I cannot cope with fonts under RiscOs 2. You really, really should upgrade !
NEF:Not enough 'Module-Area Memory' to make a Font-Menu
FNF:Font could not be found, reverting to System font