The animation is split between 3 discs and is compressed using Squash.
Before it can be seen, directory Mand on disc 1 must be copied onto a hard
disc with 19Mb or more free. It cannot be seen from floppy disc.
Copy the contents of directory 1 on disc 2 into directory Mand.1 on the hard disc, directory 2 on disc 2 into directory Mand on the hard disc and then the
contents of directory 2 on disc 3 into directory Mand.2 on the hard disc.
Directory Mand on the hard disc must now be decompressed using !Squash on
disc 1.
Now it can be seen by running Animator on disc 1, typing the full path name
of directory Mand and then 230 for the number of frames.
(example - ADFS::IDE2.$.PDCS-2.Animation.Mand )
To create directories that can be displayed using Animator, the main
directory should contain numbered directories, each containing 77 frames.
The first 77 will be in 0 and there should be enough for all the frames.
To create each file, which should also be numbered from 1 to 77 in each
directory, the screen memory must be saved directly. To do this, run 'Change'
on disc 1 and follow instructions on screen. Before using 'Change', the line 'REM ***' must be changed to load each screen as different screens must be
loaded in different ways, and the MODE line at the beginning must be changed to the correct mode. Modes using more than 80k, especially large multisync
modes may be too slow to use but mode 13 and lower should be fast enough.
The COLOUR lines at the beginning of Animator should also be removed if you