The Datafile PD-CD 2
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This is a demonstration version of DiskCat, and as such has all Save and
Print functions Disabled.
A full version is available for just £9.95 from :
Oregan Software Developments
36 Grosvenor Avenue
Sutton Coldfield
B74 3PE
Or Orders can be placed using Access and Visa on .... 021 353 6044
DiskCat is a quick and efficient method of cataloguing your disk collection,
allowing you to find any number of files or applications with ease. To run
it you should double-click on the !DiskCat icon in the filer window, this
will load DiskCat onto the Icon bar.
Clicking Menu over the DiskCat icon, will display a menu with the following
Info Standard program info window
Preferences Opens the preferences window
Ignore List Opens the ignore window
Quit Quits the program
Clicking select on the DiskCat icon will open the main window. When first
run this will just show the headings for the columns and empty slots. Menu
here will give the following menu.
Add Allows the addition of disks
Disk Allows Editing of the disk
Search Accesses the search options
Sort Accesses the sort routines
Display Change the display for the main window
Print Main print submenu
Disk Types Opens a window showing all known disk types
Clear Will delete all disks and files
Save Main save submenu
When a DiskCat file has been loaded, or some new disks have been catalogued,
clicking select on the main window will open a second window which shows
all the details of that disk. It shows the disk name, type and free space as
well as all the files that are on it. A disk type will be something like
Utility or Demo and can be used in searches to be more specific. Clicking
menu in this window will open the Disk submenu (see DISK).
There are two options for adding disks to the catalogue, manual add and
automatic add. If you select Manual Add, a window will open into which you
must type the diskname, disktype, freespace and its contents. The name can
be up to 10 characters and the type can be 12 characters long. The freespace
can be entered in Bytes (suffix B or b), Kilobytes (suffix K or k) or
Megabytes (suffix M or m). Freespace is stored in K so any freespaces
entered in bytes will be rounded down.
Automatic Add will scan through a given disk and read its contents. You
must enter the root directory of the scan (E.g adfs::0.$ will scan floppy
drive 0). You must note that if a command such as *Ram has been executed,
:0.$ will read from the current filing system (RAM in the example).
If the root is an archive, then the disk name will be that of the archive,
and the freespace will be the space in the archive, which will generally be
no free space.
If you try to catalogue a disk which has no name, the program will stop
because a disk with no name will not be very useful in a catalogue.
Therefore to get round this you must either give the disk a name and retry,
or you must add it using the manual add option.
If you do not want to type in the name or want to scan from a specific
directory, you can drag a file onto the auto add window. If the file is a
directory that directory will be set as the device to read from otherwise
the directory that the file is in will be set as the device. The disk type
should be entered in the same way as in the manual add window. If no type is
entered the type will be taken as the first type in the list.
The recursion options allow you to setup how a directory is treated. With no
recursion a directory is treated as a file, and DiskCat will not go inside
the directory. With recursion on, DiskCat will go inside directories to the
set depth, or all directories if All is selected. The set depth option will
allow you to set up how far down the directory tree you want to go down. The
archive option allows you to treat archives as directories.
N.B. For archives to be read, a copy of the ArcFSMod module should be
included in !System or loaded by a !Boot file for example on your harddisc,
or you need to load ArcFS onto the icon bar before loading DiskCat.
This allows the editing of the disk shown as the title of the submenu. It
gives the following submenu
Rename Rename the disk
Disk Type Change the disk's type
Free Space Change the disk's free space
Delete Removes selected disk from the catalogue
File See below
Add File Allows a file to be added
Sort Will sort the files into alphabetical order
Print Will print the disk's data
If the menu is selected when a file search has been performed, this option
will be unshaded. It will also be unshaded if it is selected over a file in
the separate record window. This option allows you to rename or delete the
specified file.
DiskCat allows two different types of search, Disk Search and File Search.
Selecting them will change the display to show the window for that search.
Entering their submenu will allow you to perform a search.
For the Disk Search you can enter the disk name, disk type and the minimum
and maximum free space that you require. If nothing is entered for the
minimum it is taken as zero and if nothing is entered for the maximum then
it is taken as infinite.
There are three selectable icons :
Case sensitive for example allows you to specify if the disk name is to be
case sensitive (Disk types are always taken as upper-case). There are some
wildcard options allowed. A '*' specifies any number of characters of any
type. Therefore 'P*3' will give any disk where the first character is 'P'
and the last is '3'. Also a leading '#' will give a not in the search. So
'#P*3' will give true if the first character is not 'P' and the last
character is not a '3'.
Search in previous will only do searches on disks which matched the previous
Add to previous will allow you to search through every disk that didn't
match the previous search while keeping everything that did match the
previous. For instance you could search in files for everything to do with
boats (using *boats*) and then add ships (*ship*) and barges (*barge*).
For the file search the options are File Name, File Type and Disk Name. The
File Type is exactly the same as the disk type of the disk that the file is
on. The same wild card options apply for these searches as the disk search.
An important note is that on both types of search, a blank entry will be
taken as true for all files or disks.
Sort will allow the disks and files in the catalogue to be sorted into a
more useful, definable format. Selecting on Sort from the submenu will
perform the sort using the default settings. You can also go into the
submenus to define the sort options. For a file sort the options are :-
Disk Name Sorts in alphabetic order of disk name
Disk Type Sorts in alphabetic order of disk type
+ Freespace Ascending order of freespace
- Freespace Descending order of freespace
You can specify these options by clicking on the boxes, in the Disc Sort
window. If two disks being checked match on the first of the options they
will be checked on the second and then the third.
The file sort works in the same way but has the following different
File name Alphabetic order of file name
File type Alphabetic order of file type
Disk name Alphabetic order of the disk name file is on
The Each Disk sort will sort the