The Datafile PD-CD 2
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144 lines
!Help for !BALVANIAC
Control keys:
Z move left
X right
, down
L up
RShift button
Q quit level
LCtrl+Q quit current game(kills all lifes)
P pause
O unpause
S save hiscore table
Space start game
Esc quit program
Balvaniac is inspirated by excellent game 'Boulder Dash' on the 8-bit Atari.
Your task is simple, just collect the diamonds, survive and find the gate to
the next level. The number of diamonds required to open the gate to the next
level is different for each level (parameter needed%). Try hitting a
butterfly or a square boulder. Blue boulders are gummiberry, try hitting them
too. What about the water? Hint: block up it!...
Shown parameters in level initialization:
level% diamonds% / needed% lifes%
level% current level
diamonds% number of diamonds in the level
needed% needed diamonds
lifes% lifes (max 9)
Shown parameters in level play:
level% colected% / value% / needed% time% score%
colected% number of colected diamods
value% score for one diamond
time% time to end of level(seconds)
score% your game score
In the game's directory there is file 'LevMaker20'- Level Maker V 2.0 for
Balvaniac. Double click on its icon to start it. You will be asked for the
number of levels, you want edit: "Kolko levelov:". Type in e.g. '100' and
press Return. After initialization you'll see the design screen. There are
three parts of the design screen:
- white 'select box' in form:'X B D Z VDVBVGN I SLML'
'K BSDMG M S T P O SPMP', with red area for
currently selected item. To select other item, just click on it. Items
stand for:
X - hole; only across it can move moveable 'beasts'
B - (balvan) - boulder
D - (diamand) - diamond
Z - (zem) - ground
VD - (voda/diamand) - water->diamond; if block upped, changes to diamonds,
otherwise to boulders
VB - (voda/balvan) - water->boulder; in any case changes to boulders
VG - (voda/gumibobula) - water->gummiberry; if block upped, changes to
diamonds, otherwise to gummiberries
N - (nemur) - indestructible wall; it must be around each level!!!(Other-
wise you can cause program-crash)
I - (vchod) - 'input' gate to level; do not place it in level bounds!
SL - (stvorec/lavy) - square/anti-clockwise; moves around empty area, don't
try meet it!
ML - (motyl/lavy) - butterfly/anti-clockwise; moves this same way like SL
K - (kyselina) - acid; seems like hole, but every ninth second grows in
all directions (here is a way, you can stop this grow)
BS - (balvan/stvorec) - boulder->square; falling through wall-sieve changes
to square
DM - (diamant/motyl) - diamond->butterfly; falling through wall-sieve
changes to butterfly
G - (gumibobula) - gummiberry; like boulder, but try hit it!
M - (mur) - wall; this is destructable
S - (sitmur) - wall-sieve; if hited by falling boulder or diamond, it will
change boulders to diamonds and diamonds to boulders
T - (tarasmur) - growing-wall; if it's possible grows horizontaly
P - (pajda) - groom; stands on his place and if he's annihilated, you'll
killed too!
O - (vychod) - 'output' gate; gate to next level, can be placed in
vertical part of level bounds
SP - (stvorec/pravy) - square/clockwise
MP - (motyl/pravy) - butterfly/clockwise
-in right upper corner 'info box': current% / edited% / max%
current% - currently edited level
edited% - number of created levels
max% - maximum of levels you can create (the number you type in in
program begining)
Info box is program updated, and is for your orientation.
-rest of work screen is level area, where you can place in game items
Control keys:
f2 - load levels from game directory (files 'levarray','levarea')
S - save levels to game directory (the same files)
cursor keys - movement around level area
P - type in level parameters (see below)
E - edit level parameters, movement across parameters by cursor keys
Space - change parameter
Home - end of edit level parameters
N - next level
B - previous level
R - clear level, (creates level bounds)
M - move level(s) to create space for further level
Space - test the level
Level parameters:
- Rychlost - speed; lower number=higher game speed ( recommended =10 )
- Cas - time; for level in seconds
- Hodnota - value; for one diamond
- ExHodnota - extra value; for diamond after gate's open
- Xpajda - X position of input gate ( 0 - 39 )
- Ypajda - Y ( 0 - 21 )
- BezpCas - safe time; to man's appearing, in seconds
- Potreba - diamonds needed
- SitoCas - wall-sieve time; in seconds
- CelkomD - number of diamonds in level
- VodaCas - water time; to change water, in seconds
- VodaRych - water speed; lower number=higher water growing
In level testing use keys like in normal game.
The game could be better, I admit. But it's just my first attempt at
programming in assembler on Archie.
There is no sound because I don't have a utility to make sound and music.
Sorry, but I have no time to translate source code comments.
So, if you need my help, you can contact me. My address:
Mala Okruzna 962/56
958 01
Cheats: lines in '!RunImage' to your attention: 1140, 2100.