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- Instructions for DALEKS on the Archimedes, version 3.30 02th Jul 1992.
- This is a public domain version of the game Daleks. This
- originated on the Macintosh, was converted to the Atari, and now its'
- on the Archimedes. See the file ST_Daleks for more information about
- this.
- The game:
- ========
- The aim of the game is to destroy all the daleks. There are three
- ways of doing this:
- o Make daleks run into each-other, creating a pyre
- o Cause a dalek to run into a pyre
- o Use a sonic boom
- At each turn the player may do one of four things:
- o Move into an adjacent cell, or stay still
- o Teleport, to a random place on the board
- o Use a sonic boom
- o Last stand
- After the player has gone, every dalek will move one cell towards the
- players' new position on the board. The players' game is over when he
- collides with a dalek, or runs into a pyre.
- When all the daleks in one sheet have been killed, a new sheet is
- started with even more daleks.
- SONIC BOOM: This kills all daleks within one cell of the player, but
- ignores any pyres. Sonic booms accumulate at one per
- sheet.
- TELEPORT: This transports you to a random (empty) place on the
- board. Of course this isn't guaranteed to be safe!
- LAST STAND: This will cause the player to stand still until either
- they die, or the sheet is completed. Only use when
- absolutely sure it's safe to.
- Changes v3.21 --> v3.30:
- =======================
- Shows probability that you will die if you teleport on the status bar.
- Now your man sprite is displayed when you die.
- Daleks never start on top of each other.
- Demo mode.
- Changes v3.10 --> v3.20:
- =======================
- Can now specify auto-centering for sheet/teleport/move separately.
- Changes v3.00 --> v3.10:
- =======================
- ADJUST click on a high score table window sets the current document to
- those game parameters, with appropriate warnings if a game is in
- progress.
- Better last-stand handling
- Changes v2.00 --> v3.00:
- =======================
- Now fully wimped, that actually runs faster, with less flicker. In
- fact, it may be a bit TOO fast if you turn off multitasking. But you
- can't have too much speed, can you?
- In order to make this game run at a reasonable speed when there's
- ~100 daleks, (and reduce the horrible flicker of v2.00) the graphics
- used to animate the man/dalek movement are pre-generated. This takes
- a while, and needs to be re-done every time you change screen
- mode/palette. However, since it DOES speed the game itself up so
- much, it's a small sacrifice.
- Mouse controls:
- ==============
- Move: SELECT on arrows around player
- SELECT on player to stay put
- Sonic boom: ADJUST on arrows/player
- Teleport: ADJUST anywhere else
- Last stand: Use the menu item/keyboard shortcut
- (this is deliberate)
- Key controls:
- ============
- 789 left up, up, up right
- 654 left, stationary, right
- 123 left down, down, down right
- S sonic boom
- T teleport
- L last stand
- SPACE restart game
- G toggle grid
- A toggle arrows
- H highlight player
- C centre window on player
- ^C toggle auto-centreing
- ^M toggle multi-tasking
- ^H toggle auto-highlighting
- ^S toggle auto-centre at start of sheet
- ^T toggle auto-centre after teleportin
- D toggle DEMO mode - computer-controlled player
- Demo: (D)
- =====
- This toggles a computer-controlled player demonstration. Use of
- this stops any score getting on the high score board. It's a fairly
- simple algorithm: first of all move towards the centre of gravity of
- all daleks. Then if can't move, sonic boom, or teleport. Then home
- in on the nearest pyre & stay near it.
- Highlight: (H)
- =========
- This option is essential on large boards. It goes through several
- frames of animation that home in on your current position. There are
- several types of animation.
- Automatic highlighting (^H) is useful to find yourself at the start
- of each new sheet. In fact, I'd say it was essential.
- The rates dbox can be used to tailor the number of frames of
- animation. This is necessary for, say, the spiral type as the default
- number of frames is far too small. Also, if not multitasking, then
- you'd want to increase the frames as it does it TOO FAST!
- Centreing: (C)
- =========
- This scrolls the window until the player is in the middle of the
- window (or as close as can get - because player is near the edge of
- the board). Once selected, the window will "home" in on the player.
- It is difficult trying to re-size the window while this is happening,
- but the effect is worth that small sacrifice.
- If auto centreing (^C) is selected, then after each move, the
- "center" option is automatically selected. This is probably the
- "safest" way to play, though it can be distracting.
- It is now possible to automatically centre after a teleport/new
- sheet. For playing on very large boards, it is recommended that these
- later two are enabled and auto-centering disabled.
- Change the centre rate to "1", and you will ALWAYS be in the middle
- of the screen, but with only one "scroll". A better working value is
- "2" or "3".
- View.Grid: (G)
- =========
- Well, look at the sub-menu - I got a bit carried away! The colours
- even work in 256 colour modes, which was decidely non-trivial. Just
- look away from the bottom left pixel of the screen on a mode change,
- and you'll be alright :-)
- The cross-hair MAY look better in multi-sync modes. In non-square
- modes you just get a blodge.
- View.Arrows: (A)
- ===========
- I should have allowed the arrows to move along with you, but due to
- the extra time it would take to generate the frames of animation, sod
- it (+ quite a bit more memory). Maybe in version 4 :-)
- Note that if arrows are disabled, you can still move by clicking in
- the cells adjacent to the player.
- View.Background:
- ===============
- Changing the background colour necessitates a recalculation of the
- sprites. In monochrome modes, selecting a "grey" colour doesn't work,
- because the cell size isn't an integer multiple of the dither pattern
- size. So stick to pure black/white.
- View.Sprites:
- ============
- This dbox allows you to change the sprites AND the cell gaps.
- Family:
- There are three families of sprites that are distributed with
- Daleks. Just select the one you want.
- Cell gaps:
- The pixel gaps between cells. Reducing these can help to fit the
- whole board to lie on the screen, without any scrolling.
- Frames of animation:
- Read the on-line help.
- If you reckon the sprites are crap (and you'd be in the majority),
- then design your own and send 'em in so everyone can benefit. Look in
- the Sprites file, and you'll see some sprites prefixed "a_", the same
- set prefixed "b_", etc. If you just create the next set, then Daleks
- will automatically know about them the next time it's loaded. Easy
- eh! Just make sure the "dalek" sprite has the palette/size/mode for
- the whole group, and everything has a mask.
- View.Scale:
- ==========
- Since you HAVE to scale sprites according to their mode and the
- current screen mode, it is almost trivial to add on a user magnifier
- as well. So I did.
- Not much use, unless you're partially sighted, then just scale it
- up by a factor of 2-4 and get mega chunky graphics! Be warned though,
- these magnified sprites are stored "as is", so take up quite a lot of
- memory.
- View.Multitask: (^M)
- ==============
- This option causes Daleks to hand over control back to the wimp
- inbetween each movement/highlight frame of animation.
- With multitasking enabled, you can't do certain actions while
- others are still in progress, e.g. teleport while moving. Wait until
- the move has finished, then teleport.
- If you're using the keyboard, it's probably better to turn off
- multitasking, as it makes the game run quite a bit faster.
- New game:
- ========
- Using this dbox it is possible to create your own "games".
- Note that these values are used to determine what high score table
- you get on to. So change these and you go onto a DIFFERENT score
- table.
- High scores:
- ===========
- A separate high score table is noted for each type of game.
- The high score file is always written to when someone gets a score,
- but not loaded. So don't run two or more versions of the application
- concurrently.
- The highscore file is protected with a CRC, so no manual editing!
- It is possible to remove a high score table. This is usually done
- after mergeing a lot of very poor high scores from version 2. Note
- that you are NOT given a second chance, so be VERY CAREFUL.
- Pressing ADJUST on a high score window sets the current document to
- those parameters. This is very handy.
- View, New game:
- ==============
- These are for a multi-document version of daleks. But who needs
- multiple documents of daleks?
- Misc.Save choices:
- =================
- This saves everything, even your name! It is highly recommended that you use this option, as resetting parameters each time you re-load is a big pain.
- Misc.Load choices:
- =================
- This is more useful in the multi-document version of daleks. But
- who needs multiple documents of daleks?
- Misc.Merge v2:
- =============
- This merges the v2 Dalek score file(s) with the current high scores.
- However, for this to work you *MUST* edit the !Run file inside v2.00
- *AND* then run it. This is because Daleks3 needs to read the system
- variable "Daleks$Dir". Unfortunately the v2.00 !Run file "UnSet
- Daleks$Dir", and so this (last) line must be commented out by sticking
- a "|" in front of it. OK. Got all that. Good.
- Also note that because this was a quick hack, the number of disc
- writes to the new scores file is humongous. So do it to a RAM disc.
- Don't have v2 and v3 on separate floppies - you'd die of old age.
- Best Scores
- ===========
- (40x23) 7.10. 460 1:1:1 = (13) 7550
- (40x23) 7.10. 460 1:1:8 = (18) 15060
- (80x50) 50.10.1000 1:1:8 = (22) 31860
- Credits:
- =======
- Simon Huntington - Interface module
- Nick van Someren - BugView
- Acorn - Archimedes / RiscOs / BasicV
- Frank Zappa - Musical entertainment
- I am Cy J Booker, dwelling at:
- 86 Church View
- Main Road
- Crockenhill
- Swanley
- Kent. BR8 8JW
- U.K.
- Public Domain:
- =============
- Er, now for the blurb that no one reads:-
- This program is still free. If you paid any money for it then you
- were ripped off. I accept no responsibilty for this program or its'
- documentation. However, I am not adverse to accepting cash donations,
- for those who feel so inclined.
- This program and documentation is Copyright © Cy Booker 1992.
- If you're a library/bbs/magazine and wish to distribute this, then
- contact the author.
- If you want the source code then send us a disc.
- Updates:
- =======
- v1.00 09-Oct-1990
- Version the first.
- v1.01 02-Dec-1990
- Updated library files, and put into separate folder. Still no
- 256-colour support - can't be naffed. Unlocked all files.
- v1.02 27-Dec-1990
- Squashed source code to make it run a bit faster, included source
- as an archive. This meant didn't have to mess around with Library
- files. Also means should load a LOT faster off floppy.
- v2.00 30-Dec-1990
- ARM-Coded the main program - this makes it a LOT faster. Also
- cured that one bug. ** MUCH ** Better way of specifying sprite /
- board size. Also can now play Atari ST version - non-accumulating
- sonic booms.
- v3.00 05-Jun-1992
- Even though it's Wimp-ed, because of a better algorithm its faster
- than v2. Lots of features added to make the most of (and overcome
- some limitations of) the window'ed approach. Cured bug in 2.00 of
- sonic booming last remaining daleks on a sheet.
- v3.10 07-Jun-1992
- Last stand: No delay, or graphic effect if die, cured redraw bug if
- select sonic boom from menu, and bug when change game parameters.
- Added ability to set game parameters from high score window.
- v3.20 08-Jun-1992
- Can now determine center after teleport/sheet/move separately
- v3.21 26-Jun-1992
- Update this !Help file
- v3.30 02-Jul-1992
- Cured redraw-when-die & start overlap bugs
- Added demo mode
- Added probability that will die to status bar
- Bugs
- ====
- Two known bugs:
- o if multitask & sonic boom FROM MENU, and a dalek is
- PARTIALLy visible, then the screen gets corrupted.
- o multitasking Demo mode: screen corruption when sonic
- or leave demo-mode
- Won Ton On!