DinoSaw... A simple everyday story of a caveman and his chain saw!
Version Date Info
1.0 28 August '93 The first released version. Bug free?
Instructions.... (abridged version!)
It's a prehistoric platformer... either jump over nasty things or hack 'em to death with yer chainsaw. You can tell when yer hurting something cos it bleeds! Nice huh?
There are a few bonus objects to be found around the game.
Food - simply boosts your score.
Hearts - Give BOTH players an extra life. On two player mode when a player's game is over, and the other player collects a heart he is allowed to rejoin the game.
There are four levels to this version, you may progress to the next level by walking off the right hand side of the current level.
ARM 3 users
DinoSaw has a special ARM3 mode, which can be used by anyone whose machine runs fast enough. This mode will NOT be used if your ARM3 is switched off when you load the game. The difference is that you get in-game music, and lots more blood!
1 meg users
For ***** sake get an upgrade! It's a real pain having to cater for people with less than 2 megs. However it will work OK (as far as I can work out anyway). The only problem is that you'll have to make sure there's as much free memory as possible, to do this you can either mess about with the task manager yourself or simply click on !MaxMem.
The default keys...
From titlescreen...
Space - Start game
Escape - Quit program
Print - 1/2 Players (Full version ONLY)
In game...
Player1 Player2
Z kp 1 - Left |
X kp 2 - Right | May be altered with
C kp 3 - Jump | !DinoKeys
Escape - Quit game
There are two different versions of this program available...
PD .. This is pretty much free, and even this version is tarty smart!
PD libraries please note : THIS IS A FULL GAME ON IT'S OWN NOT JUST
FULL .. This'll cost you £5.00 and you can get it by sending a cheque to me! The full version is slightly better than the PD version cos....
it's got MORE levels...
MORE dinosaurs...
MORE objects...
A hiscore table (probably)
AND a two player mode similar to that on Sonic the Hedgehog
well worth it if you ask me.
Stuff I'm responsible for...
PD Gyrinus II (which has been described as the BEST PD game, but I
think this one should put a stop to that!)
Lemings (written before it came out for the Arc and not half as
good as the commercial version)
TBVG (a little vector game)
Commercial 2067BC | See adverts in the Acorn mags to find out
Ixion | how to get hold of these. They're all well worth
Cycloids | the cash.
My address, in case you discover any bugs 'n stuff, have any problems, or want to get the FULL version.