!Goo is a desktop game. It is fully multi-tasking, and occupies 64k of application memory, and around 80k of RMA.
Getting Started...
Simply double-click on the application icon in a filer window. After a short pause the application will load. The icon will appear on the iconbar. The iconbar menu allows you to display the info window, or quit.
To start a game, click on the icon, and press Menu over the main window. Select 'New Game'.
What you have to do...
The board consists of a 10x10 grid. When you select 'New Game' from the menu, a start point, a bonus square, and two obstructions will appear in random places on the grid. The obstructions cannot be moved, nor can pieces of pipe be placed on top of them. The start point is a small piece of pipe with a rounded end, filled with a small amount of goo. The bonus square lookslike a smiling face. On the right of the grid, a timer will be counting down.When it reaches zero, the goo will start to flow rapidly out of the start point. What you have to do is construct as long a pipe as you can for the gooto flow round. Every piece of section of pipe that the goo flows into will give you 10 points. At crossroads, the goo will always flow straight across the centre.
To place sections of pipe onto the board, you press Select over the desiredsquare. At the top right of the window is a green dispenser. The next piece to be placed on the grid is shown at the bottom. When this piece has been placed, the two pieces above will fall down and a new piece will appear at the top. Therefore, you can always see the next three pieces to be placed. You can place a piece ontop of another piece on the board, providing that is isn't filled with goo.
When the counter reaches zero the fun really starts, because while the goo is flowing around the start of the pipe, you can be frantically placing new pieces onto the end before it catches up.
The goo stops flowing when it either reaches the end of the tube, hits another tube that it can't flow in to, hits an obstruction, or hits the startpoint. If you have aquired enough points for that level then the board will clear and you will move up to the next level. If you haven't enough points then it will be the end of the game. If your score is good enough then you can enter your name into the permenent high-score table. Press Return after you have typed your name into the writeable icon. As you go up through the levels you will get: more obstructions, less time, and the pipe will have to be longer in order for you to gain enough points.
The high score-table is stored to disc, so don't try to run !Goo from a read-only archive.
To get the bonus of 50 points, you must place a section of pipe on top of the bonus square. When the goo flows through this section of pipe, you will hear a ping, and be awarded 50 points (plus the 10 points you would normally get). The bonus can only be obtained once on each level, therefore if you place a crossroads on the bonus square, then make the goo flow through that square twice, you will only get one bonus. Note: you don't have to get the bonus to complete a level if you already have gained the required number of points.
The Main Menu...
'Info' - Gives you the info window.
'New Game' - Starts a new game.
'Pause' - When the game has been started, this can toggle the pause facility. A tick will indicated whether it is on or off.