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- -------------------------------------
- Help file for Labyrinth
- version 1.01 (23-Sep-94)
- © Andrew Ayre 1994
- -------------------------------------
- Labyrinth is a 3D maze game. You have to search through the mazes, finding
- the three tokens before your energy runs out.
- Features include: Teleports, scanner, direction pointer, volume controls,
- pause, and passwords. Plus the standard things like: energy indicator and
- moves counter.
- Simply double-click on the icon in a filer window. If you have 2Mb+ of
- memory then see the section later on.
- When the game has loaded, the title page will appear. After 5 seconds it
- will change. Other pages include: the high score table and a short
- demonstration.
- To start the game press the Spacebar.
- To move around the maze use the arrow keys:
- ⇦ - turn left by 90°
- ⇨ - turn right by 90°
- ⇧ - move forward one square
- To toggle the pause, press P.
- The tokens appear as pyramids. One green, one white, and one purple. To
- collect one, simply move on top of it. When you have collected all three,
- you will be given a password for the next level. Press a key to start it.
- On the right of the screen are various pieces of information:
- At the top is the energy indicator. This is going down all the time. When
- it runs out, the game has finished.
- Next comes the token indicator. When you start there are three small
- holes. When you collect a token a small copy of it will be placed in one of
- the holes to show that you have collected it.
- The next one is the moves indicator, and it simply shows the number of
- moves you have taken on this maze.
- Next is the scanner. This scans all the squares nearby in the maze to see
- if there are any tokens. The closer a token, the faster it flashes. Note:
- the scanner can scan through walls, so you may not be able to see the
- tokens.
- At the bottom is the direction indicator. This shows you which directon
- you are travelling in.
- When you run out of energy, you will be notified of your score. If it is
- good enough, then you will be able to put your initials into the high score
- table. To go back and change a letter press Backspace or Delete.
- After each maze is completed, your score is worked out as follows:
- You get 50 points for each token, and 100 points for completing the maze.
- You also get three points for every seconds worth of energy remaining.
- Finally the number of moves you took is taken away.
- At any time during the title page sequence you can press P to enter a
- password. Also you can use the left and right arrow keys to adjust the
- volume.
- Pressing Escape at any time returns you to the desktop.
- Mazes can be editied/created using my Blueprint application. Note:
- Labyrinth must not be distributed with new/modified mazes, although they may
- be distributed seperately. Also, Labyrinth can currently cope with only 14
- mazes.
- 2Mb+ USERS...
- I developed this game on my hard drive, so I didn't realise how long it
- took to load in the next maze every time you complete one, from floppy.
- To get round this I have written a 2Mb version, which loads in all the
- mazes at the start. Although this means that you get to look at the
- hourglass for longer initially, when you complete a maze the next one will
- appear very quickly. Unfortunately I don't think that it will fit into a 1Mb
- machine anymore.
- To use the 2Mb version, load the !Run file into !Edit, and change the line
- that reads:
- Set Lab$Opts "1Mb"
- to:
- Set Lab$Opts "2Mb"
- Then resave the !Run file. Before running, make sure that you have 768K
- allocated to the Next slot in the Task Manager window.
- Added 2Mb version.
- Maze filetype icon changed.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- This software may be freely distributed as long as none of the files are
- altered or tampered with in any way, and no profit is made.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Andrew Ayre
- 24 Skirbeck Road,
- Gillshill Road,
- Hull,
- East Yorkshire.
- HU8 0HR