Your purpose in this game is to wipe out all objects which are displayed on the scanner to the bottom left of the control panel. Your targets are of several types, most objects are not terribly dangerous however some do fire back!
All objects require several hits to destroy usually 3-4.
Controls :
All movement is achieved by clicking on one of the symbols in the oval bit of the control panel. Clicking with adjust on your view will fire vaguely in that direction.
Keys :
< - Decrease scanner range.
> - Increase scanner range.
ESCAPE - Quit game
I think this would be a good time to say hello to a few people out there :-
Hello to (in no particular order) Baz, Dave, the other Dave (whose still at 6th Form ha, ha, ha!), Rob, Dave of the Datafile PD - thanx for the disks, Adam Case, Mark Perry and Harry Jones - thanks for the job offers guys! Arc Empire (who ever you are) for writing TransMortal the best Arc demo I've seen so far. Finnaly a big hello to Gary Williams who was nice enough to point out a few bugs in Gyrinus 2.
Thanks to Thomas Alber and Eduard Pfarr who wrote Coconizer.
To anyone with V2.5 of Gyrinus II - soz 'bout the bug! Although I doubt many people got far enough to find it. I'm up to version 2.8 at the moment, I'll update PD libraries copies if you write to me.
If you find any bugs in this game, think of any improvements or just feel the need to write to me, then this is what you should stick on the front of all those nice envelope things:-
Tom Cooper
29 Woodland Ravine
Y012 6TA
If you send me a grovelly letter I'll give you a mention in future versions.
If you're a PD author I'll be happy to help out with graphics, bits of code.