Weclome to the wacky world of wallaby wrestling! The championship is a title fought over by 2-6 players. When you type in your names - remember your
colours. These are the colours you will play in. In the tournament everyone
plays everyone else.
The name of the game is BOUNCING. You have 5 stamina points (top of screen). If you bounce ON TOP of the other wallaby he looses a stamina point. When yourun out of points - you lose.
If you need to bounce higher quicker, then there is a mega bounce key.
Pressing this causes you to rocket towards the top of the screen. However, itis so powerful that there is a substancial delay after using it before it canbe used again.
After all the games have been played, the wallaby with the highest score winsor, in the event of a draw, the tournament goes to another round. The colourswill change in this round so make sure you know which is your wallaby.
Oh yes, the keys are :
Player 1 Player 2
Left Z Keypad 1
Right C Keypad 3
Bounce X Keypad 2
Mega-bounce SHIFT Enter
The original author included the following statement with the original
version, so I had better pass it on...
If you enjoy playing WWF please send a cheque for £10 to:
Tadworth Court Children's Hospital
KT20 5RU
Tel (0737) 357171
Fax: (0737) 373848
Please read on:
Tadowrth offers specialist carefor children with cystic fibrosis, a chronic
and life threatening disease of the lungs and digestive system. Children bornwith CF may, with regular physiotherapy and a special diet, live at home but may need a frequent visit to hospital for extra treatment. Their families aregiven support and training in order to be able to care properly for their
Tadworth offers treatment for other life threatening diseases and care for
children who are terminally ill.
Tadworth also offers short term respite care for severely physically and
mentally handicapped children to ensure that families with such a child have a break from the conmstant care and attention with they must supply.
The truct was formed in 1983. In 1984 it assumed the management of Tadworth
Court Children's Hospital which had been under threat of closure since 1982
The Trust had an annual grand from the DHSS from Sep 1983 until Mar 1990; nowit is self supporting. The Trust has relied on financial support from the
public to enable it to improve and expand the services it offers to children and their families.,
In the 1990s, with no government grant , help from the public will be even
more inportant.
Tadworth was the country branch of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. It was opened in 1927 for children who, according to the medical
thought of the time, would benefit from treatment in the fresh air of the
The Court continues the invaluable services offered by the hospital to
chronically and terminally ill children and those who are severely mentally
and physically handicapped. It has added to the facilities offered at
Tadworth with St Margaret's School for profoundly handicapped children and
the rehabilitation unit for children with head injuries.
The Trust is relying on continues financial backing from friends and
supporters, as it prepares a five year srategic plan of developments for thisdecade.