Ever wished you could change Uffe Elleman-Jensen into Brooke Shields? No? Oddthat. Well whether you wanted to or not this little app will do it for you. Just run it and gasp in amazement as Uffe changes to Brooke and back again before your very eyes. (Now is probably a good time to tell you Uffe actuallyis. He is in fact, as I'm sure all you politically hip people know, the (or rather one of the) ex foreign secrectary of that lovely country of Demark. (If you ever get the chance go and see it. There's loads of unspoilt country side (if you like that sorta thang) LegoLand (no, your not too old to go!)and Copehagen (Vundefull Vunderfull Copenhaaagen as the song says) has the longest pedestrianised(?) shopping street in Europe. There are also about 3 MacDoanlds and 3 Burger Kings in the centre - no lie! Plus the Mermaid, the Palace, the Town Hall, the Tivoli Gardens and a bus driver who looks suspiciously like Arnold 'I'll be back' Schwarzenegger.) Anyway enough of the Danish tourist board info service. The images in this demo were created with a publiic domain demo version of the now commercially avaiable !Morpheus. (Interesting fact:- The !Morpheus demo said it would only work with Risc Os 3or above. I however only have Risc Os 2 ('cos I'm dead poor). However I cunningly loaded the !Run file into !Edit and stuck a "|" in front of the line which says - "RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.00 Error You need RISC OS 3 or later to run !Morpheus" and reloaded it and it worked perfectly. Why this should be I have no idea - maybe it works on other 'Risc Os 3 only' sofware I don't know. Why not try this at home folks!
How to use it bit:-
Run the app in the normal way, enter the time delay you want at the promt andpress return/enter. Simple eh? The time you enter will be the time the computer waits before dispaying the next frame. For e.g. if you enter .2 you will get 5 frames per second. Don't put too small a value otherwise the pic won't appear to move.
If you can't work out how to use this then go and buy a Sega Mega CD.
Boring tech type stuff bit:-
This app needs about 350k of system sprite space. It should allocate this it's self and then return it to 32k when quit. If not then set it manually via the task manager before running. (See manual if you dunno how to do this)The app also sets the font cache to 0k before running incase memory is tight and sets it back to 64k when quit. Again this should be done automatically. The sprites are all loaded into the sprite area and the loaded from there anddiplayed as this allows the change to take place quicker and more smoothly than if they had to be loaded of disc individually (espcially floppy discs).
There are 21 frames in the animation including the start and end pics. The inbetween frames (1-19) where created in mode 15 as this is the mode !Morpheus works in. To save space on disc and sprite memory the frames were converted to mode 12 using !ModeConv. The app loads a 16 greyscale palette for displaying the pictures. This is reset to the default palette when the program is quit. If your default palette is not the original default palette (I use !PaletteGB by the way - also in with this) then simply replace the !Default palette file with your own.
Thanks bit:-
Henrik Bjerregaard Pedersen - for writting the !Morpheus demo and putting it in the public domain.
Dave McCartney of the Datafile - for running an excellent P.D. Libary (creep, creep!).
Stuart Hickinbottom - for writting the P.D. utillity !ModeConv.
Thanks also to whoever it was who wrote the Memalloc module.
Contacts bit:-
Henrik can be contacted at the address below
Henrik Bjerregaard Pederesn
Stengaards Alle 13 B
DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone: (+45) 42 88 37 56
The Datafile is at
71 Anson Road,
BS24 7DQ.
Phone/Fax: (0934) 823005
Send off for the cat/demo disc now - it's the quickest (return of post) and best libary around (This is my personal opinion - no commercial dealings)
!Morpeus is available from
Oregan Software Developments,
36 Grosvenor Avenue,
Sutton Coldfield,
B74 3PE.
Phone: (021) 353 6044
I can be contacted at
69 St John's Hill, 83 Wyley Road, (term time address)
Shenstone, Coventry,
Lichfield, OR CV6 1NX.
WS14 OJE. (Utill June '94)
Gratuitous begging bit:-
All donations gratfully recieved for the Risc Os 3 upgrade fund - cheques payable to Mr M Willis please!
Distribution bit:-
Please feel free to distribute this as public domain. I ask only that no profit be made from distibuting this program and that this !Read_me file and my name in other files remains intact.
Create your own bit:-
Why not create your own morphing demos? There are several demos of !Morpheus around - or you could by the package. If you've done any then feel free to adapt the !Runimage file for your own use but please leave by name in there. If you want you can send them to me and I'll send you some P.D. back.
Legal disclamer bit:-
All the info in this file is correct to my knowlage but I accept no responsibility for any loss resulting from any inacuracies. I have no commercial dealings with any companies mentioned.
So if go to Denmark and hate it it's your problem!