by u4ia of megawatts copyright 1992 (c) once again another year comes to meet us and here is the way i predict 1993 to be. a big warm hello goes to: bosco,lioth,danc, reverb,ramchip,spazm, janne,maruku,gridlock ,and that hello comes from mermaid(mandie) to all you megawatts associates. =8*) more greets: milano, cryo,bilbo1,mksa,xom, alfred,pjotr,slammer, hezu,dw,thecure, linenoise,sidewinder, and anyone else that made 1992 a good year . contact me at: 32 ingleside road, kingswood, bristol, bs15 1hq, u.k. e-mail:jim.young@bris length of tune: 8 min 47 secs. happy newyear 2 u all my friends 9:12:1992 onverted from Amiga ProTracker us