Transcription: 'm gonna go get some food.I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I'm a man of the past I' ...
igelkottarnas rike
dsym (Digital Symphony v0)
Digital Symphony
kingdom of the hedgehogs by leinad during 1991.... if it sounds strange, try to change player. contact me: daniel falk, aspetorp , 560 28 lekeryd, sweden... e-mail: all samples except nr 5 and 9 by me. tune originally used in a demo by tetragon stay cool - don't close the fridge (c) 1993 daniel falk --------------------------------- ###############| #### ####| Downloaded from ## ##| via the Intern # ## ## #| Death (with pain # #| and it's derivat # # # #| ## ##### ##| Another Digital #### ####| Frank Isidor ###############| ---------------------------------