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--The files in this directory are based on the programs described in:
-- A Modular fully-lazy lambda lifter in Haskell
-- Simon L. Peyton Jones and David Lester
-- Software -- Practice and Experience
-- Vol 21(5), pp.479-506
-- MAY 1991
--See the Readme file for more details.
-- Instance of Text for printing expressions:
instance Text Constant where
showsPrec p (CNum n) = shows n
showsPrec p (CFun n) = showString n
instance Text (Expr [Char]) where
showsPrec p (EConst k) = shows k
showsPrec p (EVar v) = showString v
showsPrec p e@(EAp _ _) = showChar '(' . showsAp e . showChar ')'
where showsAp (EAp l r) = showsAp l
. showChar ' '
. shows r
showsAp e = shows e
showsPrec p (ELet isRec defns body)
= showString (if isRec then "letrec" else "let")
. showChar ' '
. showsDefns defns
. showString " in "
. shows body
showsPrec p (ELam binders body)
= showString "(\\"
. foldr1 (\h t-> h . showChar ' ' . t)
(map showString binders)
. showChar '.'
. shows body
. showChar ')'
showWithSep :: Text a => String -> [a] -> ShowS
showWithSep s [x] = shows x
showWithSep s (x:xs) = shows x . showString s . showWithSep s xs
showsDefns :: [Defn Name] -> ShowS
showsDefns [] = showString "{}"
showsDefns [d] = showsDefn d
showsDefns defns = showChar '{'
. foldr1 (\h t-> h . showString "; " . t)
(map showsDefn defns)
. showChar '}'
showsDefn :: Defn Name -> ShowS
showsDefn (x,e) = showString x . showString " = " . shows e
-- display lists of supercombinators:
showSCs :: [SCDefn] -> String
showSCs = layn . map showSc
where showSc (name,args,body)
= foldr1 (\n ns -> n ++ " " ++ ns) (name:args)
++ " = "
++ show body
-- Parser for input of expressions: (sorry, this is rather a hack!)
number :: Parser Int
number = sp (many1 (sat isDigit) `do` strToNum)
where strToNum = foldl (\n d->10*n+d) 0 . map (\c->ord c - ord '0')
variable :: Parser String
variable = sp (sat isLower `seq` many (sat isAlpha) `do` (\(c,cs) -> c:cs))
constant :: Parser String
constant = sp (sat isUpper `seq` many (sat isAlpha) `do` (\(c,cs) -> c:cs))
expr :: Parser Expression
expr = sptok "letrec" `seq` variable `seq` sptok "=" `seq` expr
`seq` sptok "in" `seq` expr
`do` (\(lt,(v,(eq,(def,(inn,rhs)))))-> ELet True [(v,def)] rhs)
sptok "let" `seq` variable `seq` sptok "=" `seq` expr
`seq` sptok "in" `seq` expr
`do` (\(lt,(v,(eq,(def,(inn,rhs)))))-> ELet False [(v,def)] rhs)
sptok "\\" `seq` listOf variable (sp (okay ())) `seq` sptok "."
`seq` expr
`do` (\(l,(vs,(dot,e))) -> ELam vs e)
atomic :: Parser Expression
atomic = sptok "(" `seq` many1 expr `seq` sptok ")"
`do` (\(o,(e,c))->foldl1 EAp e)
variable `do` EVar
constant `do` (EConst . CFun)
number `do` (EConst . CNum)
inp :: String -> Expression
inp s = case expr s of ((p,""):_) -> p
_ -> error "Cannot parse input"
-- Examples:
ll, fll :: Expression -> String
ll = showSCs . lambdaLift
fll = showSCs . fullyLazyLift
example1 :: Expression
example1 = inp "let f = \\x. let g = \\y.(Plus (Times x x) y) in \
\(Plus (g 3) (g 4)) \
\in (f 6)"
{- Results:
? ll example1 -- normal lambda lifting
1) $main = let f = SC1 in (f 6)
2) SC1 x = let g = (SC0 x) in (Plus (g 3) (g 4))
3) SC0 x y = (Plus (Times x x) y)
? fll example1 -- fully lazy version
1) $main = let f0 = SC1 in (f0 6)
2) SC1 x1 = let v4 = (Plus (Times x1 x1)) in
let g2 = (SC0 v4) in (Plus (g2 3) (g2 4))
3) SC0 v4 y3 = (v4 y3)
example2 :: Expression
example2 = inp "let \
\ f = \\x. letrec g = \\y. (Cons (Times x x) (g y)) \
\ in (g 3) \
\in (f 6)"
{- Results:
? ll example2 -- normal lambda lifting
1) $main = let f = SC1 in (f 6)
2) SC1 x = letrec g = (SC0 g x) in (g 3)
3) SC0 g x y = (Cons (Times x x) (g y))
? fll example2 -- fully lazy version
1) $main = let f0 = SC1 in (f0 6)
2) SC1 x1 = let v4 = (Cons (Times x1 x1)) in
letrec g2 = (SC0 g2 v4) in (g2 3)
3) SC0 g2 v4 y3 = (v4 (g2 y3))