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Mini Prolog Version 1.5g Mark P. Jones 23rd July 1991
A simple Prolog interpreter, for Gofer 2.28
This document gives a brief introduction to Mini Prolog Version 1.5g, a simple
Prolog interpreter that can be used with Gofer 2.28. The original version of
this program was written nearly two years ago as an Orwell program, running on
the interpreter used here in Oxford for teaching functional programming. More
recently I rewrote the interpreter for the Haskell B. compiler produced by the
people at Chalmers in Sweden, and took the opportunity to experiment with some
of the new features of Haskell, including type classes and I/O. Only a few
small changes to the Haskell B version have been necessary to make Mini Prolog
run under my own Haskell-like interpreter, Gofer, with most of these being
required to take account of changes in the definition of Haskell from version
1.0 to the latest version 1.1, due at the end of the month.
This document isn't going to explain a lot about how Prolog programs are
written and work. But there are plenty of other references for that. Please
feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. I'd very much like
to receive any comments.
The Mini Prolog interpreter takes the form of a small collection of Gofer
scripts. The most important part of any implementation of Prolog is the
inference engine which controls the search for goals to user supplied
queries. Mini Prolog comes with a choice of two different inference engines,
the `pure' engine uses lazy evaluation to construct and traverse potentially
infinite proof trees. The `stack' engine uses an explicit stack (implemented
using a list) to provide a more concrete description of backtracking. The
stack engine also implements the Prolog cut `!' predicate, used in the
examples below. Assuming that you've got everything set up properly to use
the Gofer interpreter, and that all of the Mini Prolog script files are in the
current working directory, you should start Gofer with the command `gofer':
machine% gofer
Gofer Version 2.20
Reading script file "/users/mpj/research/Gofer/prelude":
Dependency analysis.......................................................
Type checking.............................................................
Gofer session for:
Type :? for help
and then specify the appropriate set of script to be loaded:
? :l Parse Interact PrologData Subst PureEngine Main
for the `pure' version of the inference engine, or:
? :l Parse Interact PrologData Subst StackEngine Main
for the stack version, which is the one needed for the rest of this document.
Once the script files have been loaded, start the Mini prolog interpreter by
typing the expression `main' and pressing return.
? main
Mini Prolog Version 1.5g (stack based)
Reading stdlib........done
The `>' prompt indicates that the interpreter is running and waiting for user
Before the `>' prompt appears, Mini Prolog reads a set of standard predicate
definitions from the file `stdlib' in the current directory. You are free to
modify this file to suit your own needs. The only predicate that is built in
to Mini Prolog is the cut, written `!' whose use is demonstrated below. There
are no other extralogical predicates, no input/output predicates and no
arithmetic as found in full implementations of Prolog. Some of these features
could be added to the interpreter without too much difficulty, others would
require rather more work.
At any time, you can ask the interpreter to display the list of rules that are
being held in the database by typing "??" and pressing the return key. Try
this after you've started the interpreter and you'll get a list of the
predicates defined in the file `stdlib'. For example:
> ??
The Mini Prolog interpreter does not support the standard Prolog syntax for
lists. Instead, you have to write the list [1,2,3] as
"cons(1,cons(2,cons(3,nil)))". One of the first things I tried was appending
two simple lists:
> ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),X)
X = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) ;
Given a query, Mini Prolog attempts to find values for each of the variables
(beginning with a capital letter) in the query. Here Mini Prolog has found
that X = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) is a solution to the query. When I press the
semicolon key, ";", it tries to find another solution, but fails and displays
the message "no.".
What amazed me when I first started experimenting with Prolog was that I could
actually ask Mini Prolog to work through the problem in reverse, asking which
lists could be appended to get the list cons(1,cons(2,nil)):
> ?- append(X,Y,cons(1,cons(2,nil)))
X = nil
Y = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) ;
X = cons(1,nil)
Y = cons(2,nil) ;
X = cons(1,cons(2,nil))
Y = nil ;
Note that the interpreter pauses after displaying each solution and waits for
a key to be pressed. Pressing `;' tells Mini Prolog to continue looking for
another solution, displaying `no' if no more solutions can be found. Pressing
any other key stops the execution of the query. If there are no variables in
the original query, then the interpreter simply outputs `yes' if the query can
be proved and otherwise prints `no':
> ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),cons(1,cons(2,nil)))
> ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),cons(1,cons(3,nil)))
Unfortunately, typing a control C to interrupt a query with an infinite loop
will exit the Prolog interpreter completely -- sorry, but I don't know a way
around this at the moment.
You don't have to stick with the standard predicates that are already included
in Mini Prolog. Additional rules can be typed in at the ">" prompt. Here are
a couple of examples based around the idea of family trees:
> parent(Child,Parent):-father(Child,Parent).
> parent(Child,Parent):-mother(Child,Parent).
> grandparent(GChild,Gparent):-parent(GChild,Parent),parent(Parent,Gparent).
Note that Mini Prolog expects a maximum of one rule per line, and will not
allow predicate definitions to be spread out over a number of lines.
All you have to do now is enter some details about your family and then you
can ask who your grandparents are ... let's take a typical family:
> father(charles,princePhilip).
> mother(charles,theQueen).
> father(anne,princePhilip).
> mother(anne,theQueen).
> father(andrew,princePhilip).
> mother(andrew,theQueen).
> father(edward,princePhilip).
> mother(edward,theQueen).
> mother(theQueen,theQueenMother).
> father(william,charles).
> mother(william,diana).
> father(harry,charles).
> mother(harry,diana).
And now we can ask some questions; like who are the Queen mother's
grandchildren ?
> ?- grandparent(X,theQueenMother)
X = charles ;
X = anne ;
X = andrew ;
X = edward ;
or, who are Harry's grandparents ?
> ?- grandparent(harry,Who)
Who = princePhilip ;
Who = theQueen ;
Note that Mini Prolog can only use the facts it has been given. Tell it a
little more about Diana's parents and you'll find it knows more about Harry's
Now suppose we define a sibling relation:
> sibling(One,Tother) :- parent(One,X),parent(Tother