The Datafile PD-CD 2
Text File
103 lines
-- A simple banner program: Mark P Jones, 1992
-- Many years ago, I was helping out on a stand at a computer show.
-- Or at least, I would have been if anyone had been interested in
-- what we had on the stand. So instead, I sat down to see if I
-- could write a banner program -- something to print messages out
-- in large letters.
-- The original program was in Basic, but here is a version in Gofer.
-- The program itself is only two lines long and that is rather pleasing,
-- but the raw data for the letters (and the function mapping characters
-- to letters) take up rather more space. I don't have that Basic version
-- anymore. I wonder whether the complete Gofer code is that much shorter?
-- One of the nice things about this program is that the main program is
-- completely independent of the size of characters. You could easily add
-- a new font, perhaps with higher resolution (bigger letters), or even
-- variable width characters, and the program would take it all in its
-- stride.
-- If you have a wide screen (>80 cols), you might like to try evaluating:
-- (concat . map say . lines . say) "Hi"
-- and contemplating how easy it might have been to get my original
-- Basic version to perform this trick...
-- Enjoy!
say = ('\n':) . unlines . map join . transpose . map picChar
where join = foldr1 (\xs ys -> xs ++ " " ++ ys)
-- mapping characters to letters: --------------------------------------------
picChar c | isUpper c = alphas !! (ord c - ord 'A')
| isLower c = alphas !! (ord c - ord 'a')
| isSpace c = blank
| isDigit c = digits !! (ord c - ord '0')
| c=='/' = slant
| c=='\\' = reverse slant
| otherwise = head ([ letter | (c',letter) <- punct, c'==c ]
++ [empty])
-- letters data: -------------------------------------------------------------
blank = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
slant = [" ", " ", " ", " ", "" ]
empty = repeat ""
punct = [('.', [" ", " ", " ", " .. ", " .. "]),
('?', [" ??? ", "? ?", " ? ", " ? ", " . "]),
('!', [" ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " . "]),
('-', [" ", " ", "-----", " ", " "]),
('+', [" + ", " + ", "+++++", " + ", " + "]),
(':', [" ", " :: ", " ", " :: ", " "]),
(';', [" ", " ;; ", " ", " ;; ", " ;; "])
digits = [[" OOO ", "0 00", "0 0 0", "00 0", " 000 "],
[" 1 ", " 11 ", " 1 ", " 1 ", "11111"],
[" 222 ", "2 2", " 2 ", " 2 ", "22222"],
["3333 ", " 3", " 333 ", " 3", "3333 "],
[" 4 ", " 44 ", " 4 4 ", "44444", " 4 "],
["55555", "5 ", "5555 ", " 5", "5555 "],
[" 66", " 6 ", " 666 ", "6 6", " 666 "],
["77777", " 7", " 7 ", " 7 ", " 7 "],
[" 888 ", "8 8", " 888 ", "8 8", " 888 "],
[" 999 ", "9 9", " 999 ", " 9 ", "99 "]]
alphas = [[" A ", " A A ", "AAAAA", "A A", "A A"],
["BBBB ", "B B", "BBBB ", "B B", "BBBB "],
[" CCCC", "C ", "C ", "C ", " CCCC"],
["DDDD ", "D D", "D D", "D D", "DDDD "],
["EEEEE", "E ", "EEEEE", "E ", "EEEEE"],
["FFFFF", "F ", "FFFF ", "F ", "F "],
[" GGGG", "G ", "G GG", "G G", " GGG "],
["H H", "H H", "HHHHH", "H H", "H H"],
["IIIII", " I ", " I ", " I ", "IIIII"],
["JJJJJ", " J ", " J ", "J J ", " JJ "],
["K K", "K K ", "KKK ", "K K ", "K K"],
["L ", "L ", "L ", "L ", "LLLLL"],
["M M", "MM MM", "M M M", "M M", "M M"],
["N N", "NN N", "N N N", "N NN", "N N"],
[" OOO ", "O O", "O O", "O O", " OOO "],
["PPPP ", "P P", "PPPP ", "P ", "P "],
[" QQQ ", "Q Q", "Q Q Q", "Q Q ", " QQ Q"],
["RRRR ", "R R", "RRRR ", "R R ", "R R"],
[" SSSS", "S ", " SSS ", " S", "SSSS "],
["TTTTT", " T ", " T ", " T ", " T "],
["U U", "U U", "U U", "U U", " UUU "],
["V V", "V V", "V V", " V V ", " V "],
["W W", "W W", "W W", "W W W", " W W "],
["X X", " X X ", " X ", " X X ", "X X"],
["Y Y", " Y Y ", " Y ", " Y ", " Y "],
["ZZZZZ", " Z ", " Z ", " Z ", "ZZZZZ"]
-- end of banner program -----------------------------------------------------