The Datafile PD-CD 2
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-- This file contains a Gofer implementation of the programs described in:
-- Computing with lattices: An application of type classes,
-- Mark P. Jones,
-- Technical report PRG-TR-11-90,
-- Programming Research Group,
-- Oxford University Computing Laboratory, June 1990.
class Eq a => Lattice a where -- A type class representing lattices
bottom, top :: a
meet, join :: a -> a -> a
lt :: a -> a -> Bool
x `lt` y = (x `join` y) == y
instance Lattice Bool where -- Simple instances of Lattice
bottom = False
top = True
meet = (&&)
join = (||)
instance (Lattice a, Lattice b) => Lattice (a,b) where
bottom = (bottom,bottom)
top = (top,top)
(x,y) `meet` (u,v) = (x `meet` u, y `meet` v)
(x,y) `join` (u,v) = (x `join` u, y `join` v)
-- Defining the least fixed point operator:
fix f = firstRepeat (iterate f bottom)
firstRepeat xs = head [ x | (x,y) <- zip xs (tail xs), x==y ]
-- Maximum and minimum frontiers:
data Minf a = Minf [a]
data Maxf a = Maxf [a]
instance Eq a => Eq (Minf a) where -- Equality on Frontiers
(Minf xs) == (Minf ys) = setEquals xs ys
instance Eq a => Eq (Maxf a) where
(Maxf xs) == (Maxf ys) = setEquals xs ys
xs `subset` ys = all (`elem` ys) xs
setEquals xs ys = xs `subset` ys && ys `subset` xs
instance Lattice a => Lattice (Minf a) where -- Lattice structure
bottom = Minf []
top = Minf [bottom]
(Minf xs) `meet` (Minf ys) = minimal [ x`join`y | x<-xs, y<-ys ]
(Minf xs) `join` (Minf ys) = minimal (xs++ys)
instance Lattice a => Lattice (Maxf a) where
bottom = Maxf []
top = Maxf [top]
(Maxf xs) `meet` (Maxf ys) = maximal [ x`meet`y | x<-xs, y<-ys ]
(Maxf xs) `join` (Maxf ys) = maximal (xs++ys)
-- Find maximal elements of a list xs with respect to partial order po:
maximalWrt po = loop []
where loop xs [] = xs
loop xs (y:ys)
| any (po y) (xs++ys) = loop xs ys
| otherwise = loop (y:xs) ys
minimal :: Lattice a => [a] -> Minf a -- list to minimum frontier
minimal = Minf . maximalWrt (flip lt)
maximal :: Lattice a => [a] -> Maxf a -- list to maximum frontier
maximal = Maxf . maximalWrt lt
-- A representation for functions of type Lattice a => a -> Bool:
data Fn a = Fn (Minf a) (Maxf a)
instance (Eq (Minf a), Eq (Maxf a)) => Eq (Fn a) where
Fn f1 f0 == Fn g1 g0 = f1==g1 -- && f0==g0
instance (Lattice (Minf a), Lattice (Maxf a)) => Lattice (Fn a) where
bottom = Fn bottom top
top = Fn top bottom
Fn u l `meet` Fn v m = Fn (u `meet` v) (l `join` m)
Fn u l `join` Fn v m = Fn (u `join` v) (l `meet` m)
-- Navigable lattices:
class (Lattice (Minf a), Lattice (Maxf a)) => Navigable a where
succs :: a -> Minf a
preds :: a -> Maxf a
maxComp :: Navigable a => [a] -> Maxf a -- implementation of complement
maxComp = foldr meet top . map preds
minComp :: Navigable a => [a] -> Minf a
minComp = foldr meet top . map succs
instance Navigable Bool where -- instances of Navigable
succs False = Minf [True]
succs True = Minf []
preds False = Maxf []
preds True = Maxf [False]
instance (Navigable a, Navigable b) => Navigable (a,b) where
succs (x,y) = Minf ([(sx,bottom) | Minf xs = succs x, sx<-xs] ++
[(bottom,sy) | Minf ys = succs y, sy<-ys])
preds (x,y) = Maxf ([(px,top) | Maxf xs = preds x, px<-xs] ++
[(top,py) | Maxf ys = preds y, py<-ys])
instance Navigable a => Navigable (Fn a) where
succs (Fn f1 f0) = Minf [Fn (Minf [y]) (preds y) | Maxf ys = f0, y<-ys]
preds (Fn f1 f0) = Maxf [Fn (succs x) (Maxf [x]) | Minf xs = f1, x<-xs]
-- Upwards and downwards closure operators:
upwards (Minf []) = []
upwards ts@(Minf (t:_)) = t : upwards (ts `meet` succs t)
downwards (Maxf []) = []
downwards ts@(Maxf (t:_)) = t : downwards (ts `meet` preds t)
elements :: Navigable a => [a] -- enumerate all elements in lattice
elements = upwards top
-- Dual lattices:
class (Lattice a, Lattice b, Dual b a) => Dual a b where
comp :: a -> b
instance Dual Bool Bool where
comp = not