IconBar:This is Resource Write. Press Select(Left button) to open the Resource Write window, Adjust(Right button) to close the Resource Write window and Menu(Middle button) to open the menu.
C0:Nothing interesting here.
C-1:Nothing interesting here.
C1:Click here to save and use the current choices.
C2:Click here to use the current choices.
C3:Click here to use the previous choices.
F-1:Nothing interesting here.
F0:Drag this to a Resource window
F1:This is the name of the program you are placing.
FI-1:Nothing intersting here.
FI0:This is the information for the current viewing object.
FI1:This is the information for the current module.
FI2:This is the filename for the current module.
FI3:This is the object selector.
FI4:To the right of this icon is the number of objects in this module.
FI5:This is the number of objects in this module.
FI6:Press this to view the object before the current one.
FI7:This is the object number.
FI8:Press this to view the object after the current one.
FI9:Drag this to save the current object.
FI10:This is the information for the current viewing object.
FI11:To the right of this icon is the object's filename.
FI12:This is the object's filename.
FI13:To the right of this icon is where the object has been positioned at.
FI14:This is where the object has been positioned.
FI15:This is the module's name.
FI16:To the right of this is the module's name.
FI17:Or here!.
FI18:Nothing interesting here.
FI19:Neither is there anything interesting here.
FI20:To the right of here is the length of the current object.
FI21:This is the length of the current object.
FI22:To the right of here is the filename of the module.
FI23:This is the module's infomation.
FI24:Drag the icon below this to save the object.
FI25:Drag the icon below to save the object.
FI29:Drag this icon to save all the objects.
FI27:Drag the icon below to save all the objects.
I-1:Nothing very interesting here.
I0:Nothing very interesting here.
I1:This is the infomation window. (Beats the rubbishy Acorn ones doesn't it!)
I2:This is the programs name.
I3:This is me. I wrote this bl*@dy program and I'm well and truly sick of it.
I4:This is the programs purpose.
I5:This is version number which only I know what it means (I think!).
I6:This program supports hyperactive help! as you have already found out.
M-1:Nothing interesting here.
M0:Nothing interesting here.
M1:Type in the module's name into here.
M2:Click this to see the previous object.
M3:This is the current object.
M4:Click this to see the next object.
M5:Click this to delete the current object.
M6:This is the Object infomation
M7:This is the filename of the object.
M8:Click here to re-position the file.
M9:This is where the file will be positioned.
M10:A list of objects can be obtained by clicking the icon to the right.
M11:Click here for a list of all the objects.
P-1:Nothing interesting here.
P0:The computer will select this on for you. Click it to select it off. When on any objects dragged will automatically be positioned to the below position.
P1:Run the module after making it.
P2:Just save the module.
P3:Type in here where to save the any objects automatically.
P4:Drag this to the place to store files.
P5:Nothing interesting here.
P6:Nothing interesting here.
P7:Nothing interesting here.
P8:Click this to make virtual applications. These are applications which will refer to the original application where it was dragged from. This means it will run the original application from a diferent place.
P9:Nothing interesting here.
P10:Nothing interesting here.
S-1:Nothing interesting here.
S0:Drag this icon to save the module.
S1:Click this to save the module.
S2:Type in here the place to save the module.
V-1:Nothing interesting here.
V0:Nothing interesting here.
V1:This is infomation on the current operation.
V2:This is what is being done.
V3:This is normally the file being operated on.
V4:This is added infomation
V5:Click this to close the window. Click this while holding shift to iconise the window.
V6:Drag this to move the window about the screen
Menu1:Move the mouse right to see the infomation about this program.
Menu2:Move the mouse right to save the module.
Menu3:Click this to select whether or not the Verbose selection is on or not.
Menu4:Click this to change the choices.
Menu5:Click this to bring up the examine module window.