The Datafile PD-CD 2
Text File
688 lines
comp.sys.acorn (5732/5764)
Path: cix!uknet!warwick!mrccrc!icdoc!news!dbh
From: dbh@doc.ic.ac.uk (Denis Howe)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn
Subject: List of filetypes (long)
Message-ID: <DBH.92Jun10212103@wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk>
Date: 10 Jun 92 21:21:03 GMT
Sender: usenet@doc.ic.ac.uk
Followup-To: Denis Howe <dbh@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Organization: Computing Department, Imperial College, London, UK
Lines: 662
Nntp-Posting-Host: wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk
Cc: Alan Glover <aglover@acorn.co.uk>,
Gavin Wraith <gavinw@syma.susx.ac.uk>,
Graham Allan <gta@st-and.ac.uk>,
John Bokma <jjjbokma@cs.ruu.nl>,
Jon Thackray <jrmt@ukc.ac.uk>,,
Julian Wright <wright_j@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz>,
Mark Thompson <thompsmr@uhura.aston.ac.uk>,
Philip Banks <banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz|banksie@khantazi.welly.gen.nz>,
Robbie Steele <rsteele@geog.canterbury.ac.nz>,
Ulrich Reutter <ureutter@acorn.co.uk>
Here is another list of filetypes which I have collated from your
responses. Thank you to all who replied. This list includes all the
data from Mark Thompson <thompsmr@uhura.aston.ac.uk>'s recent (#2)
list and quite a few more from other people. Mark's !FileTypes
program contains some extra data on some types but no extra types as
far as I know.
The only advantage of this list over Mark's program and list (apart
from the extra types it includes) is that I have attempted to give the
names of types and to indicate which are Acorn registered. I will
collect updates to this list but unless you mail me to say that you
think this list is more useful than Mark's, I will just forward them
to Mark. If you tell me it's useful I'll try to sort out something
sensible with Mark.
Please DO NOT POST updates or comments - MAIL me.
I will post a summary/updated list if requested. Do NOT send me
sprites, uuencode them and mail them to Mark.
To summarise Alan Glover <aglover@acorn.co.uk>'s recent posting:
000-0FF Personal usage (non-distributed)
100-3FF Non-commercial distributed software
400-9FF Commercial Software
A00-AFF Acornsoft and other commercial software
B00-DFF Commercial software
E00-FFF Acorn
The minimum requirement for a valid allocation is that double-clicking
the file loads an application and does something meaningful with it.
We must standardise - use existing file formats (not just within the
Acorn world), and make data interchange as painless as possible.
If your software is going to be distributed, get an allocated filetype
to avoid clashes.
The list has one line for each different use of a filetype.
Each line has the format:
HEX three hexadecimal digits
R the type is registered with Acorn
S Mark Thompson has a sprite
NAME the short name for the type (File$Type_XXX)
DESCRIPTION well-known applications which understand the type
and what kind of data it contains
ORIGIN the originator (author or company) of the type
000 Crunched Cruncher (ACE/Arc Angels)
001 S STracker !STracker tune (Hugo Fiennes, The Serial Port)
002 S STracker !STracker tune (Hugo Fiennes, The Serial Port)
004 AOutline ArcOutline (Paul Hobbs PD)
004 S AIM Archimedes Image Manager/!Translatr greyscale, width=height=SQRT(filesize) 0=black, 255=white (PD)
006 MidiData MIDI Recorder (Douglas Potter PD)
007 MidiDump MIDI Recorder dump (Douglas Potter PD)
010 S AIM+ Archimedes Image Manager Plus Image header (PD)
012 S AIM Archimedes Image Manager Configuration (PD)
068 BigMArt15 BigMArt15
069 BigMArt15 BigMArt15
0BB BBCRun BBC application startup (Ray Loades-Bannon PD)
0BC PCRun PC application startup (Ray Loades-Bannon PD)
0FD S Probase
101 S Phone
108 R DataVox SysBeep sound file with internal chunk structure (Philip Banks)
111 S RS DOS
111 S MSDOS !Spark/ArcFS RS DOS/PC PKARC compacted archive contents (David Pilling)
120 ANSI Ansi2Text (John van der Mast)
180 Mail TransArc
198 S Encode4 encoder output (Arc World)
199 S Encode4 encoder input (Arc World)
1A0 Terminal software active configuration
1AA CSSC CSSC (Raffaele Ferrigno)
1AB S Address Address book (Alex Hopkins PD)
1EC Crypt Crypt (Stephen Early)
1FF OldSong Mascom2 (Thomas Olsson)
1FF TData Tiger (Graham Crow)
202 Song Mascom2 (Thomas Olsson)
204 Typeface Italicer Typeface (A E Hersee PD)
234 Thoughts (Gareth Rampton)
288 Normal Z88
289 "Printed" Z88
300 TimeStep satellite image
321 Menus Menu designer (Elwood Blues PD)
360 S SlideShow sequence
371 S RGB RGB picture
3DC ARJArc ARJview (STB)
400 Archway2 (Simtron)
400 GuardMod !Lifeguard screen-saver effects module (Jon Ribbens)
400 GwText GraphicWriter (Clares)
400 S LifeGuard
401 Archway2 (Simtron)
401 GWGraph GraphicWriter (Clares)
402 Archway2 (Simtron)
402 GwMaster GraphicWriter Menus (Clares)
403 Archway2 (Simtron)
403 GWVDU GraphicWriter (Clares)
404 Archway2 (Simtron)
404 GWMulti GraphicWriter (Clares)
405 Archway2 (Simtron)
405 TempestDTP Tempest DTP (Clares)
405 S MetaFile CGM/GMF DrwCgm (Keith Sloan, Archive PD)
406 Account (Kenneth Jolley, Archive PD)
406 Key Archway2 (Simtron)
407 Choices Archway2 (Simtron)
407 Label (Jonathan Marten, Archive PD)
408 AOutline (Jonathan Marten, Archive PD)
408 DTP_Document Tempest DTP (Clares)
408 Pointers Archway2 (Simtron)
409 Archway2 (Simtron)
409 Backup Backup3 (Jonathan Marten, Archive PD)
409 DTP_Stylesheet Tempest DTP (Clares)
40A DTP_Style Tempest DTP (Clares)
40A FillPats Archway2 (Simtron)
40B Archway2 Archway2 (Simtron)
40B DTP_Flow Tempest DTP (Clares)
40C LinePats Archway2 (Simtron)
40C TempestDTP Tempest DTP (Clares)
40D Archway2 (Simtron)
40D TempestDTP Tempest DTP (Clares)
40E CharSets Archway2 (Simtron)
40E TempestDTP Tempest DTP (Clares)
40F Archway2 (Simtron)
410 AlphaBase
410 OS2 MetaFile
410 Code Archway2 (Simtron)
410 GIF (Keith Sloan, Archive PD)
411 Archway2 (Simtron)
411 TaskList StartTask (Karen Dunkley, Archive PD)
412 IClasses Archway2 (Simtron)
412 TelPhone (Simon Jones, Tudor Jones, Archive PD)
413 Archway2 (Simtron)
413 SpoolBuf (John Winters, Archive PD)
414 WClasses Archway2 (Simtron)
415 Archway2 (Simtron)
416 Messages Archway2 (Simtron)
418 VStrings Archway2 (Simtron)
419 Archway2 (Simtron)
419 Options Copy/Wipe Filer options (Steve Costin PD)
420 Custom Archway2 (Simtron)
420 PrintSet Printer settings (Steve Costin PD)
421 Archway2 (Simtron)
422 Fonts Archway2 (Simtron)
423 Archway2 (Simtron)
42B Archway2 (Simtron)
42F DisplayW Archway2 (Simtron)
431 Form_W Archway2 (Simtron)
433 Dialog_W Archway2 (Simtron)
435 Tools_W Archway2 (Simtron)
437 View_W Archway2 (Simtron)
439 Menu_W Archway2 (Simtron)
43B Scroll_W Archway2 (Simtron)
444 STScript
448 G_Script Script for Mark Jones's Haskell dialect, Gofer (GCW)
449 G_Proj Project for Mark Jones's Haskell dialect, Gofer (GCW)
451 Archway2 (Simtron)
453 Archway2 (Simtron)
455 Archway2 (Simtron)
456 Archway2 (Simtron)
457 Archway2 (Simtron)