lre:This is the only record in the database. It cannot be deleted.
mod:Click on Yes to continue with the desired operation, else click on No to return to editing the file.
nfd:Not found
cnl:You cannot lower this record as it is the first in the database.
cnr:You cannot raise this record as it is the last in the database.
nis:The slotsize could not be increased.
clc:You cannot lower this correspondance record as it is the first in the list.
crc:You cannot raise this correspondance record as it is the last in the list.
mxw:May I politely remind you that you cannot have both types of wildcard in one search string?
bar:\TAddresses icon.|M\S to open the main \w.
mai:\Tmain Addresses \w.|MClick on where you wish to enter data and then type.
con:\TAddresses control \w. It shows what record you are editing, out of how many, allows you to scroll through the records, and allows you to go to a specific entry.
sea:\TAddresses seach \w. Enter your desired search text, and set the search options as you want them. Then click on OK.
sor:\TAddresses sort \w. Set the sort options as you want them, and click on OK.
swi:\TAddresses save \w. Enter the full pathname, or enter a name and drag the icon to a directory viewer.
inf:\Tprogram information for Addresses.
dat:\TAddresses date \w. Enter the date that the correspondance was sent or received.
nam:\Tname field.
add:\Taddress field.
pos:\Tpost code field.
oth:\Tother details field.
crf:\Tcorrespondance field. It gives either a brief description of the correspondance that took place, or a pointer to the document on disc.
crs:\Tcorrespondance list. It shows the list of correspondance that has taken place for this individual in the database.
fil:\Tfile option. This specifies whether the data in the correspondance record points to a file.
rgr:\Trun option. \Gthe correspondance record does not point to a file.
run:\Trun option. \Srun the file that the correspondance record points to.
sen:\Tsent option. \Sto specify that the correspondance was sent.
rec:\Treceived option. \Sto specify that the correspondance was received.
fal:\Sgo to the first record in the database.
lef:\Sgo to the previous record.
rgh:\Sgo to the next record.
far:\Sgo to the last record in the database.
new:\Sstart a new file.
min:\Rsee the program information.
msa:\Rsave the current file.
mqu:\Squit the program.
mco:\Sopen the control \w.
mse:\Sopen the search \w.
mso:\Sopen the sort \w.
mad:\Rperform an edit operation on the address record.
mcr:\Rperform an edit operation on the correspondance record.
prw:\Rsave the whole file in the program's native format.
pri:\Rsave the current record as a text file.
csd:\Sdelete the current %0.
csi:\Sinsert a %0 before the current one.
csr:\Sswap the current %0 with the next one.
csl:\Sswap the current %0 with the previous one.
dac:\Tdate icon. It shows on what date the correspondance was .