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- Documentation for the FontMenu module v.1.16
- © J.RÖling 1990
- The SWI I use is NOT official allocated by ACORN. I did try to get one, but
- they refused. Why, I don't know. Probably because I have no ISV status, and
- I did the work on FontMenu not on behalf of one company in particular. I did
- discover though that there are a lot of people interrested, and I undestand
- that some of them are actually implementing it in their code. So if anyone
- at ACORN is reading this, please reconsider my request.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- As more and more outlined fonts for the Archimedes are becoming available,
- a problem arrises for applications accessing these fonts. The number of
- fonts is not known in advance, so to create a font menu the application has
- to figure out the number of fonts, claim enough space to hold a font menu,
- and create it. This can be done in the dull single level (straight foreward)
- way. This saves some space, and code complexety, but it is not prefered, as
- the user will be presented by a sometimes very long menu containing items
- with the same prefix, e.g.
- Trinity
- Trinity.Bold
- Trinity.Bold.Italic
- Trinity.Medium
- Trinity.Medium.Italic
- etc.
- The more fonts become available, the longer this menu becomes, the more
- irritating it is.
- Many applications now are even uncapable of creating menus longer then a
- certain amount. Examples of these are !Edit (48 entries), !Draw (64
- entries), and even !Impression reacts sick.
- When running more then one application with a font menu, there is arises
- another disadvantage of this method. Several applications using a identical
- menu structure but not sharing the resource, is not the policy of Acorn on
- other subjects.
- So here is a neat solution for everyone who wants a proper font menu,
- without the hassel to create one, and without claiming extra space.
- What does FontMenu do ?
- The FontMenu module is able of creating a multi-level font menu, and lets
- every application share the joy. It contains several SWI's to create, and
- access this resource. If no application is using the structure anymore
- (because they were all quited for example) the memory for the menu structure
- will be realesed by FontMenu, so no unnecessary memory is in use. It has no
- problems if more than one font directory is in use. The menu is sorted
- alphabeticly (even when more than one font directoris are used), so the user
- is able to find the required font at an instance. It requires a minimum of
- disc access when a new menu is created. New menus are only created if one is
- required, and there isn't already a valid one. When a font menu exsists, and
- the user has selected a new font directory, the font menu will be rebuild as
- soon as the application accesses this font menu.
- FontMenu creates an multi-leveled font menu. In the example above this is a
- menu where 'Trinity' occurs only once, but it will have a submenu containing
- two items: 'Bold' and 'Medium'. Because there are two types of
- 'Trinity.Bold' ('Trinity.Bold' and 'Triniy.Bold.Italic') 'Bold' will have
- another submenu. In this submenu the first item will be 'Plain'. This name
- is made up, but it is more clear then a empty meny entry. The second entry
- will of course be 'Italic'.
- How does FontMenu work ?
- To use FontMenu it is necessary to understand how the Wimp works, and how
- to create a application on the Archimedes environment. It is assumed that
- the reader understands the above for the rest of this document.
- When a application wants to access the FontMenu menu structure, it has to
- call SWI "FontMenu_Create" before any other FontMenu SWI's are called. This
- will assure that a proper font menu structure will be available. This can be
- done on initialisation of the application, but is not absolutly necessary.
- When exiting the application, SWI "FontMenu_Release" has to be called, so if
- this was the only application using the font menu, FontMenu can release the
- memory for it. Every time SWI "FontMenu_Create" is called, a counter is
- incremented, and if it was zero (this is the initial value), it will create
- a new font menu. When calling SWI "FontMenu_Release", the counter is
- decremented, and if it reached zero FontMenu will release the menu memory,
- as no application is using the menu structure anymore.
- From here on there are two ways of programming when using FontMenu. The
- first is the simple one, the second a little bit more complicated, as it
- involves the use the Wimp message system.
- The easy way
- ------------
- Whenever the user opens the menu structure of the application by pressing
- the MENU button, a call has to be made to FontMenu_Select with R0 pointing
- to a point sepearted (zero terminated) font string, and in R1 the value 0 or
- 1 to tell FontMenu if it allows the user to select the SystemFont. The call
- will return with a pointer to the font menu structure in R1. Now it is up to
- the programmer what to do with this pointer. When passed in R1 when calling
- Wimp_CreateMenu, the menu tree will consist entirely of FontMenu structures.
- If the font menu should be a submenu of the applications own menu structure,
- the pointer should be put in the submenu-word of the parent menu entry, and
- Wimp_CreateMenu should be called with a pointer to the applications own menu
- structure.
- When a menu selection was done, the application should determine by the
- returned 'menu tree so far' values if the user selected a entry in the font
- menu. If so, it should set an internal flag (say 'FontMenuSelected') to
- TRUE, else it should set it to FALSE, so later on it is still known if the
- user may have selected a new font. After that it should call SWI
- "FontMenu_DecodeFontMenu" with R0 pointing to the first menu selection in
- the 'menu tree so far' block wich determines the selected font. R1 should
- point to a buffer to contain the answer. This buffer must be at least 48
- bytes. If on return of this call R0 > 0, the user selected a new font. The
- buffer passed in R1 will contain the font name (a point seperated, zero
- terminated font string).
- After a menu selction, and taking appropriate actions, the application
- should check the mouse button state to see if it has to call SWI
- "Wimp_CreateMenu" again. If adjust was used to make the selection, it has to
- check the 'FontMenuSelected' flag to determine if the user selected a font
- menu entry. If so, it should call FontMenu_Select as discribed above. This
- should be done with R0 pointing to the string FontMenu_DecodeFontMenu
- returned. The menu pointer returned by FontMenu_Select has to be put in the
- 'sub-menu pointer' word of the 'Fonts' entry. Now the call to
- Wimp_CreateMenu can be done. In this way it is possible for the user to
- click with adjust in the font menu, and keeping the menu on screen after the
- selection.
- There is one little drawback of this method. If the user selected a new
- !Fonts directory, it will be noted be the FontMenu_Select code, and a new
- font menu structure will be generated. This is always the case, also with
- the method discribed below. But it could be possible that the user was going
- to do something else in the menu, not selecting a font at all. He could for
- instance want to quit. Now he (she) has to wait for the FontMenu module to
- create the new menu structure, before he (she) is able to access the 'Quit'
- entry. So the next solution is to wait with calling FontMenu_Select, until
- the user wants to select a new font. This can only be done by making use of
- the Wimp message system. The difficult thing of this method (as discribed
- later) is that the Wimp is unable to re-open the menu structure entirely
- after a menu selection using the ADJUST button. So a little trick has to
- solve this problem.
- The hard way
- ------------
- In the applications own menu structure, there should be a menu entry (e.g.
- 'Fonts') with bit 3 if its menu flags set. The application has to assure
- that this bit is set whenever it calls SWI "Wimp_CreateMenu" as it may be
- corrupted (see below). So whenever the user puts the pointer above the arrow
- on the right of this entry, a warning message (&400C0) will be send by the
- Wimp. On receiving of this message, the application should respond by calling
- SWI "FontMenu_Select" with R0 pointing to a point sepearted (zero
- terminated) font string, and in R1 the value 0 or 1 to tell FontMenu if it
- allows the user to select the SystemFont. The font string may be a zero
- length string, wich means that no current font is selected. FontMenu will
- select the font in its menu structure. If 1 was passed in R1, the first item
- in the menu structure will be 'SystemFonts'. In case R1 = 0, this entry will
- not be there. This call will return with a pointer to the menu structure in
- R1. This pointer should be passed to SWI "Wimp_CreateSubMenu".
- When a menu selection was done, the application should determine by the
- returned 'menu tree so far' values if the user selected a entry in the font
- menu. If so, it should set an internal flag (say 'FontMenuSelected') to
- TRUE, else it should set it to FALSE, so later on it is still known if the
- user may have selected a new font. After that it should call SWI
- "FontMenu_DecodeFontMenu" with R0 pointing to the first menu selection in
- the 'menu tree so far' block wich determines the selected font. R1 should
- point to a buffer to contain the answer. This buffer must be at least 48
- bytes. If on return of this call R0 > 0, the user selected a new font. The
- buffer passed in R1 will contain the font name (a point seperated, zero
- terminated font string).
- After a menu selction, and taking appropriate actions, the application
- should check the mouse button state to see if it has to call SWI
- "Wimp_CreateMenu" again. If adjust was used to make the selection, it has to
- check the 'FontMenuSelected' flag to determine if the user selected a font
- menu entry. If so, it should call SWI "FontMenu_Select" as discribed above.
- This should be done with R0 pointing to the string SWI
- "FontMenu_DecodeFontMenu" returned. As the MenuWarningFlag in the menu
- flags of the menu entry (e.g. 'Fonts') preceding the font menu was set
- (phhh!), the Wimp is unable to recreating the whole menu tree automaticly.
- So a litle trick has to assure that it will work correct. The menu pointer
- returned by SWI "FontMenu_Select" has to be put in the 'sub-menu pointer'
- word of the 'Fonts' entry, and the MenuWarningFlag (bit 3) of the menu flags
- word of this entry should be cleared. Now the call to SWI "Wimp_CreateMenu"
- can be done. In this way it is possible for the user to click with adjust in
- the font menu, and keeping the menu on screen after the selection. The next
- time the user opens the application menu, the MenuWarningFlag (bit 3) should
- be set again, as other applications may have used the font menu in the
- meanwhile, and it is necessary that SWI "FontMenu_Select" is called just
- before the font menu opens.
- Because some FontMenu SWI's may take some time before they return
- (this is due to Font_ListFonts), the Hourglass On & Off SWI's are used
- on entry and exit respectively. So in theory it is possible that
- whenever one of the FontMenu SWI's take longer than 1/3 of a second, a
- hourglass appears. In practice this only occurs when FontMenu_Create
- or FontMenu_Select is called and they have to actually create a new
- menu structure (Because of a first call, or a changed Font$Path).
- Notes from the author
- The reason why I wrote this module, is because I'm not only a programmer,
- but also a user who likes to work with the Archimedes. This is because it's
- a fast machine and because most parts of Risc-OS allow applications to be
- very intuitive. I didn't like the way the available fonts were presented in
- most applications, so I started to figure out a proper solution: FontMenu.
- I hope that future applications adopt to this method, so please pass it on.
- Everybody is free to use it, even in commercial code. The only restriction
- is that this document should not be seperated from the FontMenu module, and
- that both the module and this document remain unchanged. In case of
- commercial use I would like to know this in advance (I could than provide
- you with its latest release). My address is at the end of this document. You
- can always contact me if you found some bug, or when having other
- suggestions.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FontMenu SWI's
- Below are the short discriptions of the FontMenu SWI's.
- FontMenu_Create &8D080
- ----------------------
- On entry: --
- On exit : R0 = Number of fonts found
- This will create a font menu structure in RMA, if not already done so. An
- error occurs if there is not enough room in RMA to create the menu.
- FontMenu_Release &8D081
- -----------------------
- On entry: --
- On exit : --
- This will release the memory taken by the font menu if no tasks are using
- it anymore.
- FontMenu_Select &8D082
- ----------------------
- On entry: R0 = pointer to point seperated, ctrl terminated font string
- R1 = SystemFont flag
- On exit : R0 = State flag
- R1 = pointer to font menu structure
- R2 = pointer to 'Alias' menu structure
- This will tick the font passed in R0 on entry. R1 determines if
- 'SystemFont' should occur in the menu as follows:
- Value Meaning
- 0 'SystemFont' does not occur in the menu
- 1 'SystemFont' does occur in the menu
- On exit R0 shows the selection state as follows:
- Value Meaning
- 0 To be selected font not found, no ticks
- 1 To be selected font found, and ticked
- 2 No font entries found, menu consists one item; 'SystemFont',
- and is ticked
- R1 will point to the font menu on exit. An error occurs if no font menu exists.
- FontMenu_Deselect &8D083
- ------------------------
- On entry: ---
- On exit : --
- This will clear all ticks and marks of the font menu. It is not necessary
- to call this SWI before a FontMenu_Select call, as FontMenu_Select will take
- care of cleaning up old selection. An error occurs if no font menu exists.
- FontMenu_DecodeFontMenu &8D084
- ------------------------------
- On entry: R0 = pointer to a list of font menu selections
- R1 = pointer to a buffer to contain the answer
- (at least 48 bytes long)
- On exit : R0 = Flag (0 = non-sensible/ 1= sensible selection)
- This will decode the font menu selection into a font string for the
- FontManager. This string can be passed back to FontMenu_Select to tick the
- appropriate entries. An error occurs if no font menu exists. This call makes
- use of Wimp_DecodeMenu, but as it is possible that the returned string ends
- with 'Plain' (a made up name to distinguise an empty sub-name from the rest
- of the sub-names), it has to check for this, and throw away this last
- sub-name so the FontManager can recognise the required font.
- On exit R0 conatains a flag telling you if the selection the user made was
- a sensible one. If, for example, the user selected non-leaf menu entry (e.g.
- 'Trinity.Medium') then this flag will be 0. If the flag is 0, you are
- advised not to do anything.
- FontMenu_Smash &8D085
- ---------------------
- On entry: --
- On exit : --
- This will release the font menu memory without looking at the amount of
- times FontMenu_Create was called.
- FontMenu_ReCreate &8D086
- ------------------------
- On entry: --
- On exit : R0 = Number of fonts found
- This will release a existing font menu, and recreate it.
- ===========================================================
- To contact the author of FontMenu, please write to:
- Joris RÖling
- Oudestraat 186
- 8261 CW Kampen
- The Netherlands
- Tel:05202-27989