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- Setting up
- ----------
- First of all, you will have to make the new Pinboard+ module:
- 1. Ensure that the original Pinboard 0.50 is loaded. If it isn't, you can do it
- like this: Enter the cli, type 'RMKill Pinboard', type 'RMReInit Pinboard',
- and return to the desktop.
- 2. Doubleclick on !MakePin+ in the !Pinboard directory.
- To load the new Pinboard+, double click on !Pinboard.
- If you want to load it as part of your bootfile, you should remove the last
- 2 lines of !Pinboard.!Run ('Echo' and 'Desktop') and run it before the desktop
- starts.
- Pinboard+ 1.00
- --------------
- Pinboard+ will behave more or less like the original Pinboard, until you
- double click on a menufile or issue a *BackMenu <filename>.
- Clicking Menu on the background now produces your 'User Menu'.
- The normal Pinboard menu is accessible by holding Ctrl and clicking Menu.
- Shift-Menu works as before.
- The User Menu enables you to have easy access to a wide range of often used
- commands. The main advantage is, that you have complete control over the
- appearance and contents of this menu, as well as what is to happen when you
- select an item.
- It is also possible to select up to 4 hotkeys for any item, making trivial tasks
- like opening your favorite dir in a sensible place, or changing to your favorite
- mode, very easy and fast. You can have hotkeys to bring up parts of the menu as
- well.
- The menu, the keys, and their actions are edited with the '!MenuDes' program,
- see its !Help file for more details.
- Changes in version 1.00:
- ------------------------
- € Several bugs in the original Pinboard fixed. Redundant code removed.
- € Will now display icons in large or small versions.
- € 'Remove selection' moved into a submenu, where also the size can be changed.
- € There are now 3 grids. One for large icons, one for small, and one for the
- 'Tidy' operation.
- € *Pin command changed slightly, so it just ignores an attempt to *Pin an
- object that doesn't exist.
- € You can customise the appearance of the pinboard/tinydir icons by supplying
- a different text and/or spritename.
- € An icon can be 'Locked', meaning that it doesn't move when you drag it.
- This can be overridden by dragging with ctrl held down.
- € Locked icons will not be snapped to the grid.
- € Locked icons will not be removed when doubleclicked with adjust.
- € Grid-behaviour made more consistent wrt large and small icons.
- Large icons lock to the bottom center of the bounding box, thereby aligning
- them on a line.
- Small icons lock to the left center of the bounding box, giving aligned
- columns.
- € Changed and added a few commands, see later for details.
- € You can drag a previously unsaved file directly from an editor to the
- pinboard. This will save the file in <Pinboard$Scrap> and pin the icon.
- € Iconised windows will appear along the iconbar.
- € The sprites used now follows the following scheme:
- Display size Object type Sprite priority
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Large Application '<app>' OR 1. '!<app>'
- image file with the 2. '<app>'
- 'app' bit set 3. 'application'
- Directory '<dir>' 1. '#<dir>'
- 2. 'directory'
- Image file '<file>' 1. '#<file>'
- 2. 'file_<type>'
- 3. 'directory'
- File '<file>' 1. 'file_<type>'
- 2. 'file_xxx'
- Small Application '<app>' OR 1. '*!<app>'
- image file with the 2. 'sm!<app>'
- 'app' bit set 3. 'sm<app>'
- 4. '!<app>' (half size)
- 5. '<app>' (half size)
- 6. 'small_app'
- Directory '<dir>' 1. '*#<dir>'
- 2. '#<dir>' (half size)
- 3. 'small_dir'
- Image file '<file>' 1. '*#<file>'
- 2. '#<file>' (half size)
- 3. 'small_<type>'
- 4. 'file_<type>' (half size)
- 5. 'small_dir'
- File '<file>' 1. 'small_<type>'
- 2. 'file_<type>' (half size)
- 3. 'small_xxx'
- Pinboard+ commands
- ==================
- *Pin
- ----
- Adds a file, application or directory to the desktop pinboard.
- Syntax: *Pin <filename> <x> <y> [-Text <icontext>] [-Sprite <spritename>] [-SmallIcon] [-Locked] [-Halfsize]
- -SmallIcon will make the icon small, it is large by default.
- -Locked will disable movement of the icon.
- -Text <text> defines an alternative text for the icon.
- -Sprite <name> defines an alternative sprite.
- -Halfsize (in combination with -SmallIcon and -Sprite) will display the
- alternative sprite at half size.
- Default text and sprite is the leafname of the file and the same sprite as used in the Filer windows.
- If the object doesn't exist, you will be ignored.
- *PinSave
- --------
- Saves the Pinboard state to an obey-file, equivalent to the one saved from the
- menu.
- Syntax: *PinSave <filename>
- *Pinboard_SelectAll
- -------------------
- Will select all the icons on the desktop background.
- *Pinboard_ClearSelection
- ------------------------
- Will deselect all the icons on the desktop background.
- *Pinboard_RemoveBackdrop
- ------------------------
- Will remove the desktop backdrop sprite.
- *Pinboard_RemoveIcon
- --------------------
- Removes a file, application or directory icon from the pinboard. When no
- filename is given, the current selection is removed.
- If the file isn't on the pinboard, you will be ignored.
- Syntax: *Pinboard_RemoveIcon [<filename>]
- *Pinboard_LargeIcon
- -------------------
- Makes the icon large. If no filename is given, the current selected icons are
- made large.
- If the file isn't on the pinboard, you will be ignored.
- Syntax: *Pinboard_LargeIcon [<filename>]
- *Pinboard_SmallIcon
- -------------------
- Makes the icon small. If no filename is given, the current selected icons are
- made small.
- If the file isn't on the pinboard, you will be ignored.
- Syntax: *Pinboard_SmallIcon [<filename>]
- *Pinboard_FreeIcon
- ------------------
- Allows free movement of the icon. If no filename is given, the current selected
- icons are made free.
- If the file isn't on the pinboard, you will be ignored.
- Syntax: *Pinboard_FreeIcon [<filename>]
- *Pinboard_LockIcon
- ------------------
- Locks the icon in place. If no filename is given, the current selected icons
- are locked.
- If the file isn't on the pinboard, you will be ignored.
- Syntax: *Pinboard_LockIcon [<filename>]
- *Pinboard_Update
- ----------------
- Will re-pin all the icons on the pinboard. This will ensure that any sprite
- changes are displayed correctly, and any deleted files are removed. Any
- unlocked icons will get snapped to the grid, if it is active.
- Thomas Olsson, 21 Jan 1994
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- The resulting program and this documentation is intended as an educational
- example of arm-code, and it isn't meant to be executed on actual hardware.
- Any hint of usefulness is therefore a product of a deranged imagination.
- Thanks to:
- ----------
- Jens H. Ovesen for betatesting, good 'consistency discussions' and lots of
- suggestions. Also thanks for the SWI-module and the Filer patch, which all just
- makes life a lot easier!
- The historic discussions with Brain Madsen started this off with a firm goal.
- My coffee machine didn't break down during this either.
- Acorn for the cpu and OS of course, what would we do without it?
- (YABOP, 'yet another bunch of pc-programmers' springs to mind)