The Datafile PD-CD 2
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31 lines
er1:You cannot set-type a directory.
er2:You cannot load a directory into the BASIC Editor.
er3:You cannot look at a directory.
er4:It is not necessary to drag a file onto the speaker icon.
er5:Drag a file onto this icon
er6:You need to open some Suite icons by using the 'Show' option on the menu.
er7:There are too many files in the bin list. Please delete some and try again.
er8:You must drag an application onto the Sprite cache icon.
er9:It is not necessary to drag a file onto the clock icon.
e10:It is not necessary to drag a file onto the ARM3 icon.
ex1:to delete it.
ex2:to set-type it.
ex3:to view it on screen.
ex4:to set the CSD.
ex5:to cache its sprites.
bin:This is Suite's bin icon.|MDrag a file onto this icon to delete it.
set:This is Suite's set-type icon.|MDrag a file onto this icon to set-type it.
bas:This is Suite's BASIC Editor icon.|MDrag a file onto this icon to load it into the BASIC editor.
vdu:This is Suite's VDU icon.|MDrag a file onto this icon to view it on screen.
spe:This is Suite's speaker icon.|MClick on this icon to toggle the internal speaker status.
csd:This is Suite's CSD icon.|MDrag a file onto this to set the Currently Selected Directory.
spr:This is Suite's Sprite icon.|MDrag an application onto this to cache the application's sprites.
clk:This is Suite's clock icon.|MClick on this icon to show the time for a few seconds.
arm:This is Suite's ARM3 cache icon.|MClick on this icon to toggle the cache state.
del:Click on the OK icon if you wish to delete that file.|MOtherwise click on Cancel.
typ:Enter the new type for that file, and press RETURN.
opt:This is the options window.
inf:This is the information for the !Suite application.
def:This is the options window.|MClick on this icon to save the current options as default.
pro:Are you sure you wish to delete this ...