IB: \TModFiler Icon.|M\Sto show the modules currently loaded.
M: \Tthe ModFiler main window.|M\Sto select a module. \Aadd to the selection.|M\Dcopy a module, or CTRL-drag to copy a module's workspace.|MGroups can be selected by dragging around the modules with \a or \s.
S: This window shows the SWI's of %0.|MClick MENU to open up the save dialogue.
SA: This window allows the contents of the Info Window to be saved.|MDrag the icon to wherever you want a copy, or type in the pathname and click on SAVE.
SAI0: Drag this to wherever you want a copy of the Info Window's contents.
SAI1: Type in here the name you wish to call the contents of the Info Window.
SAI2: Click on this icon to cancel the operation
SAI3: Click on this icon to SAVE the contents of the Info Window in the file given above.
D0: This is the offset from the address at which %0 is located that
I: This window shows the contents of %0's header.|MClick MENU to bring up the save dialogue.
I2: This is the address at which %0 is loaded at.
I3: This is the address at which %0's workspace is located.
I4: This is the size of %0.
I5: This is the size of %0's workspace.
I6: {D0}is called to start up %0.
I7: {D0}is called to initialise %0.
I8: {D0}is called to close down %0.
I9: {D0}is called when a service call is issued.
I10: {D0}contains %0's title.
I11: {D0}contains %0's help string.
I12: {D0}contains %0's commands and help for those commands.
I13: {D0}is called when one if its SWI's is issued.
I14: {D0}that contains the details of %0's SWI's.
I15: {D0}that if called to convert to and from the SWI name and number.
MI: This window gives displays about ModFiler.
IBM0: Move the pointer to the right to see information about ModFiler.
IBM1: \Squit ModFiler.
MM0: Move the pointer to the right to the right to perform an operation on %0.
MM1: \Sselect all modules currently loaded.
MM2: \Sdeselect all modules currently loaded.
MM3: \Srescan all modules.
MDM0: \Sshow information on %0.
MDM1: \SUnPlug %0.
MDM2: \SReInit %0.
MDM3: \SRMKill %0.
MDM4: \Sshow information on %0's SWI's.
MMG0: \Gno module has been selected.
MDMG0: \G%0 is either dormant or unplugged.
MDMG1: \G%0 is either in RAM or already unplugged.