The Datafile PD-CD 2
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Disc Index - a convenient disc manager (1.02 - Rebecca) (c) 1994 Neil A Carson
A week ago, a friend called [Adrian Himpson] showed me an application called
!DiskLib by Chris Payne, a user who got fed up of losing his files on hundreds
of different disks. As I am in a similar situation - and so I guess are many
other people, I gave the program a go. While the idea was an absolutely
brilliant one - it makes a database of disc contents up automatically - the
implementation seemed to lack a few important features (version 2.0), namely:-
• To change the limit of discs the program could handle, you had to edit the
source code
• It didn't look nice and 3D
• It wouldn't handle big filenames properly
• It only worked with ADFS
• The program compiled it's index using everything in just the root directory
• Search facilities were limited
• It did not save in the standard way
With these points in mind, I wrote DiscIndex. Also included in this package is
a help reader, a make utility, and the [source code] for all three programs.
Using DiscIndex
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Using the program is easy. Double click the application in the usual way to
load it onto the icon bar. Pressing menu over the icon reveals all the usual
options, a dialogue box to save the data, and a help option (this...). If you
select 'Clear all' all discs in memory will be deleted.
Clicking adjust on the main icon doesn't do anything, but clicking select brings
up the catalogue window. Pressing menu reveals a different menu.
DiscIndex can input the contents of several discs, store them, and search
through them. So to start with, you will want to input some discs. First, a
guided tour:
The 'disc catalogue' window can show the contents of one disc at a time. To
change the currently shown disc, you can click the arrows to the left and right
of the 'number' field. Alternatively, on the menu, go to start, go to end will
go to the first (1) and last records respectively, and typing a number into the
dialogue box off 'go to disc' (and pressing OK) will go to a disc with a
specific number, or won't do anything if the disc doesn't exist.
Each disc can have a 32-character description, and so can each file. To enter
a description for a disc, type it into the writiable icon at the top, and
press 'Input'. Don't do that yet, though, as you haven't read a disc in.
The program always has one disc on record - this is it, disc 1. Now, click on
Re-scan this record. Up pops the 'Scan Disc' dialogue box. From this, you can
specify which drive/directory (e.g. ADFS::0.$) you want as a search root, and
what items you want included. Clicking on 'Root directory only' makes the
program stick to the first directory in a tree. Note the program will otherwise
go through sub-directories. Selecting the 'Dismount' option means that the
program will try to dismount the disc (*DISMOUNT) when it finishes. This stops
the computer hanging due to a bug in FileCore when scanning lots of discs.
Scan a floppy (ADFS::0.$) for an example. Notice many of the icons in the
window have been filled in. In the bottom left square is a list of files on
the disc, but maybe not the whole lot. Click on the up / down arrows to see more
than 16. '-=o=-' indicates no file. If you click on a file, the 'selected
file info' section will be filled in, and the file hilited. While selected,
you can type in a 32-character description for this file, in the same way as for
the disc (remember to click on input!).
All of the 'tools' should be quite obvious. Insert inserts a new, blank record
before the current one. It will not work with disc 1.
'Scan new record' allows a new disc to be scanned without overwriting the
current one. 'Create record' will create a new, blank disc record. You can guess
what 'Delete this record' does.
Files can be saved in the usual RISC-OS way, from either the icon or window
menu. When a file has been saved, clicking 'Quick Save' will save it again
without the user having to bother going through the usual dialogue box/menu.
Dragging a DiscIndex file onto the application or double clicking it will
replace the records in memory. To merge the file contents with those already in
memory, drag the file in with SHIFT held down.
Choose 'Search' from the window menu. All of the options here are fairly
obvious. The program searches through every file on every disc to try and find
the named string. Try searching for something you know exists, and turn on
all of the options apart from 'case sensitive'. If the argument was found, up
pops a window with the first sixteen matches, the disc the match was on, the
file (if applicable) and the context in which the search argument was found.
Clicking on a disc name will move the catalogue window to the appropriate disc.
The source code for DiscIndex, HelpMe (the help file viewer) and nmu (a nice
make utility) are included. If you make changes to any of the files, send
me the updates, at my [address].
If you find any bugs, and you can re-create the circumstances under which they
occur (and I can too!) let me know.
Also among my collection of programs:
FracScape 2.01 (shareware) - does fractal ground, clouds, trees etc. Script
language, 24-bit colour (Clear), hypertext help, etc. Costs £5.
Coming soon: LandWorks. Loads of features, takes advantage of RISC-PC.
All programs written on A3000, 20Mb HDD, ARM C vsn. 3.
I NEED A RISC PC. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know why calling OS_GBPB (10) with an incorrect filename causes
a 'FileCore in Use' error?
Problems / Future
This implementation is not perfect, namely:-
* Load/Save will not work with more than 65536 files on a disc (damn...)
* Can only handle (roughly) 4 billion discs (what a shame)
* The Currently Selected Directory changes when a disc is scanned
* There is no print/save as text option
* The program slows up with many discs (a change to the Link List code needed)
* Saved files can get big (how's about some LZW encoding?)
* Redraw is sssslllloooowww
If you want to implement any of these features, or any others, or if you want
them implemented, contact me. I will implement stuff if there is sufficient
demand. No doubt Gordon Taylor will want to get me back for all the complaining
I was doing about ArtWorks... !
I am: Neil A Carson
1 Penn Close
Oxford OX14 2NX
Tel (0235) 528443 (after 6PM please)
Amateur radio to neil@g7kqy.ampr.org (TCPIP)
or Ben (g7kqy@gb7avm) will forward stuff to me. At last, Ben's a RISC-PC fan!
I have had many people moaning at me for using RISC_OSLib rather than DeskLib.
Note: Typing 'wimp_w' instead of 'window_handle' saves a lot of time, and I
bet the source code is smaller when using RISC_OSLib.
Adrian Himpson
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He is a keen video editing / genlocking / full motion video / multimedia freak.
If you have anything you want tested, he will be only too keen to give it a go.
Address: 12 Edward Street, Abingdon, Oxford.
Hello's and Thankyou's
~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Dom Symes for Zap 1.10 (again...)
Disk Alstein for !TemplEd (doesn't crash like Glazier, or not work like FormEd)
Hi to: Ben Strawson, Jon Turner, Adrian Himpson, Lou, Manar Hussein, Gordon
Taylor, Rob (the big bloke at Imperial), Ray (a fellow UNIX fan - can we
have a RISC-PC UNIX?), Becca Cruise, Phil, Alastair Summers, David Pilling,
Mike Curnow (of !Fractal fame - where are you now, Mike, I can't get through on
the phone... ?) Jo Moxon, abd anyone else who I don't have time to write down...
And of course, thanks to Chris Payne for the idea.
Release History
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1.00 It worked, sort of.
1.01 Cured a bug in 1.00 when trying to load a file which contained an empty
disc. It did try to grab all memory!
Inserts files properly.
1.02 Implements a few suggestions from all 3 users, including me! Dismount
option adde