Version date : 06 Oct 1993 --------------------------
- Introduction -
PackDir will archive an entire directory, including all its subdirectories,
into a very compact archive file. Directories in archives may be completely
restored at either their original path or a new path.
PackDir uses LZW compression (also widely used in most present day archivers)
to substantially reduce the archive's size. It uses highly optimized ARM code
compression and decompression routines, making it *very* fast, which was
necessary to make it a viable alternative to the (excellent, but very slow)
!Spark (de)archiving application by David Pilling.
I wrote PackDir only to facilitate really fast and compact backup, for hard
discs and the like. PackDir is not meant to be an alternative to Spark in any
other way, as the archives made by PackDir have an incompatible format.
Speed ?
PackDir archives around 3 times as fast as !Spark 2.22, and unpacks about 3.5
times as fast, resulting in about the same size archives (actually 0.5%
smaller). (!Spark 2.22 set to 13-bit 'Compress', no background mode, scrap on
RAM disc, !PackDir to 13-bit. Testing was in mode 0 and on RAM disc.
These are ballpark figures. Depending on the contents and number of files
speeds may be even higher (usually not lower because of PackDir's intelligent
memory handling and usage).
- Using the application -
To start up PackDir, either :
- Double-click on the '!PackDir' icon.
- Double-click on a PackDir archive file, after !PackDir has been seen by the
It will install itself on the icon bar, and clicking MENU on PackDir's icon
pops up the main menu, giving the usual 'Info' and 'Quit' options, and others,
which will be discussed further on.
- Archiving a directory -
To archive a directory, simply drag it onto PackDir's iconbar icon. A save
window will appear. Dragging the archive icon to a directory viewer will start
the archiving process.
By default, the leafname of the archive file is set to the directory's
leafname. You may change this by entering another leafname into the writable
icon below the archive icon.
NOTE : Pressing CTRL while dragging a directory to PackDir will archive the
parent of the directory. This is to enable archiving of the root directory ($)
of a disc. The default leafname will be 'Root', as '$' is an illegal filename.
- Unpacking an archive -
To unpack an archive, drag it to PackDir's iconbar icon (PackDir archive
files without the correct filetype will be checked and settyped automatically), or double-click on it (only for correctly filetyped archive files). A save
window will appear. Dragging the directory icon in the save window to a
directory viewer will start the unpacking process.
By default, the leafname of the directory is set to the leafname of the
original directory. You may change this by entering another leafname into the
writable icon below the directory icon.
Unpacking may also be to the original path (including filing system), which has
been stored in the archive (see the 'Old path' option). In this case, no save
window will appear, and unpacking starts immediately.
- The information window -
Clicking on the iconbar icon with either SELECT or ADJUST will pop up a report
window, in which continuous information is given about the actions performed
during (de)archiving.
NOTE : Having this window open slows down the archiving/dearchiving processes
*considerably* (factors of 2 to 3 are possible). It is recommended to have it
closed in your everyday use.
'Old path' indicates the full original path up to and including the directory
to be archived or being unpacked. 'New path', when unpacking, shows the full
path of the directory being recreated (i.e. the old path when the 'Old path'
option is on).
Also shown are :
- The 'local' filename of the current file or directory being (un)archived
- The length of the last (archiving) or current (unpacking) file or directory
- The number of compression bits (being) used
- The compression ratio achieved on the last (archiving) or current (unpacking)
file or directory
- The total file data compression ratio so far (archiving), or the total ratio
(unpacking, shown only at the end)
- A count of items (files and directories) (un)archived so far (including the
top directory itself)
- A red bar representing an amount of original file data processed so far, with
behind it an amount in bytes.
When archiving, a full bar represents the total amount of original file data.
The beige part of the bar represents the size of the current file being
archived. The amount shows the total amount of original file data in bytes,
and is not updated.
When unpacking, the bar is not updated. The amount shows the total amount of
original file data unpacked so far.
- A green bar representing an amount of archived file data processed so far,
with behind it an amount in bytes.
When archiving, a full bar represents the total amount of original file data.
If viewed together with the red bar, the relative sizes of the archived file
data and the original file data, processed so far, may be observed. The
amount shows the total amount of archived file data accumulated so far.
When unpacking, a full bar represents the total archive file size. The beige
part shows the size of the part of the archive that is currently being
processed. The amount shows the total amount of archived file data processed
so far.
- The main menu -
This menu, popped up by clicking MENU on PackDir's iconbar icon, contains a
number of icons (some of which lead to submenu's/windows). The functions of the
icons will be discussed below.
The main purpose of the main menu is to provide access to PackDir's control
window (via the 'Control' icon), which contains (in groups) most of the
available options and controls.
| Control |
Gives access to PackDir's control window, which contains most of PackDir's
options and controls, divided into groups.
Clicking on this icon will make this window permanent (but it can be closed
again by clicking on its close icon).
Several types of icons appear in the control window :
- Toggle icons. These are square, and clicking on them switches the
corresponding option on (red square in its middle) or off ('closed' box).
- Radio icon sets. Icons in these sets are diamond shaped, and act like the
toggle icons, but only one of them may be on. Switching any one on will
switch off all the others in the same set (hence the name 'radio' icons).
The functions of the icons in the control window are discussed below. Icons are
identified by giving their 'path', i.e. group name (name on the border
surrounding the group), if appropiate followed by sub-category (medium grey
heading), followed by the icon's own name, seperated by '|'s.
Compression ***
This set of radio icons enables you to select the maximum number of bits used
in LZW compression when archiving a directory.
There is a choice of none, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 bits. More bits usually
results in better compression. This is especially true on large text files.
When 'none' is selected, no compression is attempted.
The disadvantage of using more bits is that it also requires more memory to
archive/unpack. In general, for compression (archiving) 12*2^bits and for
decompression (unpacking) 9*2^bits bytes, i.e. from 48/36K for 12-bit up to
786/576K for 16-bit.
When memory allows, choose the lowest number of bits that yields the highest
compression ratio. Experimentation is the key here.