The Datafile PD-CD 3
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#Menu tokens
#Error messages
ReqHd:Message from StuntEd
NotFile:This is an invalid driver's file!
NotSafe:Your file has been modified. Are you sure you wish to quit?
NotData:This is not a data file!
Locked:Destination file is locked. Your file is not saved!
SaveErr:Your file has not been saved successfully!
Liam:A smashing chap.
#Help text
HDriver:Click SELECT and then enter your driver's name.
HSeries:Click SELECT and enter a series number.|MFor series other than 1, you need extra tracks discs.
HLeague:Click SELECT and enter a league number.
HTrack:Click SELECT and enter a track number.
HUp:Click SELECT to increase the value in the icon to the left.|MClick ADJUST to decrease the value.
HDn:Click SELECT to decrease the value in the icon to the left.|MClick ADJUST to increase the value.
HQual0:Click SELECT to ensure that you are qualified for the next race.
HQual1:Click SELECT so that you must first qualify before racing.
HPos:Click SELECT and then enter your chosen grid position.
HGrid:Click SELECT to improve your grid position.|MClick ADJUST to move down the grid.
HTyre:Click SELECT and enter a grip percentage.|MAbout 5000% and over stops all skidding!
HEngine:Click SELECT and enter a tuning percentage.|MYour car becomes uncontrollable after about 600%.
HNitro:Click SELECT and enter a nitro percentage.|M100% will only last for about four or five laps.
HBoost0:Click SELECT to fit a mega-booster to your car.|MWith 400%+ engine tuning, the mega-boost makes your car outrageously dangerous to drive.
HBoost1:Click SELECT to lose the mega-boost.|MYou really won't be needing it on those damn lunar circuits.
HScan0:Click SELECT to fit a scanning radar to your car.
HScan1:Click SELECT to give your scanner the elbow. Who needs one?
HSabo0:Click SELECT to ensure that another car is sabotaged for the race.
HSabo1:Click SELECT to ensure that the next race is a good, clean one.
HCash:Click SELECT and enter the amount of money that you require.
HCancel:Click SELECT to undo recent changes.|MThe last saved status will be reinstated.
HSave:Click SELECT to save the current driver.
HIconBar:This is the StuntEd icon.|MClick SELECT to open the editor window.|MDrag SELECT from a driver file icon to edit it.
HWindow:Drag SELECT a driver file to edit it.
HStats:This is the statistics window.|MIt displays information about the current driver.
HInfo:This window displays information about StuntEd.
HDefault:Click SELECT to load a default driver.|MThe default driver is pretty hopeless, though.
HQuit:Click SELECT to quit StuntEd.