Hib:This is StrongHelp. Make no mistake about it.|M\Sopen root help-page.|M\Atoggle the interactive help \w on/off.
Hhp:This is a help-page.|MClick on "red" words to open new help-page.
Hix:This is a StrongHelp index.|MIt lists all the available help-pages for this Help System.
Hia:This is the StrongHelp interactive help window.|MJust wiggle that pointer around, and I'll tell you what you're looking at.
# Font for interactive help (name xsize ysize)
IFONT:Trinity.medium.Italic 16 16
# Iconbar :
# Info
# Close all Click to close all open help-pages.
# Quit Click to quit the program. Note that you will *not* be asked to confirm.
# Edit page Click to send page source to a text editor.
# Beep Click to turn the error/warnig beep on/off.
# Margin \Rset the border width of help pages.
# Suppress Spurious Some badly behaved programs broadcast messages that really should be sent directly to a specific task. If this flag is off, StrongHelp will report this as errors.
# Redefine Characters StrongHelp redefines a few characters to do simple graphics. These characters were not used under RiscOS 2, but are used under RiscOS 3. If this bothers you, you can turn it off.
# Continous Edit When you use External Edit to change any of the help-pages and this flag is off, the editor \w will be closed after a save.
# Interactive Help Click to decide if interactive help should be on when program is started.|M\Rset which kind of \w you want the interactice help to use.
# Background col \Rset the background colour used for the help pages.
# Text col \Rset the foreground colour used for the help pages.
# Link col \Rset the foreground colour of the link words.
# Command col \Rset the foreground colour of the command words.
# Save configure Click to save the settings.
# HimMarg+: Enter the border width you want for the help pages.
MInteractive:Window type
# Slide down This \w will appear at the bottom of the screen, and slide down when the pointer approaches.
# Jump away This \w will appear at the bottom or the top of the screen, and jump to the top or bottom when the pointer enters the \w.