The Datafile PD-CD 3
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# Enter your details below, then save this file and run !Config.
# If you're not sure what's required, take a look at Examples.!Setup to
# see what the comptech !Setup file looks like.
set driver "Internal" # Serial Block driver name (as given in
# !SerialDev.modules, such as Internal,
# II_Dual, SP_Dual, etc.)
set port "0" # Serial port number (Internal is always
# zero, II_Dual and SP_Dual can be 0 or 1 -
# or higher if you have more than one dual
# serial port cards)
set speed "0" # Serial port speed, or "0" to leave at
# current setting (0 is recommended)
set node "?" # your machine name (e.g., "fubar")
set ip_addr "?" # Your IP address (e.g., ""
# without square brackets)
set domain "?" # Domain used by your service provider
# (e.g., "demon.co.uk" if your fully-
# qualified domain name is
# fubar.demon.co.uk)
set dempw "?" # Your login password for retrieving batch
# FTP (this is the same password you use
# when connecting to Demon)
set host "{node}.{domain}" # Auto generated from above
set ftpuser "ftpuser" # used to construct your password when you
# connect to another machine by anonymous
# ftp (e.g., "xyz" - this is used as
# xyz@{host}.{domain} and the values of
# {host} and {domain} are expanded by the
# ftp script)
set ftp_fs "adfs" # filing system used when people connect
# to your machine by anonymous ftp (e.g.,
# "ADFS"). Used in conjunction with
# ftp_drive and ftp_root_dir to determine
# where people can fetch or put files on
# your system.
set ftp_drive "4" # drive used when people connect to your
# machine by ftp (e.g., "4")
set ftp_root_dir "$.public" # root directory used when people connect
# to your machine by ftp (e.g., "$.pub")
set mail_machine "post" # The machine you use as a gateway for
# outgoing mail (Demon subscribers use
# "post")
set news_machine "news" # The machine you fetch news from (Demon
# subscribers use "news" or "betanews"
# betanews gives a much better performance
# but will vanish when news is upgraded)
set news_timer "1800" # number of seconds to wait after fetching
# news before checking for more news (a
# typical value is "1800", meaning fetch
# news every 30 minutes)
set news_prefix "Dem" # The prefix used with NNTP-related
# filenames such as the list of newsgroups.
# It must consist of no more than 4
# characters (typical prefix for Demon
# subscribers is "Dem")
set time_machine "ntp" # Name of the machine acting as a time-
# server running NTP (for Demon subscribers
# the primary time-server is "ntp" but
# this is heavily loaded - you get faster
# responses using one of the PoPs - try
# the PoP you normally connect to, but
# if you dial London then use "hinge" or
# "stile" rather than "gate" which is
# also heavily loaded).
# Ignore this lot - it just tells !Config what to do with the above
translate tcpipuser.Config <TCPIP$Dir>.Config
translate tcpipuser.Autoexec <TCPIP$Dir>.Autoexec
translate tcpipuser.Domain <TCPIP$Dir>.Domain
translate tcpipuser.ftpusers <TCPIP$Dir>.FTP.FTPusers
delete <TCPIP$Dir>.resolve.cache
create text <TCPIP$Dir>.resolve.cache
create directory {ftp_fs}::{ftp_drive}.{ftp_root_dir}