The Datafile PD-CD 3
Text File
198 lines
This help file is intended for use by 'complete beginners'. It takes them
through every mouse click to get the best out of the enclosed software. All
other users need not read it, unless you want to!
On-line graphical help is available once the application (QFN) is running.
Magazine Help for Acorn version of QFN
Here I'll outline what you should do to see and use the newsletter on the
disc - it contains much more text than the paper version as that is
resrticted by the amount of pages, plus this disc version includes great
colour graphics and even some music! (These features may be limited
depending on the type of monitor/music programs used with differnet version
of Acorns).
I'll take it on step at a time, but if there are any problems don't hesitate
to get in touch - 01772 556117 and I'll probably be able to sort it out for
you right away over the phone.
Assuming your machine is compatable with the QFN disc, follow the
instructions below.
Depending how old your machine is, will determine if you can read the disc.
Older machines may not be able to dispaly the contents of QFN. If this is
the case, you will see the QFN logo and it will say 'RISCOS 3 ONLY!' in red.
This means you have an old A3000 etc and will not be able to run the
program. However if this is the case, I will tell you how to see all the
individual files (text/picture/music) without running the program, but we'll
solve that problem if it arises. Phone me.
If your machine is capable of running the QFN disc you will see a 'crown'
logo, once the disc is inserted and the floppy disc drive and double-
clicked on.
OK, I'll assume you have never used an Acorn before, so you may be able to
skip some instructions if you have. These are the step you should take to
use the QFN disc.
Turn on your Acorn computer and wait for a display on screen. This will be a
grey background with a lighter grey bar at the bottom of the screen with
small icons on. In fact depending what these icons look like will tell us if
your machine is capable of displaying QFN. If the far bottom-right icon is a
yellow/blue/red letter 'A' logo, then you have an old machine and QFN will
not run. If you have a green acorn logo in the botton right position of the
screen you will be able to see QFN, so don't despair if you have problems.
Once the machine is turned on and the screen dispalys the above, do the
1 - Put the QFN disc (metal bit first/label face up) gently into the floppy
disc drive on the right side of the A3000. It should make a satisfied click
when inserted fully, and correctly.
2 - At the bottom of the TV screen should be a light grey bar (called the
'icon bar'). Depending if the A3000 has a hard disc or not, will depend if
the icon you now need to click on is either the most far left or next to the
far right icon. Hard discs can be called anything but are usually something
like IDEDisc4 (or sometimes ISCSDisc4). Ignore the hard dosc icon.
Floppy discs have ':0' below them, and this is what you should now use.
Place the blue arrow pointer (using/moving the mouse) over the 'floppy' icon
(as described above) and click with the left mouse button. A window should
appear with the QFN stuff in it.
The 2 files you should see now are called '!ArcFS' (this is grey), and
'QFN-17' (this is blue). The thing you are interested in is the QFN one -
this is a blue folder with a little yellow and red flash on it - it contains
the QFN program/files. The grey '!ArcFS' thing is used to squeeze/unsqueeze
as much information onto a floppy disc as possible, and must be present to
get at the squashed QFN stuff. Phew! These instructions take a long time to
write don't they!?
3 - To open the QFN blue folder you need to double-click on it with the
pointer - use the left or right mouse button. (A double-click is 2 quick
successive clicks whilst the pointer is over an object). If nothing happens
when you do this, then try again OR do the same to the grey '!ArcFS' icon,
(I've not used an A3000 for abou 2 years so I've forgotten the proceedure!)
The grey '!ArcFS' icon should appear on the left of the icon bar at the
botton of the screen. Double-click the QFN folder again. The light of the
floppy dsic drive should come on for a few seconds and you will hear it
buzzing. A new window will open with an icon (picture) of a 'crown' and the
word '!QFN-17 below it). If you get this far you will be able to run the QFN
disc program so don't give up if you experience any problems.
So what do we do now?
4 - Double-click on the '!QFN-xx' icon which has appear on the icon bar. (2
quick clicks should do it) and it should appear on the icon bar at the
bottom of the screen with the right-hand set of icons. If it doesn't then
double-click the QFN icon again (quicker clicks are needed!) A new window
announcing QFN will appear in the middle of the screen at this time and
dissappear of it's own accord after about 5 seconds. The QFN icon should be
on the icon bar.
5 - Once the QFN icon is installed on the icon bar, (at the bottom of the
screen), place the blue pointer over the crown and do a single-click with
any of the mouse buttons. Depending wich mouse button you used will do
different things and I will describe them now in case you do not know what
they are for.
Place the blue pointer over the QFN crown. Clicking the middle mouse button
will display a 'menu' of options. Moving the pointer up will highlight the
options. Some options have an arrow pointing to the right.
6 - Clicking on the 'Help' or Quit' option(s) will give help or quit QFN
The options which have an arrow pointing to the right indicate that moving
the pointer up and right will display more relative information. To close
any wondow thast is dispakyed in this way, move the pointer off the window
and click using the right mouse button.
The information displayed using the above will be about the QFN program -
it's name, distribution details, subscription details, help etc.
You can remove the QFN icon from the icon bar (and out of the machines
memory by clicking on the word 'Quit' at the bottom of this menu).
If you click on 'Help' from on this menu, the graphical- type help will be
displayed showing you what each icon within QFN will do if is selected. The
Help window which appears from this menu will be small and only display the
QFN crown and it's help. To see more graphical help click using the left
mouse button on the top-right icon of the 'help' window. This should expand
the window to its full extent, though the contents nay no all be visible and
you may need to use the scroll bar to read all the text. This window can be
closed (the window dissappears) by doing a single-click (with the left
mouse button) on the cross 'X' symbol at the top left of the window which
you want to close.
7 - Clicking the left or right mouse button should really make things start
to happen for QFN. Clicking either of these buttons should display the main
QFN window. It says 'Queen Fan Newsletter' and the QFN address is displayed
below it in red. Below that are 6 icon which all perform different functions
when you click them.
8 - Clicking on the QFN 'crown' should close the current window and open
another - the QFN 'Contents' window. From here you can click on any area
you want to read about.
Begin by clicking on the word 'Editorial'. After a few seconds a new window
should appear. You should see a heading (in this case 'Editorial') with an
inner window below it with the text information in. To the right are 5
icons. Clicking on the 'crown' at the top does nothing in this window.
Clicking on the 'Help' icon at the bottom will display a new window telling
you what all the QFN icons do if clicked.
Once you have the window that has the words 'Newsletter Help' displayed
above it, then click this windows top-right icon (2 small boxes). The help
window will get bigger and display help for all QFN icons and their actions.
However nothing will happen if you click on the icons of 'Help' window -
They refers to the icons in the rest of the QFN program only.
9 - Once the 'Edit