The Datafile PD-CD 3
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1. TCReader
!TCReader is an Archimedes port of Barry Childress' excellent DOS application of
the same name. Its purpose in life is to compress text files (although it will
work with binary files as well), into a format which may be read by Barry's
Reader application for the Psion 3 palmtop computer. This port requires
Risc-OS 3.1 or better to run. A hard disc, whilst not essential, is highly
2. Shareware
This program is shareware. That means that you may freely distribute the
un-registered version, provided that you do not make a charge for it, and
only distribute the complete set of files unaltered and intact. You must
ensure that the registration number in the !Run file is set to 0.
The toolbox modules are copyright Acorn Computers Ltd. and are licenced
only for use on the Acorn family of 32-bit RISC computers. The compression
algorithm is copyright Barry Childress. The application shell is copyright
Tony van der Hoff.
You may use the unregistered software for a period of 30 days. If, after
that time you wish to continue using it, you must register it.
You may register your ownership and obtain the latest version of the software by
sending UK £5 (US $10) to:
Tony van der Hoff
3, Magpie Way,
Winslow, Buckingham MK18 3JT,
EMAIL 100113.2200@compuserve.com
Please state the version number of the copy you are using. If your copy is not
up to date, we will send you the latest version.
You will receive a registration number which should be entered in the !Run file
after installation.
The registration number is assigned to you personally, and may not be re-assigned.
If you wish to re-distribute the software please ensure that the registration number
in the !Run file is set to 0.
3. Installing TCReader
Assuming you have received this software in its archived form, you will need
to de-archive it using !SparkFS, or !Sparkplug. Save the application directory
to the place of your choice.
4. Using TCReader
Using the package is simplicity itself; Double-click on the application directory
to install it on the icon bar. The unregistered version reminds you that it is
Drag the file(s) to be compressed to the icon bar (or to the main window
when it's open). The main window will show the progress of the operation.
When you have dragged all files to be compressed into the application, you
may click on the 'Compress' button in the main window to initiate the
compression process. Because of the nature of the port, this will not
multi-task, but you are kept informed of the progress through the
compression process.
If you decide to keep the compressed data, you may click on the 'Save'
button, which pops up a standard SaveAs dialogue box. Drag your data
wherever you want.
Clicking 'Discard' at any time will abandon the work.
5. Comments and suggestions
Any comments and suggestions will be gratefully received, please make them
to the address above, or via EMAIL to 100113,2200@compuserve.com.
6. Acknowledgements
The author is grateful to Barry Childress for supplying the source code for the DOS
compression module, and for his help in getting it ported to RiscOS. Thanks are
also due to John Woodthorpe for originally suggesting this port, and for beta
testing the application.