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Redirection of output
'This program provides some of the basic+
(functions of the shells found on UNIX or*
'DOS workstations. Basic file operations*
'are supported (move, copy, delete, etc),
)and output redirection. Input redirection'
$and pipes have not been implemented.+
(There are 28 built in commands which are/
,listed alphabetically below. If a command is,
)entered that isn't one of these 'builtin'.
+functions, the 'path' is searched for files*
'matching the command. If a directory is/
,found instead, the current working directory.
+is set to this. Thus you can enter commands-
*such as 'a:' to change to drive 'a' of the
current device.
+(Please read the README file for details on
adding new commands),
)Where ever a filename is specified as the*
'argument to a command, either a full or"
relative pathname can be given.
-e.g. If the current directory is loc::m:/bat,.
+ the following commands will have the
same effect:
* cp loc::m:/bat/*.bat loc::m:/store/
cp *.bat /store/
cp /bat/*.bat ../store
#For many commands the output can be-
*sent to a file instead of the screen. This
is achieved by:
('command > file' OR 'command >> file'
+These are identical except that if the file.
+exists, ">>" appends the output to the file,
)and ">" trucates the file before writing.(
%The most recent 10 commands typed are,
)stored in the history. These are accessed#
by using the up/down arrow keys.#
Usage: alias [string1] [string2]
&With no arguments displays the current,
)aliases. With a single arguemnt, displays2
/the alias defined (if it exists) for <string1>./
,With 2 arguments, the alias for <string1> is
defined as <string2>.
Usage: bg
#Puts the shell into the background.!
Usage: cat <file1> <file2) ...
,Without arguments, this reads input from the1
.keyboard a line at a time and displays this to.
+the screen. Input is terminated by pressing
<ESC> on an empty line./
, This command is only really useful when the2
/ output is redirected to a file. Then it can be.
+ used to concatenate files together, or add0
- text to the end of a file from the keyboard.
Usage: cd <directory>
&Changes the current working directory.
Usage: cls
#Clears the screen (pretty obvious).#
Usage: cp <source> <destination>
0Copies the source file either to the destination7
4file, or if the destination is a directory it copies
the file iinto the directory.
Usage: date
#Displays the current time and date.
Usage: df [directory]
* With no arguments prints a summary of all
connected devices..
+ With a filename as an argument it displays+
(detailed information about the device on
which this resides.
Usage: echo "text"
? 1Outputs the specified text to the screen. Without%
? "arguments blank line is displayed.
Usage: edit <filename>
7 2Calls up the Psion word application in text editor
Usage: eval <expression>
)Performs an OPL 'eval' on the expression.
Usage: exec <filename>
)Translated OPL files which conform to the.
+shell3a interface can ONLY be run by typing-
*their name (without the .OPO extension) at*
'the command line. However for other OPO.
+modules this command will execute the code,(
%albeit without command line arguments
Usage: history
'Displays the last 10 commands typed in,,
)together with their history number on the
left side of the display.
Usage: ls [-l] [filename]
.If 'filename' is a directory, files within the,
)directory are listed, otherwise filenames,
)matching the specification 'filename' wil2
/ be listed. If no filename is given the current
directory is listed.
' -l Display modification time and file"
attributes for each entry.
Usage: man [command]
)With no arguments brings up the top-level0
-help screen. With the name of a valid builtin-
*command, it will display the help text for
that command.
Usage: mkdir <directory>
Creates the specified directory.
Usage: mv <file1> <file2>,
) or mv <file1> <file2> ... <dir>
/In the first form, the source file is copied to1
.the destination, and then deleted. This is the)
&same as the rename command, except you!
can move files across devices.-
* In the second form, one or more files are/
,copied into the destination, which should be
a directory.
Usage: pause <interval>
)Pauses for a time determined by the value2
/specified. If the interval is 0 or not supplied0
-the program will wait until a key is pressed.1
. If the interval is positive, the program will.
+pause for interval/20 seconds. If the value/
,is negative, the program can also be started
by a key press.
Usage: pwd
'Displays the current working directory.
Usage: rename <file1> <file2>
Usage: rehash
'Searches the PATH variable for .OPO and+
(.BAT files and stores the commands found-
*in an internal list. This list is searched*
'when a command entered doesn't match an
alias or built-in command..
+ This is run automatically when the path is
Usage: rescan
$Check for any attached devices. This$
!command must be used in order for)
&newly attached devices to be accessed.'
$Please note that this command resets'
$the current working directory on all
Usage: rm <file>
Deletes the specified files.
Usage: rmdir <directory>
Deletes the specified directory.
Usage: set [variable] [value]
=<With no arguments the current values of all the variables isD
=Adisplayed. If a variable is specified, only it's current value is
=$The following variables are defined:
=0Name Values DescriptionF
=Dappend ON or OFF If ON, output redirection using '>' willV
=S act as though '>>' was specified.G
=Dstatus ON or OFF If ON, the Psion status panel is shown.N
=Kunix ON or OFF If ON, '/', rather than '\' is used as theH
=E filename separator.K
=Hprompt string Defines the string printed to the leftZ
=W of the command input. %H includes theX
=U current history number, %P includesV
=S the current working directory, %pX
=U includes a shortened version of %P.H
=E %% prints a % sign.O
=Lpath string Specifies the search path for files andZ
=W directories. The current directory isZ
=W included automatically but not shown.G
=Dhelppath string Specifies the path to search to findD
=A this help file.K
=Hfont font style Specifies the font and style to use. If]
=Z the style is not specified, the existing]
=Z one is used. If the font is specified asM
=J '-1', it is not changed.
Usage: unalias <string>
,Removes the alias for <string> if it exists.
Usage: ver
!Displays the version of the shell
Usage: which <command>
)For the supplied command gives either the2
/alias information, identifies it as a buillt-in(
%function or gives the pathname of the
external command.