The Datafile PD-CD 4
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Welcome to the world of blobby, a strange lump of goo that generally blobs
around the place.
Use the keys "Z" and "X" to make Blobby splodge left and right. Pressing
the "'" key will make Blobby stand up allowing enemies to pass through his
legs. Pressing "/" will cause Blobby to sink through the floor if he is on
a platform or a block of ice. The Return key is used to turn Blobby into a
gun and shoot nasties.
The keys Q and S stop and start the music.
The object of each level is to reach the exit before the time limit is up
(Shown by the bar along the bottom of the screen). Each level contains a
number of items to halt your progress these are:
Springs - If Blobby lands on one of these he will be launched back upwards.
Launcher - If Blobby walks past one if these he will be sucked in and fired
Invisible walls - These are not shown on the screen but they act as normal
Teleporters - These move Blobby to a different point in the map.
Helium cylinder - If Blobby stops at one of these he will be inflated and
will start to drift up. He can also be guided left and right using Z and X.
Fake walls - These show as walls on the screen but Blobby can walk through
Lifts - Shown as arrows pointing upwards. When Blobby is over these
pressing up will make him rise.
There are also things to help you on your way. These can be collected and
Show secret - Once this is collected all the secret walls and invisible
walls are shown.
Bonus - This is just a points bonus.
At the end of each level, points are given for the amount of time you have
left and the number of nasties you killed.
If you like this demo then the full game is available for 5 pounds at this
David T. Johnston
70 Norse Road
Glasgow G14 9HT
Tel: 0141 954 6774
Email: D T. Johnston@STAC.ac.uk
The full game has different tunes, more levels, new bonuses (including Extra
lives, Freezer icons and Extra time) and new obstacles (including Locked
doors and Red/Blue switches).
1995 v1.00