The Datafile PD-CD 4
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Text File
770 lines
Y8888bo .d88oo
88[ 88[ d8` '8
88[ ]8P ]8P '[
88[ 88` .ooo .oo. d8[ `.oo, oo.oo oo, .o,oo oo.o ooo .oo. .oo.
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BasCompress v1.69, 04-Aug-1995
A BASIC compressor and cross-referencer
For RISC OS computers
============================================================ BasCompress ====
[1] License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
[2] Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
[3] Synopsis and features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
[4] A quick run through of the program . . . . . . . . 3
[4.1] The basic options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
[5] Problems and solutions (quickfire) . . . . . . . . 4
[5.1] ‘ENDPROC found in a function’ error . . . . . . . . 4
[5.2] ‘unexepcted UNTIL/ENDIF/ENDWHILE’ errors . . . . . 4
[5.3] ‘Undefined routine: <routine> (used <location>)’ . 4
[5.4] Run-time ‘No such function/procedure’ error . . . . 5
[5.5] Run-time ‘Syntax error’ error . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[5.6] Run-time logic errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
[5.7] Squeeze won’t work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
[6] Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
[6.1] Frontend Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
[6.2] Backend Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
[6.3] Bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[6.4] Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[7] Registration form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
======================================================== BasCompress ========
[1] License
This program is supplied "as is". No warranty, express or implied, of
the merchantability of this program or its fitness for any particular
purpose is given. In no circumstances shall the author, or any
provider or distributor of this program, be liable for any damage,
loss of profits, or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of
the use of this program.
Please note that this program is SHAREWARE, it is not free. You may
use this software for a trial period. If, after this you decide you
would like to continue using it, then you are required to REGISTER.
Failing to register, you are obliged to destroy all copies of this
program. A trial period ends when you realise that this program could
be used on your latest program.
Registration currently involves you sending a cheque for 15 (fifteen)
pounds sterling to the author, for which you will get a disc with the
latest version with your name in the info dialogue box (so PLEASE TYPE
CLEARLY). There is a form at the end of this document that you can use
to register. Registration will encourage the author to continue to
develop this program further.
For a further 5 pounds, registration will include a printed (600
d.p.i. laser) copy of the documentation. Note that this is not a
‘professional’ printing, just a pamphlet printed on a LaserDirect,
folded and stapled.
Payment in other currencies accepted so long as at the end of the day
I end out with the same amount of money. Credit cards not accepted.
Alternatively, send a CD of any contemporary composers or foreign
Zappa pressings.
Free updates are available from bc@cheepnis.demon.co.uk. Or send a
stamped, self-addressed jiffy bag if you do not have an email address.
[2] Installation
To get a working system, just copy the application directory (!BC) to
a writable media (so that any choices can be saved).
If you are not getting any throwbacks, please see §4.1 in the main
Page 1
======================================================== BasCompress ========
[3] Synopsis and features
BasCompress is a BasicV (v1.05) compressor and cross-referencer, i.e.
• Supports throwback
• Removes spaces and comments
• Removes all unused routines, and the junk left between routines
• Removes all constant variables, replacing use with definition
• Removes NEXT variables
• Reduces all labels (shortens them)
• Reduces numbers
• Converts SWI strings to numbers
• Converts ASC("x") to a number
• Loads in LIBRARYs, and OVERLAYs
• Handles line numbers
• You can tell it which labels NOT to reduce (i.e. EVALuated vars)
• Full cross-referencing, multi-level, multi-sort
• It is FAST
BasCompress consists of two programs, a Wimp front end, and the actual
program itself (the back end). You can use the back end directly in
your script files, and use the Wimp front end for casual use. The
back end supports throwback.
The Wimp front end supports interactive help, and it is suggested that
the first time user use this. Interactive help can be turned on by
running the !Help application that came supplied with the computer.
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======================================================== BasCompress ========
[4] A quick run through of the program
Drag the Log file icon from the control window to a directory display.
Now drag one of your BASIC files onto the control window.
If any errors were found in the code then your text editor will
display a throwback window. This allows you to click an error line
and the editor will show that line. StrongED, SrcEdit and Zap
support throwback.
The log file will appear (auto-loading Edit if need be). Don’t close
this window yet, although you may resize/move it.
Now drag the BASIC (output) file icon from the control window onto a
directory display.
Click ADJUST on the icon bar icon (which re-load’s last file using
the current options)
[4.1] The basic options
Because Basic is a highly idiosynchratic language, BasCompress prefers
code that conforms to a certain style. It can get confused when asked
to process some types of (valid) Basic.
For ‘safe’ usage of BasCompress, ie where BasCompress turns off all
its’ intelligence then ensure that:
• menu item ‘Input->Ignore exits from a routine (‘dumb’)’ ON
• menu item ‘Output->Parse numbers’ OFF
• menu item ‘Output->Remove constant variables’ OFF
• all menu items ‘Output->Reduce variable names’ OFF
• all menu items ‘Output->Reduce routine names’ OFF
with all the above settings then BasCompress will not abuse your code
too much. However, the quality of compressed code is not that great.
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======================================================== BasCompress ========
[5] Problems and solutions (quickfire)
[5.1] ‘ENDPROC found in a function’ error
If the log file has lots of these warnings:
warning 9: ENDPROC not at end of procedure